Measurement Setup Parameters (Infiniium)

This topic lists the measurement setup parameters unique to  89600 VSA with Keysight Infiniium Series oscilloscopes measurement hardware. This information will help to properly setup the 89600 VSA and make measurements using the various Infiniium Series scopes.

Available Measurement Setup Parameters:








Setup Save/Recall

Frequency Bands


Frequency Counter

Trigger Holdoff




Custom Channel Configurations  

Measurement Setup Parameters:

Alignment/Calibration:  Calibration is not supported.

Channels: 4 baseband channels are available.

Custom Channel Configurations: The Custom Channel Configurations dialog (Input > Channels > Custom...) is used to create custom channel mapping configurations, that is, you can reconfigure the hardware input channel to VSA measurement channel connections. The VSA only allows valid channel configuration mappings; "invalid" channel configuration mappings are disallowed (indicated by a red "X") and the "OK" button is disabled "greyed out". Only one Physical channel per Logical channel is permitted and the Measurement channels must be connected in sequential order from channel 1 to channel n, where n is the highest channel.

Connection: 50 Ohm unbalanced only (90000, 90000 X-Series, V-Series, Z-Series, UXR-Series)
50 Ohm or 1 M Ohm unbalanced is available (9000, S-Series).

The VSA's Connection parameter will always be Single-ended (unbalanced) for Infiniium oscilloscopes since the Connection parameter refers to the input connector of the oscilloscope and not the probe (which can be single-ended or differential).

Coupling: AC/DC for 9000, and S-Series. DC only for 90000, 90000 X-Series, V-Series, Z-Series and UXR-Series.

AC coupling and the 50 Ohm input connection can not be selected at the same time. (They are mutually exclusive.)

Frequency Bands: Limits depend on the scope model you are using.

Frequency band: 0 to the scope's maximum BW. See the list of supported Infiniium Oscilloscopes for maximum bandwidths.

Frequency Counter: Not available.

Hardware: The measurement setup parameters described in this section is valid when the Infiniium Series Oscilloscope is selected as the Logical Instrument (Utilities > Hardware > Configurations).

See LAN/GPIB Connection Problems for help with potential problems, such as long startup times and/or unexpected behavior.

Overlap: The Infiniium Series scopes do not support overlap processing. However, overlap processing is available during recording playback.

Preset: The default parameter settings that are different from the Preset Setup settings are listed below. (Any parameters not listed here are set to the same value as Preset Setup.)

Range:   22 dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer
Coupling:  DC
Connection:  50 Ohm Unbalanced (single ended)
Frequency:  varies with scope model. See the list of supported Infiniium Oscilloscopes for maximum frequency.

ResBW: varies with scope model
Main Time Length:  varies with scope model
Max Overlap:  90%
Gate on/off:   Off
Gate Length: varies with scope model

Range: The menu path for selecting range is Input > Analog in the 89600 VSA. The input range maximum and minimum limits are listed below (for a reference impedance of 50 Ohms). The step size between ranges is approximately 2 dB in most cases, although there are a few exceptions due to the quantization of ranges on the Infiniium Series scope.

Range Limits: -28 dBm to +22 dBm in approx 2 dB steps

The minimum and maximum range limits may be different when using a probe.

Recording: the VSA application enables time data recording from the Infiniium Series scope to the PC's disk drive. The length of time waveform recording is limited by the memory available on the Infiniium Series scope. See the Keysight Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes Performance Guide Using 89600 VSA Software product note for more information.

Setup Save/Recall: The Infiniium Series scope state is not saved when the 89600 application is closed. When a setup is recalled into the 89600, the Infiniium Series state is set appropriately based on the recalled 89600 setup.

Span: The maximum span is dependent upon the bandwidth of the particular Infiniium Series scope model, see Frequency Bands above. The minimum span is dependent upon the sample rate set on the Infiniium Series scope. See the Keysight Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes Performance Guide Using 89600 VSA Software product note for more information. Span resolution is independent of the scope and unchanged from 89640B operation.

When User Rate is used and the specified sample rate is less than full rate, subsampling is used which can result in aliasing effects if the signal is not band limited to the selected span. See the Keysight Infiniium Series Oscilloscopes Performance Guide Using 89600 VSA Software product note for more information.

The Demod:" Not enough data. (Measurement step 'Demod' encountered this error) Error Message may show if the current hardware setup could not acquire enough time samples to complete the requested Digital Demodulation measurement.

Trigger Holdoff: Conventional and Below Level Holdoff styles are supported. See Holdoff and Holdoff Style sections in the Trigger tab (Input > Trigger) for more details.

Below Level Holdoff only works properly when the period of the carrier frequency is greater than the minimum pulse width supported by the scopes advanced pattern trigger mode of triggering.

When acquiring data in Segmented Capture mode, set Trigger Holdoff Style to Below Level to avoid phase discontinuities between segments.

Triggering: The following trigger parameters are available: