Material Handler I/O Connector

This rectangular 36-pin female connector provides communication signals between the PNA and a material parts handler. You can change the settings on the Material Handler IO connector using SCPI and COM commands. The settings are NOT accessible through the front-panel keys or display menu.

Note: On early PNAs this connector is labeled "GPIO". It is covered to indicate that the connector is not functional.

Overview - Controlling a Material Handler

The PNA is capable of interacting with an external material handler or part handler. This allows the PNA to be used in an automated test environment, where devices to be tested are inserted into a test fixture by a part handler, and sorted into pass/fail bins by the handler after testing is complete. By connecting the part handler to the PNA Auxiliary or Material Handler I/O ports, the PNA and part handler can synchronize their activities in a way that makes automated testing possible.

PNA and Part Handler Preparation

  1. Define the measurements you want to make.

  2. Define limits for each of the measurements.

  3. Configure the PNAs Material Handler port so that it is compatible with your part handler. This usually involves setting the handler logic, pass/fail logic, pass/fail scope, and pass/fail mode. These settings are made remotely using SCPI or COM commands.

  4. Use a cable to connect the PNA to your part handler.

  5. Put the PNA in External Trigger mode.

  6. Load parts in handler per manufacturer instructions.

Note: The Material Handler configuration settings REMAIN after an Instrument Preset. The settings will revert to their default settings ONLY after the PNA is restarted, or until they are changed by you. Material Handler settings are saved and recalled with Instrument State.

Flow Diagram

The following diagram and descriptions summarizes the events that occur during automated testing. 'DUT' refers to Device Under Test.

Text Descriptions

  1. (Optional). The PNA sends values out the Material Handler to configure external instruments. The A,B,C, and D ports of the Material Handler can be used to control devices used in testing, such as step attenuators, part handlers, or even the DUT itself. Also, the DAC1 and DAC2 lines on the Power I/O connector can be used to provide bias voltages for devices and instruments. If you wish to use the Material Handler for testing, you will need to write a program to send values out the various lines and ports, as there is no activity on these lines by default.

  2. The part handler receives a Ready for Trigger signal from the PNA. This indicates that the PNA is properly configured and ready to take a measurement.

  3. The part handler sends an External Trigger signal to the PNA. This signals that the part handler has settled, and allows the PNA to begin taking measurements.

  4. The PNA takes measurements on all triggerable channels.

  5. The Index line on the material handler goes to a Low state, which means that all required data has been collected by the PNA.

  6. The part handler removes the DUT from the test fixture, and inserts a new DUT into the fixture. This operation is often referred to as part handler indexing. The device just tested is staged (removed from the fixture and prepared for binning), and the next part to be tested is put into the fixture. The removed DUT cannot be assigned to a Pass/Fail bin yet, as the Pass/Fail status is not available.

  7. The PNA sends the Pass/Fail Status.

  8. The PNA sends the Pass/Fail Strobe meaning that the Pass/Fail status has been determined.

  9. The part handler reads the Pass/Fail Status line.

  10. The part handler bins the staged part based on the Pass/Fail Status.

  11. The test process repeats at step 1, waiting for Ready for Trigger from the PNA.

Material Handler IO Pin Assignments












/ Output port A0


/ Output port A1


/ Output port A2


/ Output port A3


/ Output port A4


/ Output port A5


/ Output port A6


/ Output port A7


/ Output port B0


/ Output port B1


/ Output port B2


/ Output port B3


/ Output port B4


/ Ext. Trigger


/ Output port B5


/ Output port B6 -or
/ Index Signal

Learn more


/ Output port B7 or
/ Ready for Trigger

Learn more


/ In/Out port C0


/ In/Out port C1


/ In/Out port C2


/ In/Out port C3


/ In/Out port D0


/ In/Out port D1


/ In/Out port D2


/ In/Out port D3


Port C Status


Port D Status


/ Output Port Write Strobe


/ Pass/Fail


/ Sweep End




/ Pass/Fail Write Strobe

Pin Descriptions


When this Input line receives a Low pulse from the material handler, data is latched on the OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT2 lines. See OUTPUT1|2 Data Output Write Timing

The Input Line activity can be read:




get_Input1 Method



Output1, Output2

See OUTPUT1|2 Data Output Write Timing

The current state of these latched TTL outputs may be set High or Low (Default setting) using the (non-user) SCPI  put_Output (COM) commands.

The next state (following a negative edge on the INPUT1 line) may be pre-loaded to High or Low (Default setting) using the user commands.

For example, on the next negative pulse on the INPUT1 line, you want the OUTPUT1 line to go from 0 to 1.  To do this:

CONT:HAND:OUTP1:DATA 0  'Force the OUTPUT1 line to 0
 'Set the OUTPUT1:USER buffer to 1, indicating the next state




Write User Data


put_Output Method

Read last value written


get_Output Method.

Write non-user data


put_Output Method

Read last value written


get_Output Method



Output Ports A and B

These two general purpose, 8-bit output ports are used to write data to the material handler. When any line changes state, all output lines are latched to the I/O connector as the Output Write Strobe goes Low.

The default state for data is Low.

See Data Output Write Timing Diagram

Set Port Logic:

The logic for the data lines can be set to either: Positive (1 = High) or Negative (1 = Low). This setting affects all data ports. They cannot be set independently.




PortLogic Property


Combine to read or write data to Port F:

Ports A and B can be virtually combined to write data to one 16-bit I/O port F.



CONTrol:HANDler:F <num>

put Port (F)



Input/Output Ports C and D

These two general purpose 4-bit Input/Output ports are used to write data (Output) or read data (Input). These lines could be used to write to an external device such as a step attenuator.

When any line changes state, all output lines are latched to the I/O connector as the Output Write Strobe goes Low.  See Data Output Write Timing.


Set Input | Output Mode:

Each port may be independently defined as Output or Input.




PortMode Property




Set Port Logic:

The logic for the data lines can be set to either: Positive (1 = High) or Negative (1 = Low). This setting affects all data ports. They cannot be set independently.




PortLogic Property


Read or write data:

Ports C and D can be virtually combined to read or write data to one 8-bit I/O port E. When combined, both C and D ports must be set to either INPUT or OUTPUT mode.





put Port (x)


Port C Status, Port D Status

These two output lines indicate the Read / Write mode of the C and D ports.

  • A Low level indicates that the associated port is in INPUT mode (read only).

  • A High level indicates that the associated port is in OUTPUT mode (write only).

These logic of these status outputs cannot be changed.

See Input/Output Ports C and D to learn how to set I/O Mode

See Data Output Write Timing



Output Port Write Strobe

This Output line goes Low to write data from Ports A and B and Ports C and D when a change is detected on any of the data lines.

These logic of this strobe output cannot be changed.

See Data Output Write Timing



External Trigger

When trigger source is set to external, this Input line accepts a trigger signal from the material handler. This usually means that a part is in place and ready to be tested.

See Trigger Timing Diagram




A Low signal on this Output line indicates to the material handler that the measurement is complete. This usually means that the handler can connect the next device. However, measurement data is not available until data is calculated.  See Trigger Timing Diagram.

Set Function:

This line also serves as a data line. Set the function using the following commands:







Ready for Trigger

When this output line goes low, it indicates to the material handler that the PNA is ready for a trigger signal.

See Trigger Timing Diagram

See Pass/Fail Timing Diagram

Set Function:

This line also serves as a data line. Set the function using the following commands:







Pass/Fail State

This Output line indicates to the handler whether the limit test has passed or failed.

Pass/Fail state is valid only when the limit test function is ON and while Pass/Fail strobe line is Low. See Pass/Fail Timing Diagram

Set Pass / Fail Logic:

  • Positive Logic: High=Pass, Low=Fail. (Default setting)

  • Negative Logic: High=Fail, Low=Pass.




PassFailLogic Property


Set Default Conditions:

  • PASS- the line stays in PASS state. When a device fails, then the line goes to fail after the Sweep End line is asserted.

  • FAIL- the line stays in FAIL state. When a device passes, then the line goes to PASS state after the Sweep End line is asserted.

  • No Wait- the line stays in PASS state. When a device fails, then the line goes to fail  IMMEDIATELY. (Default setting)




PassFailMode Property


Set Pass / Fail Scope:

  • Channel scope:  The line resets to the default state after the measurements on a channel have completed.

  • Global scope:  The line resets to the default state after the measurements on all triggerable channels have completed. (Default setting)




PassFailScope Property



Pass/Fail Write Strobe

A Low pulse indicates that Pass/Fail line is valid and the Pass / Fail State is output to the material handler.

The Pass/Fail Strobe is fixed in duration and timing. However, when the strobe occurs depends on the Pass/Fail Mode and Pass/Fail Scope (Channel or Global) settings. See Pass/Fail State

See Pass/Fail Timing Diagram




+5V nominal output (100mA max).

Protected by self-healing fuse.


Sweep End

This output line indicates the status of the PNA sweep. The sweep includes sweeping the source and taking data.

  • Low (falling edge) indicates that the specified sweep event has finished. This does NOT indicate that all calculations have finished.

  • High indicates that the specified sweep event is active.

See Trigger Timing Diagram

Set Sweep Event Mode:

  • Sweep: indicates that a single source sweep has finished. (Default setting)

  • Channel: indicates that a single channel has finished.

  • Global: indicates that all enabled channels have finished.




SweepEndMode Property



Timing Diagrams

Trigger Timing

All signals are active low.

T1 = 1 ms  External Trigger pulse width

T2  > 10ms Sweep End pulse width (both High and Low)


Pass / Fail Timing

T1 = 1 ms  Pulse width and response time of Pass / Fail Strobe

T2 > 10 ms  Ready for Trigger lag


Ports A-F Data Output Write Timing

T1 = 1 ms  Write Strobe response time

T2 = 1 ms  Write Strobe pulse width


OUTPUT1|2 Data Output Write Timing

The old state to new state transition can be either low to high (as shown) or high to low.

T1 = .6 ms  Output1|2 response time

T2 = 1 ms  Input1 Strobe pulse width

Input / Output Electrical Characteristics

All Material Handler I/O Input and Output lines are TTL compatible.

Input and Input/Output lines

Lines carrying information IN (or bidirectional) to the PNA from the material handler.

Maximum Input Voltages:

-0.5 V to 5.5 V

TTL High level:

2.0 V to 5.0 V

TTL Low level:

0 V to 0.5 V

Output Lines

Lines carrying information OUT of the PNA to the material handler.

Maximum Output Current:

-10 mA to 10 mA

Output Current

TTL High level:

-5 mA

TTL Low level:

3 mA

Output Voltage

TTL High level:

2.0 V to 3.3 V

TTL Low level:

0 V to 0.8 V