Sweep Settings

A sweep is a series of consecutive data point measurements taken over a specified sequence of stimulus values. You can make the following sweep settings:

See Triggering and other 'Setup Measurements' topics

How to set Sweep Type

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press Sweep

  2. then [Sweep Type]

  1. Click Stimulus

  2. then Sweep

  3. then Sweep Type


Sweep Type dialog box help

Note: Sweep Settings are not applied until either OK or Apply is pressed.

Channel  The active channel when Sweep Type was selected. Sweep settings will be applied to this channel.

Sweep Type

Linear Frequency  Sets a linear frequency sweep that is displayed on a standard grid with ten equal horizontal divisions.

  • Start  Sets the beginning value of the frequency sweep.

  • Stop  Sets the end value of the frequency sweep.

  • Points  Sets the number of data points that the analyzer measures during a sweep. Range: 2 to 20001.(Default is 201).

  • Power - Sets the power level or the source. Learn more.

  • IF Bandwidth - Learn more.

Log Frequency  The source is stepped in logarithmic increments and the data is displayed on a logarithmic x-axis. This is usually slower than a continuous sweep with the same number of points.

  • Start  Sets the beginning value of the frequency sweep.

  • Stop  Sets the end value of the frequency sweep.

  • Points  Sets the number of data points that the analyzer measures during a sweep. Range: 2 to 20001. (Default is 201).

Power Sweep  Activates a power sweep at a single frequency that you specify.  Learn about power sweep

  • Start  Sets the beginning value of the power sweep.

  • Stop  Sets the end value of the power sweep.

  • CW Frequency  Sets the single frequency where the analyzer remains during the measurement sweep.

CW Time  Sets the analyzer to a single frequency, and the data is displayed versus time. Learn more.

  • CW Frequency   Sets the frequency where the analyzer remains during the measurement.

  • Sweep Time  Sets the duration of the measurement, which is displayed on the X-axis.

  • Points  Sets the number of data points that the analyzer measures during a sweep. Range: 2 to 20001.(Default is 201).

Segment Sweep  Sets the analyzer to sweep through user-defined sweep segments.  Learn how to make these settings.

  • Independent Power Levels  Check to set the source power level for each segment. Test port uncoupling is also allowed.

  • Independent IF Bandwidth  Check to set the IF bandwidth for each segment.

  • Independent Sweep Time  Check to set the duration of the measurement for each segment.

  • X-Axis Point Spacing  Check to scale the X-Axis to include only the segments. Learn more.

  • Allow Arbitrary Segments  Check to allow arbitrary frequencies (overlapped or reverse sweeps). Learn more

  • Show Table  Shows the table that allows you to create and edit segments.

  • Hide Table  Hides the segment table from the screen.

Phase  Sweep the phase of one or more sources relative to another source. Choose values between -360° and +360°. Learn more.

  • Start  Sets the beginning value of the phase sweep.

  • Stop  Sets the end value of the phase sweep.

  • CW Frequency  Sets the single frequency where the analyzer remains during the sweep.

OK  Applies setting changes and closes the dialog box.

Apply  Applies setting changes and leaves the dialog box open to make more setting changes.

Cancel  Closes the dialog. Setting changes that have been made since the last Apply button click are NOT applied.

Power Sweep

A power sweep either increases or decreases source power in discrete steps. Power sweep is used to characterize power-sensitive circuits, with measurements such as gain compression.

In the Sweep Type dialog, specify Start power, Stop power, and CW Frequency. Power can be swept over any attainable range within the analyzer ALC range.

Note: If the PNA has source attenuators, and the attenuation must be changed in order to achieve the requested start and stop power, click Stimulus, then Power then Power and Attenuators.

The PNA does NOT allow power to sweep over a range that requires attenuator switching. However, two power sweeps can be performed in different channels. The attenuators will not be allowed to switch continuously, but triggering can be performed using single or group triggering. Learn more.

The remaining power settings apply in power sweep mode:


Segment Sweep

Segment Sweep activates a sweep which consists of frequency sub-sweeps, called segments. For each segment you can define independent power levels, IF bandwidth, and sweep time.

Once a measurement calibration is performed on the entire sweep or across all segments, you can make calibrated measurements for one or more segments.

In segment sweep type, the analyzer does the following:

Restrictions for segment sweep:

How to make segment sweep settings

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press Sweep

  2. then [Sweep Type]

  1. Click Stimulus

  2. then Sweep

  3. then Sweep Type

  4. then Segment

The Segment Table will be shown automatically when the Segment Table softkey menu is displayed. The Table will be hidden automatically after exiting the Segment Table menu. 

To display the Segment Table while using a menu other than the Segment Table menu, use the 4th softkey on the menu to control when the table is shown. The softkey offers three behaviors based on the softkey’s changing label.

  • Show Segment Table:  causes the Segment Table to appear but it will automatically hide when exiting the menu.

  • Hide Segment Table:  hides the Segment Table to appear but it will automatically reappear if the menu is exited then re-entered.

  • Pin Segment Table:  causes the Segment Table to appear and it will remain displayed after exiting the Segment Table menu.

To make the following menu settings available, you must first show the segment table.

From the menus, click Stimulus, then Sweep, then Segment Table, then Show Table.  

Then choose from the following:

Add Segment - adds a sweep segment at the end of the segments.

Insert Segment - adds a sweep segment before the selected segment.

Tip: You can also click the "down" arrow on your keyboard to quickly add many segments.

Delete Segment - removes the selected segment.

Delete All Segments - removes all segments.

Note: At least ONE segment must be ON or Sweep Type is automatically set to Linear.

To Modify an Existing Segment

The above graphic shows the Segment table with all independent settings selected, including source power uncoupled (two power settings).

STATE Click the box on the segment to be modified. Then use the up / down arrow to turn the segment ON or OFF.

START Sets start frequency for the segment. Click the box and type a value and the first letter of a suffix (KHz, Mhz, GHz). Or double-click the box  to select a value.

STOP  Sets stop frequency for the segment. Click the box and type a value and the first letter of a suffix (KHz, Mhz, GHz). Or double-click the box to select a value.

Note: The segment table truncates the frequency resolution. To verify the frequency resolution that you input, create a marker at the start or stop frequency settings.

POINTS  Sets number of data points for this segment. Type a value or double-click the box to select a value.

To set IFBW, Power, and Sweep Time independently for each segment:

  1. On the Sweep menu, click Sweep Type, then Segment Sweep.

  2. Check the appropriate Sweep Properties boxes

  3. Then click the box and type a value or double-click the box and select a value.

Note: If the following are NOT set, the entire sweep uses the channel IFBW, Power, and Time settings.

IFBW  Sets the IF Bandwidth for the segment.

POWER  Sets the Power level for the segment. You can also UNCOUPLE the test port power. See Power Coupling.

TIME  Sets the Sweep time for the segment.

X-Axis Point Spacing  - Segment Sweep ONLY

This feature affects how a segment trace is drawn on the screen.

How to select X-Axis Point Spacing

On the Sweep Type dialog box, click Segment Sweep

Then check X-Axis Point Spacing

For example, given the following two segments:

Without X-Axis Point Spacing


With X-Axis Point Spacing

Arbitrary Segment Sweep

This feature allows arbitrary frequencies to be entered into the segment sweep table. With this capability, segments can have:

How to enable Arbitrary Segment Sweep

  1. On the Sweep Type dialog box, click Segment Sweep

  2. Check Allow Arbitrary Segment Sweep


    • Unusual results may occur when using arbitrary sweep segments with markers, display settings, limit lines, formatting, and some calibration features.

    • When Allow Arbitrary Segment is checked, X-axis point spacing is automatically turned ON.

Sweep Time

The analyzer automatically maintains the fastest sweep time possible with the selected measurement settings. However, you can increase the sweep time to perform a slower sweep.

How to set Sweep Time

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press Sweep

  2. then [Time]

  1. Click Stimulus

  2. then Sweep

  3. then Sweep Time


Time dialog box help

Sweep Time  Specifies the time the analyzer takes to acquire data for a sweep. The maximum sweep time of the analyzer is 86400 seconds or 1 day. Learn about other settings that affect sweep speed.

X-Axis Time  Set Start and Stop time to be displayed on the X-axis. These settings are ONLY available for Pulse Profile measurements.

Note:  If sweep time accuracy is critical, use ONLY the up and down arrows next to the sweep time entry box to select a value that has been calculated by the analyzer.  Do NOT type a sweep time value as it will probably be rounded up to the closest calculated value. This rounded value will not be updated in the dialog box.

  • The actual sweep time includes this acquisition time plus some "overhead" time.

  • The analyzer automatically maintains the fastest sweep time possible with the selected measurement settings. However, you can increase the sweep time using this setting.

  • Enter 0 seconds to return the analyzer to the fastest possible sweep time.

  • The Sweep Time setting is applied to the active channel.

  • The sweep time is per sweep. A full 2-port cal requires two sweeps, both using the specified sweep time. Learn more.

  • A Sweep Indicator appears on the data trace when the Sweep Time is 0.3 seconds or greater, or if trigger is set to Point. The indicator is located on the last data point that was measured by the receiver. If the indicator is stopped (point sweep mode) the source has already stepped to the next data point.

Sweep Setup

How to make Sweep Setup settings

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press Stimulus

  2. then [Sweep]

  3. then [Sweep Setup]

  1. Click Stimulus

  2. then Sweep

  3. then Sweep Setup


Sweep Setup dialog box help

Channel  Specifies the channel that the settings apply to.

Stepped Sweep  When checked (Stepped Sweep) the analyzer source is tuned, then waits the specified Dwell time, then takes response data, then tunes the source to the next frequency point. This is slower than Analog Sweep, but is more accurate when testing electrically-long devices.

When cleared (Analog Sweep) the analyzer takes response data AS the source is sweeping. The sweep time is faster than Stepped, but could cause measurement errors when testing electrically-long devices.

When the dialog check box is cleared, the analyzer could be in either Analog or Step mode. The mode can change from sweep to sweep. There is NO way to determine whether the analyzer is in Analog or Stepped Sweep. If you want to be sure what the current sweep mode is, then switch it to Stepped.

Stepped sweep is automatically selected for a number of reasons. Here are some of the reasons:

Dwell Time  Specifies the time the source stays at each measurement point before the analyzer takes the data. Only applies to stepped sweep. The maximum dwell time is 100 seconds. See also Electrically Long Devices.

Sweep Delay  Specifies the time to wait just before acquisition begins for each sweep. This delay is in addition to Dwell Time (per point) and External Trigger delay if enabled.

Fast Sweep   NOT available on N5264A and N523xA models.   When checked, in Analog Sweep mode the analyzer source settling times are shortened in both frequency and power-control (ALC) circuits. In Stepped Sweep mode, the settling time at ALL data points are shortened. This nearly doubles the sweep speed at preset conditions, but at the expense of frequency accuracy and a few dB of amplitude variation. For ratioed measurements, such as S-Parameters, these errors substantially ratio out.

  • By default, Fast Sweep is always OFF to provide maximum accuracy and stability.

  • Fast Sweep is NOT allowed with Power Limit enabled.

  • Note: Performance specifications do NOT apply in Fast Sweep.

Alternate Sweeps  This selection is no longer available from the user interface. The inherent crosstalk on the PNA is sufficient without this feature.  Remotely, this setting is still available and sweeps can be performed alternately. However, receivers can NOT be turned off individually on the PNA-X, N522xA, or N523xA models.

Sweep Sequence

Standard Sweep  When checked, the analyzer sweeps all data points for each source port in turn. For a 2-port analyzer, this means that all data points are swept in the forward direction, then all data points are swept in the reverse direction.  Even when NO reverse parameters are displayed (S22 or S12), reverse measurements are necessary when a full 2-port calibration is correcting the channel. This is the default behavior.

Point Sweep  Available ONLY on standard S-parameter channels.  When checked, the analyzer measures all parameters at each frequency point before stepping to the next frequency. The display trace is updated as each data point is measured.

  • Point sweep usually results in slower sweeps and is useful only in rare circumstances.

  • Point sweep is the same as stepped sweep mode on the 8510 and 8530.  

Last modified:


Changed "IF Bandwidth is at, or below, 1 kHz" to 5 kHz.


Point sweep edit (JE)


Edited for N523x models


Edited Alternate sweep


Added Phase Sweep and Time diag (9.30)


Added link to Wide Power Sweep


Sweep Delay and Point sweep now on C models


Added segment frequency resolution note.


Replaced N5242A with PNA-X


Added faster power sweep


Added point sweep availability


Removed 'band-crossings' at fast sweep.


Added point sweep (8.35)


Removed legacy content


Added Fast Sweep


Added uncoupled power sweep


Updated again for Step mode


Added Alternate Sweep note


Increased max data points


Updated Step mode conditions