Profile Tab (LTE)

The Profile tab allows you to specify user channel allocations as well as specify which channels are shown on traces and used in the EVM and EVM Pk data results on the Error Summary trace.

Below is a list of parameters on the Profile tab:

The Composite Include group box lists the channels in the signal being analyzed. Clearing a channel's check box will remove that channel from calculations and traces, except for Frame Summary, which shows information on all channels.

When Non-alloc is selected, unused subcarriers will be shown on all traces and included in EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format. and power calculations. See the Frame Summary Non-Alloc topic and the Composite Include topic for more information on the definition of Non-alloc for different traces.

The Profile tab includes a user allocation map at the bottom which shows the manually specified user allocations (see LTE Allocation Editor) when RB Auto Detect is cleared.

The user allocation map allows you to select which user channels to show on the traces and include in calculations. Clicking on a channel toggles whether that channel is selected.

See Also

5G Candidate Tab

Advanced Tab

Decode Tab

Format Tab

Time Tab

LTE Demod Properties Dialog Box