This topic lists new programming commands, starting with the latest VNA firmware version and going back to version A.16.20.xx. For earlier versions, see Programming Commands History.
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.19.10.xx See What's New.
Source Modulation Commands |
Preserve Burst Characteristics of Original Signal |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:OPTimize:BURSt:PREServe:ENABle |
None |
Enable Spectral Leakage Tapering Window With [x] Taps |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.17.60.xx See What's New.
Display Commands |
Returns a comma separated list of the sheet numbers in use in the order they appear in the GUI. |
None |
Sense Correction Commands |
Set and read the state of the noise receiver pulling during calibration. |
SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:NOISe:RECeiver:PULL[:STATe] <bool> |
None |
Math Commands |
Returns a boolean value to indicate if Python is installed. |
None |
Returns all importable Python packages and their version numbers as provided by sys.path. |
None |
Returns a string containing the Python version number if Python is installed, else returns an empty string. |
None |
Guided Calibration GUI |
Applies Smith Chart to the display format during a Guided Calibration. |
Clears the flags for windows to be shown during calibrations. |
Set the 'show' state of the window to be displayed during a calibration to view the measurements/channels. |
Clears ALL flags for channels to sweep during calibration. |
Returns a list of property values that can be queried for the specified Cal Set |
Returns the list of port labels on the selected ECal module. |
Returns a list of state or port labels for ECal. |
Sets the internal state of the ECal module. |
Reads the temperature condition at microcircuit in the specified ECal module. |
Reads the temperature at microcircuit in the specified ECal module. |
X-axis Annotation Preference |
Set and read the scope for the stimulus information on the display title bar. |
Hybrid Source Commands |
Enable Pulse (Input) |
None |
Enable Pulse (LO) |
None |
Lock Dependent Sources |
None |
Freq Max (SSB Mixer) |
None |
Freq Min (SSB Mixer) |
None |
Gain (SSB Mixer) * |
None |
Equation (SSB Mixer) |
SYSTem:CONFigure:EDEVice:SOURce:HYBRid:OUTPut:MIXer:SIDeband |
None |
* This command is updated from firmware Rev A.17.00.xx.
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.17.20.xx See What's New.
Source Modulation Commands |
Returns the detailed messages generated by modulation correction. |
SOURce<cnum>:MODulation<port>:CORRection:COLLection:ACQuire:DETails? |
None |
Enable or disable the option that new Cal will update the currently active correction. |
SOURce<cnum>:MODulation<port>:CORRection:COLLection:UPDate:ENABle |
None |
Save and Recall Calibration Configuration Commands |
Returns a text description (string) of the current calibration settings. |
None |
Loads the calibration configurations from file and commits all settings. |
SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CONFig:LOAD[:IMMediate] <string> |
None |
Returns a text description (string) of the calibration settings contained in the specified filename. |
SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CONFig:LOAD:DESCription? <string> |
None |
Save the current guided calibration settings to file. |
None |
Trigger Mode Command |
Segment trigger is now a choice. |
None |
Segment Material Handler Port A Output Commands |
Enable/disable Handler Port A by segment. |
None |
Set an 8-bit value for the Handler A segment. |
None |
Multiple Memory Trace Commands (Data -> New Trace) |
Returns whether the measurement number of the new measurement is locked. |
None |
Allows several memory traces to be saved from the same trace data. |
None |
Simulator Dummy DUT Commands |
Set/get trace sNp file for dummy DUT. |
None |
Add some noise on simulator measurement. Preset & Save/Recall does not work for this command |
None |
CSET Commands |
Returns the IF Bandwidth value for the specified Cal Set |
None |
Returns a specified start or stop frequency for converter/mixer Cal Sets |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of doubles with all the start or stop values for the frequency segments |
None |
Returns either the start or stop swept frequency for the specified Cal Set |
None |
Returns a list of property values that can be queried for the specified Cal Set |
None |
Returns the number of frequency points |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of doubles holding the power value for every calibrated port. |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of strings holding the gain value for every calibrated port. |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of integers holding the calibrated port numbers. |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of doubles holding the power value for every calibrated port. |
None |
Returns the security level associated with the specified Cal Set |
None |
Returns the sweep mode for the specified Cal Set |
None |
Returns the sweep type for the specified Cal Set |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.17.00.xx See What's New.
Math Commands |
For Smith Chart format, changes trace statistic units from Log Mag (dB) to impedance (ohms) on the screen. |
None |
SourceDPD Commands |
Enable or disable automatic waveform compaction. Compacting the waveform enables faster optimization. |
SOURce<cnum>:DPD<GuiActiveSourcePort>:MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:AUTO |
None |
Sets the waveform compaction level. Compacting the waveform enables faster optimization. |
SOURce<cnum>:DPD<GuiActiveSourcePort>:MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:LEVel |
None |
Sets the NMSE Optimization Goal in dB. If enabled, the optimizer attempts to minimize parameters while still resulting in an NMSE less than the value entered. |
SOURce<cnum>:DPD<GuiActiveSourcePort>:MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:GOAL |
None |
Enable or disable the NMSE Optimization Goal. If enabled, the optimizer attempts to minimize parameters while still resulting in an NMSE less than the value entered. |
SOURce<cnum>:DPD<GuiActiveSourcePort>:MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:INCLude |
None |
External Device Commands for Hybrid Source |
Sets the nominal gain of the SSB mixer system. The nominal gain value is used to set the input source power in order to get the desired output source power. |
None |
For an SSB Mixer, the center of the input modulated signal is offset from DC by the carrier frequency. |
SYSTem:CONFigure:EDEVice:SOURce:HYBRid:INPut:FREQuency:CARRier |
None |
If there is a multiplier placed between the Input Source and the SSB mixer, then use this command to specify the multiplication factor. |
SYSTem:CONFigure:EDEVice:SOURce:HYBRid:INPut:FREQuency:MULTiplier |
None |
Select external or internal sources for the input source. |
None |
Sets the maximum power allowed for the Input Source. |
None |
If there is a multiplier placed between the LO Source and the SSB mixer, then use this command to specify the multiplication factory. |
SYSTem:CONFigure:EDEVice:SOURce:HYBRid:LO:FREQuency:MULTiplier |
None |
Select external or internal sources for the LO source. |
None |
Sets the output power of the LO. |
None |
Currently provides two selections: SSB Mixer (default) and Multiplier. The External Device dialog changes appearance and available settings according to the Hybrid Type you select. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.16.20.xx See What's New.
IMD Receiver Configuration Commands |
Sets and returns the number of receivers to use in the receiver configuration. |
None |
Modulation Distortion Commands |
Include or exclude the NF nominal value. |
None |
Digital Predistortion Commands |
Sets and reads the scaling factor used for the waveform. |
None |
Calibrate the DPD model from the setting define using the model commands. |
None |
Sets and reads the interpolation type used in the AM/AM and AM/PM segments for the Dynamic Gain model. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of input future time samples to use for calculating the current output sample. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of memory operators used for characterizing the device in the Dynamic Gain model. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of input past time samples to use for calculating the current output sample in the Dynamic Gain model. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of Memory Stepsize. |
None |
Enable or disable the DPD model optimization. |
None |
Include or exclude memory operators when optimizing the DPD model. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of power segments. |
None |
Sets and reads the minimum points per power segment |
None |
Create the model using Direct DPD from file or Direct DPD measurement. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum PAPR Expansion. |
None |
Sets and reads the backoff power level used during the linear gain S21 measurement for the DPD Dynamic Gain model. |
None |
Enable or disable the DUT Linear Gain measurement during the DPD Direct. |
None |
Link VNA to 89600 VSA Command |
Automatically save the VSA state file and embed it into VNA state file |
None |
Sets to stream ideal input power to VSA measurement channel. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and reads the source correction type. |
None |