Available Trace Data

The trace data selection determines the data and measurement calculation used to create a trace. The trace data that is selected varies with instrument configuration and measurement type.

The following tables list the basic trace data available when the measurement type is set to Vector or Analog Demod. See Optional Measurement Software trace data for information about trace data selections available for the digital modulation analysis and other measurement types.

Channel trace data

This table lists the trace data available for individual channels.

Auto Correlation

Inst Spec


Main Time

CCDF Summary





Raw Main Time

Gate Time

Segmented Main Time

Inst Main Time


Cross Channel trace data

The following cross channel data is available for multi-measurement channel measurements. Cross channel traces compare a selected reference channel to a selected measurement channel.


Freq Response

Cross Correl

Impulse Response

Cross Spectrum


Power Spectrum trace data

The following trace data is available for Power Spectrum measurements.

Spectrum (Average)

Spectrum (Peak)

Spectrum (Negative Peak)

Spectrum (Sample)

Spectrum (Normal)



Other trace data types



Math †

Register ††

No Data

† Trace Data is only available when at least one math function is defined.

†† Trace Data is not available when all data registers are empty.

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