This topic lists programming command history, starting with firmware version A.15.75.xx and earlier. For recent firmware versions, see New Programming Commands.
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.75.xx See What's New.
Digital Predistortion Commands |
Sets the collection acquire. |
None |
Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not. |
None |
Enable or disable the distortion calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of distortion correction iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a distortion calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired distortion calibration tolerance. |
None |
Sets and reads the linear or nonlinear distortion correction of the source at the DUT input. |
None |
Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the ACP Span. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for the ACP calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span of the EVM calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired EVM calibration tolerance for the modulation calibration. |
None |
Enable or disable the LO feedthru calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired LO feedthru modulation calibration tolerance. |
None |
Set and read the power modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired power calibration tolerance for the power modulation calibration. |
None |
Specifies the file path to recall an ideal modulation waveform file. |
None |
Specifies a DPD Model from a pre-existing file (*.mdpd). |
None |
Specifies the file path and file name to save the DPD Model as a *.mdpd file type. |
None |
Creates the Modeled DPD Waveform from a user-supplied Ideal Waveform file and a DPD Model file. |
None |
Creates the DPD Model from the settings defined using the model commands. |
None |
Sets and reads whether or not to perform crossterm calculations using default values for the crossterm equation. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of input future time samples to use for calculating the current output sample. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of input past time samples to use for calculating the current output sample. |
None |
Sets and reads the order of the polynomial equation used to model the DUT nonlinearity. |
None |
Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not. |
None |
Sets and reads DPD Model type. |
None |
Sets and reads the type of DPD procedure to use. |
None |
None |
Material Handler I/O Interface Command |
Set and Read the function for the specified port in Material Handler I/O interface. |
None |
None |
Pathwave Calibration Advisor System Service Commands |
Returns the instrument calibration information in JSON format. |
None |
Sets calibration interval to Keysight Recommended (according to the instrument model). |
None |
Returns the instrument calibration interval type. |
None |
Sets and returns the calibration interval value (interval in months). |
None |
Sets and returns the calibration status/due popup notification state during instrument running. |
None |
Sets new passcode. |
None |
Input existing passcode and enable all setting features. |
None |
Sets and returns the periodic calibration state. |
None |
Sets and returns the calibration due reminder days (30, 15, or 7). |
None |
IMD Receiver Configuration Commands |
Sets and returns the receiver configuration. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Returns valid measurement class names available on the VNA. |
None |
Returns the channel number of the specified measurement. |
None |
Returns the measurement number associated with the measurement name. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.65.xx See What's New.
Cal Update Commands |
Sets and returns the averaging used to improve noise errors. |
None |
Sets and returns the IF bandwidth used by the measurement channel. |
None |
Selects the channel(s) to calibrate. |
None |
Sets and returns the gate start value for time domain gating. |
None |
Sets and returns the state of gate coupling for gate start value. |
None |
Sets and returns the gate stop value for time domain gating. |
None |
Sets and returns the state of gate coupling for gate stop value. |
None |
Initializes the selected ports. |
None |
Recorrects the list of previously initialized ports. |
None |
Sets and returns the reference cal set name. |
None |
Selects the port numbers to initialize. |
None |
Use a channel's existing IF BW, Averaging, and Power value settings or enter the values manually. |
None |
Manually sets and returns the source power for the active measurement channel. |
None |
Licensed Features Commands |
Returns the list of licensed features. |
None |
Returns a "1" if the specified feature is enabled and a "0" if the specified feature is disabled. |
None |
Link VNA to 89600 VSA Command |
Sets the VSA spectrum settings to match the current SA coherent repetition rate. |
None |
Absolute Phase Command |
Enable/disable absolute phase. |
None |
Preference Command |
Controls the on/off state of the preference, "Use Unknown thru math for SOLT methods". |
None |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.60.xx See What's New.
SA Frequency Converter Commands |
Set and read the ON/OFF state of the dual band configuration for fast setting of the frequency converter DUT. |
None |
Set and read the source name that generates the modulated signal. |
None |
Set and read the port number of the VNA connected to the input of the frequency converter DUT. |
None |
Set and read the frequency converter DUT input center frequency. |
None |
Enable or disable inverting the spectrum (or mirror) by the frequency converter operation. |
None |
Set and read the port number of the VNA connected to the output of the frequency converter DUT. |
None |
Set and read the frequency converter DUT output center frequency. |
None |
Set and read the LO offset value. |
None |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Enables/disables adding all marker data to the text file (*.txt) output. |
None |
Returns whether or not the ports on an existing S2P file are reversed. |
None |
Sets whether or not to reverse the ports on an existing S2P file. |
None |
Set and read the display size. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.55.xx See What's New.
Noise Figure Commands |
Enables/disables the use of 302K as the ambient temperature. |
None |
Enables/disables the use of 302K as the source temperature. |
None |
Sets the temperature value at which the current noise measurement is occurring. |
None |
None |
Internal Source Modulation Commands |
Returns the name of the currently loaded internal source modulation file. |
None |
Loads the internal source modulation file. |
None |
Set and return the state of the specified internal source modulation port. |
None |
None |
SA Phase Stitching Commands |
Enables/disables selected receiver, or receiver with highest energy in the overlap area, to drive the phase stitching for all receivers. |
None |
Enable/disable phase stitching from hardware time stamps. |
None |
Set and read the minimum tone power level to perform phase stitching. |
None |
Set and read the receiver for stitching automatically. |
None |
Assigns a specified receiver for phase stitching. |
None |
Enable or disable phase stitching. |
None |
Link VNA to 89600 VSA Commands |
Enable/disable recomputing the advanced IQ parameters automatically. |
None |
Fill in the IQ settings automatically. |
None |
Set and read the IQ carrier frequency. |
None |
Read the IQ record duration. |
None |
Read the IQ error code to indicate whether the IQ settings are valid or not. |
None |
Read the error text to determine if the IQ settings are valid or not. |
None |
Set and read the number of IQ samples. |
None |
Set and read the IQ sample rate. |
None |
Enable/disable computing time domain IQ. |
None |
Set and read the list of receivers that will have their measurement traces kept in memory. |
None |
Set to stream input power to a VSA measurement channel (MOD/MODX channel). |
None |
Set to stream output power to a VSA measurement channel (MOD/MODX channel). |
None |
Set and read the receiver data to be transferred to the 89600 VSA. |
None |
Set and read the VNA to VSA connection state. |
None |
Set and read the data stream state. |
None |
Set and read the state of the digital trigger. |
None |
Sets the VSA window in front of the VNA GUI when the VSA-to-VNA connection is running. |
None |
Configuration information between the VSA measurement channel and corresponding VNA channel/VNA measurement. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets the window type for time domain transform. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.40.xx/A.15.50.xx See What's New.
X- and Y-Axis Commands |
Returns the current units of the X-axis. |
None |
Returns the current units of the Y-axis, |
None |
Returns the Y-axis values for the selected measurement in the current units. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Returns the current state of the Modify setting (NONE, NREFlect, or NXTalk). |
None |
Sets all reflection and crosstalk parameters on the DUT side to zero. |
None |
Returns TRUE if user is only using legacy SCPI fixture commands. |
None |
Sets and returns the Primary Clock setting and is controlled by the internal or external pulse generator which is the primary system clock. |
None |
Returns whether or not the Enable Remote Drive Access is checked in the Remote Interface dialog. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.30.xx See What's New.
Fixturing Power Compensation Command |
Adjust the source power compensation for gain/loss through “ALL” fixture components or through “DEEMbed” components only. |
None |
Licensing Command |
Enables/disables showing the licensed features dialog on startup. |
None |
Shared Memory Data Transfer Commands |
Closes the specified memory mapped buffer. |
None |
Closes the specified memory file. |
None |
Creates the memory buffer and saves the buffer to a file. |
None |
This command resets the current repeat index to 0. |
None |
TOPology Commands |
Saves the current active fixture topology to a file. |
None |
Loads an active fixture topology file. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
This query compares the stimulus of "chanNumber" with the stimulus stored in the specified calset. |
None |
Enable/disable using existing source power calibration array when acquiring calibration standard data: |
None |
Selects between a small- and medium-sized font displayed below the trace area of the display. |
None |
Returns the ID string, and optionally visa address, of power meters / sensors that are connected to the VNA via GPIB. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.15.05.xx See What's New.
GCA/GCX Phase Commands |
Remaps the source port to Port 1. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Returns the time the first point of a Time Sweep is measured. |
None |
Sets the time the analyzer takes to complete one sweep. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.14.80.xx See What's New.
Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) Commands |
Turns ON of OFF AFR mode conversion. |
None |
Resets the AFR configuration. |
None |
Gets or sets the manual start time in AFR configuration. |
None |
Gets or sets the manual stop time in AFR configuration. |
None |
Gets or sets the manual window type in AFR configuration. |
None |
Turns ON of OFF the manual window coefficient of the AFR. |
None |
Sets "System Z0" to Calibration Reference Z0. |
None |
Specifies whether thrus are used in case of multi-port fixtures. |
None |
Specifies whether the port impedances are normalized in saving the AFR fixture files. |
None |
Measures calibration standard. |
None |
None |
GCA/GCX Phase Commands |
Set and read the desired phase to measure compression. |
None |
Set and read compression format to be either magnitude, phase, or magnitude and phase. |
None |
Set and read the state of the mixer reference. |
None |
Set and read the aperture to use when computing the linear input power. |
None |
Set and read the state of the power smoothing. |
None |
Set and read the power smoothing aperture in percent. |
None |
None |
Modulation Distortion Edit Multitone Commands |
Set all tone states to on or off. |
None |
Returns the number of tones. |
None |
Returns the tone frequency in Hz relative to the carrier. |
None |
Loads the specified multitone file. |
None |
Sets and reads the phase in degrees of the specified tone number. |
None |
Sets and reads the power in dBm of the specified tone number. |
None |
Saves the specified multitone file. |
None |
Set specified tone state to on or off. |
None |
None |
Residual Phase Noise Commands |
Sets and returns the noise type to phase or residual noise. |
None |
Sets and returns receiver at the DUT input for residual phase noise measurements. |
None |
Sets and returns receiver at the DUT output for residual phase noise measurements. |
None |
LO Feedthru Monitor Commands |
Return the last monitor result of LO feedthru monitor. |
None |
Return the last monitor value of LO feedthru monitor. |
None |
Set and read the target receiver for LO Feedthru monitor. |
None |
Set and read the LO feedthru monitoring state. |
None |
Set and read the threshold level for warning. |
None |
Set and read the monitoring method for LO feedthru monitor. |
None |
Fixture Simulator Commands |
These commands are used to query and set fixture values on a scratch fixture. |
None |
These commands are used to query ONLY fixture values on the active fixture. |
None |
Phase Control Commands |
Returns the available internal ports that the external port can be set to. |
None |
Sets and returns the internal port that the external port is routed through. |
None |
Returns the available phase control modes for the specified port. |
None |
Sets and returns the Phase Control mode. |
None |
Returns the available parameters. |
None |
Sets and returns the ratioed receivers (parameter) to use for phase control. |
None |
Returns the available ports that can be used as phase control reference ports for the phase controlled port. |
None |
Sets and returns the reference port for the Phase Control measurement. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and returns the IF bandwidth filter shape |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.14.60.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Phase Reference Commands |
Reads the number of phase reference modules connected. |
None |
Reads the calibration data from the phase reference of the specified module (x), and writes the data to the Path |
None |
Reads the model number of the specified module (x). |
None |
Reads the serial number of the specified module (x). |
None |
Turns on the phase reference, and sets the divide number. |
None |
USB Noise Source Commands |
Sets and reads the noise source ON or OFF. |
Specifies whether to use the ENR file stored internally on the USB sensor or to use specified .enr file. |
None |
Returns a comma separated list of connected USB Noise Sources. |
None |
This writes the ENR file stored in USB Noise Sensor to the filename. |
None |
Sets and queries the USB noise source to use for calibration. |
None |
Returns sensor reported temperature in Kelvin. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and returns the measurement for the Balanced - Single-Ended - Single-Ended topology. |
This command enables/disables asynchronous sweeping during a calibration acquisition. |
None |
Limits start/stop times to avoid aliasing. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.14.40.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Phase Noise Application Commands |
Returns the calculated Allan deviation. |
None |
Returns the calculated Jitter. |
None |
Returns the calculated Allan variance. |
None |
Returns the measured carrier frequency. |
None |
Returns the measured carrier power level. |
None |
Sets and returns the dBc data array for the selected measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the dBc memory data for the selected measurement. |
None |
Returns the spurious data (0 or 1) for the selected measurement. |
None |
Returns the spurious memory data (0 or 1) for the selected measurement. |
None |
Returns the specified data for the selected range number. |
None |
Sets and returns the start frequency of the selected integration range. |
None |
Sets and returns the stop frequency of the selected integration range. |
None |
Sets and returns the integration range type of the selected integration range. |
None |
Sets and returns the weighting filter of the selected integration range. |
None |
Enables and disables the spot noise calculation on every decade offset frequency. |
None |
Returns the spot noise x-axis array of all decade offset frequencies. |
None |
Returns the spot noise y-axis array of all decade offset frequencies. |
None |
Enables and disables spot noise calculation for the selected measurement number. |
None |
Enables and disables spot noise calculation for the specified user-defined offset frequency. |
None |
Sets and returns the offset frequency on which the spot noise is calculated. |
None |
Returns the spot noise y-axis value of the specified offset frequency. |
None |
Enables and disables spurious analysis. |
None |
Returns a list of detected spurs. |
None |
Enables and disables spur omission. |
None |
Sets and returns the User Spur Table data which defines spurs to omit. |
None |
Deletes the User Spur Table data which defines spurs to omit. |
None |
Enables and disables user specified spur omission. |
None |
Sets and returns the spurious sensibility number. |
None |
Sets and returns the spurious table sorting order. |
None |
Sets and returns the minimum spurious threshold level. |
None |
Sets and returns the spurious threshold table data. |
None |
Deletes the spurious threshold table. |
None |
Enable or disable displaying the integrated noise table. |
None |
Enable or disable displaying the spot noise table. |
None |
Enable or disable displaying the spurious table. |
None |
Load user specified spurious frequency list of the active trace of the active channel. |
None |
Load the threshold table of the active trace of the active channel. |
None |
Enables and disables check for carrier. |
None |
Sets and returns the high frequency limit to use during a broadband carrier search. |
None |
Sets and returns the low frequency limit to use during a broadband carrier search. |
None |
Enables and disables a broadband carrier search. |
None |
Sets and returns the threshold to use during a carrier search. |
None |
Sets and returns the FFT average factor number. |
None |
Sets and returns the resolution bandwidth ratio. |
None |
Sets and returns the receiver for the phase noise measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the carrier frequency. |
None |
Sets and returns the sweep noise mode. |
None |
Marker Search Commands |
Spurious Search |
None |
Spurious Right >> Search |
None |
<< Spurious Left Search |
None |
Multi Spurious Search |
None |
Global Source Commands |
Set and return the frequency of the specified global source. |
None |
Set and return the output state of the specified global source. |
None |
Set and return the global sources that ignore the power off setting. |
None |
Set and return the power of the specified global source. |
None |
Set and return the global state of the specified global source. |
None |
None |
Modulation Distortion Commands |
Sets the X-axis fixed parameter for a fixed sweep type measurement in a Modulation Distortion channel. |
None |
Sets the X-axis fixed parameter value for a fixed sweep type measurement in a Modulation Distortion channel. |
None |
Enables or disables the external modulated source to pass through the attenuator of the specified PNA source |
None |
Selects between a ramp type power sweep or a list of power values to define a power sweep. |
None |
Adds a new row to the power sweep list table. |
None |
Deletes the specified row from the power sweep list table. |
None |
Sets and returns the power level used for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
None |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous power sweep list file. |
None |
Sets and returns the noise bandwidth setting used for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
None |
Selects the noise bandwidth mode in the power sweep list table. |
None |
Sets and returns the number of power points to measure for the power sweep list measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the receiver attenuation for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:RECeiver:ATTenuation |
None |
Selects the receiver attenuation mode in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:RECeiver:ATTenuation:MODE |
None |
Specifies the file path to save a power sweep list file. |
None |
Sets and returns the source attenuation for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:SOURce:ATTenuation |
None |
Selects the source attenuation mode in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:SOURce:ATTenuation:MODE |
None |
Sets and returns the starting power level for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the stop power level for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
None |
Enable or disable increasing noise bandwidth at high powers automatically for faster measurements. |
None |
Sets and returns the number of power points to measure for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
None |
Selects between a fixed or power sweep type of sweep. |
None |
Specifies the file path to save a modulation distortion table file. |
None |
Sort distortion table by band or power. |
None |
Enable or disable the LO feedthru calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
None |
Sets and reads the receiver for LO feedthru modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a LO feedthru modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired LO feedthru modulation calibration tolerance. |
None |
SA Commands |
Enables and disables baseband sweep independent of the LO sweep to allow signals down to 1 Hz to be analyzed. |
None |
Set and read enable force LO to the specified frequency. |
None |
Set and read the divider in the equation for setting LO frequency. |
None |
Set and read the multiplier in the equation for setting LO frequency. |
None |
Set and read the source name in the equation for setting LO frequency |
None |
Set and read enable force LO to frequency mode. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and reads the sample rate of the compact modulation file. |
None |
Enables or disables a brick-wall filter for spectral leakage. |
None |
Sets the local/remote state to local. |
None |
Enables/disables changing from local to remote status when a SCPI command is received. |
None |
Sets the raw data for the specified raw parameter buffer. |
None |
Returns the list of raw parameters associated with the measurement <mnum>. |
None |
Enables/disables External Reference settings being affected by Recall/Preset. |
None |
Sets and reads the True Mode state for a specified balanced port. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.14.20.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Receiver Leveling - Point Mode Commands |
Sets the phase offset between the two balanced stimulus ports. |
None |
Sets the power offset between the two balanced stimulus ports. |
None |
Sets the start value for a phase sweep. |
None |
Sets the stop value for a phase sweep. |
None |
Specifies which balanced port the phase will be swept. |
None |
Sets all ports to pre-sweep or point leveling mode for the specified channel. |
None |
Sets and returns the maximum iterations to be used in order to achieve the tolerance setting. |
Enables or disables the receiver leveling maximum iteration search function. |
None |
Sets the specific PULSe4 behavior. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Enables/disables selecting between the internal reference or external reference. |
None |
Returns the Synthesizer Revision number. |
None |
Sets and returns the measurement for the Balanced - Single-Ended - Single-Ended topology. |
Returns the VNA port number that is connected to the Negative side of the DUT's balanced port. |
CALCulate<cnum>:FSIMulator:BALun:TOPology:BSSended[:PPORts]? |
Returns the VNA port number that is connected to the Positive side of the DUT's balanced port. |
CALCulate<cnum>:FSIMulator:BALun:TOPology:BSSended[:PPORts]? |
Returns the VNA port number that is connected to the Single-ended port 1. |
CALCulate<cnum>:FSIMulator:BALun:TOPology:BSSended[:PPORts]? |
Returns the VNA port number that is connected to the Single-ended port 2. |
CALCulate<cnum>:FSIMulator:BALun:TOPology:BSSended[:PPORts]? |
For a Balanced-Single-ended - Single-ended device type, maps the VNA ports to the DUT ports. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.95.xx See What's New.
Modulation Distortion/Modulation Distortion Converters Commands |
Sets the measurement filter to either None (default) or RRC (root-raised-cosine filter) for EVM and ACP measurements only. |
None |
Sets and returns the Alpha factor of the measurement filter. |
None |
Sets and returns the Symbol Rate of the filter. |
None |
Enables or disables using the symbol rate from the file. |
None |
Resets the LO Frequency Delta and Tuning parameters to their default settings. |
None |
Sets and returns the Noise Bandwidth for Broadband and Precise tuning sweeps. |
None |
Enable or disable the distortion calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:ITERations |
None |
Sets and reads the receiver for distortion calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a distortion calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired distortion calibration tolerance. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:TOLerance |
None |
Enable or disable the equalization calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:ITERations |
None |
Sets and reads the receiver for equalization calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:RECeiver |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a equalization calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired equalization calibration tolerance. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:TOLerance |
None |
Allows setup of multiple carriers when defining a multicarrier signal. |
None |
Sets and reads the offset of the selected subcarrier. |
None |
Sets and reads the span of the selected subcarrier. |
None |
Enables or disables receiver timing auto generation from the source pulse timing. |
None |
AM Distortion Commands |
Sets and returns the compression level. |
None |
Enable/disable compression calculation. |
None |
Displays phase or amplitude distortion. |
None |
Sets the aperture value over which the phase or gain slope will be calculated. |
None |
Enables/disables phase slope (AMPM) or gain slope (AMAM) over the slope aperture to be displayed. |
None |
Trace Deviation Commands |
Calculates the deviation from a least-squares best fit line. |
Noise Tuner Commands |
Set and read a custom noise tuner file to be used instead of the one generated automatically based on the state. |
None |
Sets the state of the custom noise tuner file. |
None |
SA Commands |
Read the count of ADCs/receivers in overload status for the previous sweep. |
None |
Read the list of measured receivers in overload status for the previous sweep. |
None |
Set and read the ADC overload threshold percentage. |
None |
Read maximum ADC range of all receivers in use. |
None |
Read minimum ADC range of all receivers in use. |
None |
Read ADC range for specified receiver. |
None |
ead the current frequencies count. |
None |
Read the number of exported receivers. |
None |
Read the number of currently exported receivers. |
None |
Set and read the list of receivers to export. |
None |
Read the scalar data. |
None |
Set and read the ON/OFF state of the end of sweep processing. |
None |
Read the vector data. |
None |
Set and read the maximum pulse search count for the next pulse search execution. |
None |
Set and read the duty cycle tolerance. |
None |
Executes the pulse search. |
None |
Sets all the search parameters to their default values. |
None |
Returns the number of possible pulse configurations. |
None |
Returns the pulse period for found pulse configuration number. |
None |
Selects the found configuration number, and applies it to the measurements. |
None |
Returns the pulse width for found pulse configuration number. |
None |
Set and read the period tolerance. |
None |
Set and read the period starting point for the next pulse search execution. |
None |
Set and read the priority choice for the search algorithm. |
None |
Set and read the width tolerance. |
None |
Set and read the width starting point for the next pulse search execution. |
None |
Preferences Commands |
Enable or disable parallel processing in the CPU which provides higher calculation speeds. |
None |
Sets the Series-C and Shunt-L components to legacy or theoretical behavior when set to zero. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.80.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
SA Modulation Settings Commands |
Sets and reads the guard band between the end of the modulation signal and where ACPR is measured. |
None |
Enable or disable ACPR markers. |
None |
Adjusts frequencies and markers if modulation settings are changed. |
None |
Sets and reads the guard band on each side of the notch in an NPR measurement. |
None |
Enable or disable NPR markers. |
None |
Enable or disable automatic updating of SA sweep settings and coherence settings if the modulation settings are changed. |
None |
Source Modulation Calibration Commands |
Sets and reads the ACP lower frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the Cal Span. |
None |
Sets and reads the ACP upper frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the calibration span. |
None |
Returns a list of the calibrations stored in the .mdx file. |
None |
Deletes any of the calibration files stored in the .mdx file. |
None |
Returns the frequency of the specified source modulation calibration file. |
None |
Returns the power level of the specified source modulation calibration file. |
None |
Append source modulation calibration files stored in the .mdx file. |
None |
Sets and reads a fixed frequency. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of frequency measurement points. |
None |
Sets and reads the start frequency to use for a swept frequency source modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the stop frequency to use for a swept frequency calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration frequency type to fixed or swept. |
None |
Sets and reads a fixed power level. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of power measurement points. |
None |
Sets and reads the start power level to use for a swept calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the stop power level to use for a swept calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration power type to fixed or swept. |
None |
Create/Edit Modulation File |
Returns the peak-to-average value of the original signal. |
None |
Returns the peak-to-average value of the signal created from the original signal. |
None |
Returns the calculated start time of the signal created from the original signal. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:COMPact:TIME:STARt:CALCulated? |
None |
Returns the calculated peak-to-average value. |
None |
Returns the calculated signal span. |
None |
Returns the calculated sampling rate of the signal created from the original signal. |
None |
Returns the calculated number of tones. |
None |
Returns the calculated spacing between the tones. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
This command launches the Receiver IF Cal. |
SENSe<cnum>:DISTortion:CORRection:COLLect:IF:ACQuire [SYNChronous | ASYNchronous] |
None |
Enables or disables S-parameter sweep. |
None |
Sets and returns the IF bandwidth for the linear S21 sweep. |
None |
Sets and returns the step size for the linear S21 sweep. |
None |
Selects between a chirp signal from the external signal generator or an internal CW signal in the VNA for measuring S-parameters. |
None |
Automatically fills in the measurement settings for all bands from the currently active modulation file loaded in the source. |
None |
Enable/disable an SMU channel. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.60.xx See What's New.
Modulation Distortion Commands |
Sets and returns the noise bandwidth. |
None |
Enable or disable setting the noise bandwidth to its maximum possible value. |
None |
Selects between a narrow and wide IF filter anti-aliasing path. |
None |
Identifies the normalization used for the EVM measurements. |
None |
Sets and returns the frequency span window used for modeling the DUT's gain and distortion. |
None |
Enable or disable automatic calculation of the frequency span window used for modeling the DUT's gain and distortion. |
None |
Sets and returns the integration bandwidth (IBW) of the lower ACP measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the lower ACP measurement offset. |
None |
Sets and returns the integration bandwidth (IBW) of the upper ACP measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the upper ACP measurement offset. |
None |
Adds a new distortion measurement band. |
None |
Sets and returns the carrier (Signal) integration bandwidth (IBW) for the distortion measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the carrier offset (Signal). |
None |
Queries the total number of distortion measurement bands. |
None |
Deletes the specified distortion measurement band. |
None |
Deletes all existing bands and adds a single default band back into the Measurement Band Table. |
None |
Assigns a name to the specified distortion measurement band. |
None |
Sets and returns the notch integration bandwidth (IBW) for an NPR Notch modulation measurement. |
None |
Sets and returns the notch offset for an NPR Notch modulation measurement. |
None |
Set and read the modulation distortion type. |
None |
Sets and returns the distortion modulation source name. |
None |
Sets and returns the VNA port number connected to the DUT input. |
None |
Sets and returns the nominal DUT gain. |
None |
Sets and returns the nominal DUT noise figure. |
None |
Sets and returns the VNA port number connected to the DUT output. |
None |
Sets and returns the nominal gain of an external source amplifier. |
None |
Sets and returns the carrier center frequency. |
None |
Enable or disable the re-use of the previous linear S-parameter measurements if available and skip sweep. |
None |
Enable or disable noise sweep used for the distortion test. |
None |
Sets and returns the power level used to measure the DUT gain when operating in its linear region. |
None |
Sets and returns the power level used for the distortion test at either the input or output of the DUT. |
None |
Set and read where to apply power to the DUT (input or output). |
None |
Keeps RF power ON at the End of Sweep. |
None |
Sets and returns the delay in seconds before the test signal to allow the RF source to settle. |
None |
Calibrate Source Modulation Commands |
Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:ACP:LOWer:ITERations |
None |
Sets and reads the receiver for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a lower ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Enables or disables the upper ACP (ACPUp) modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:ACP:UPPer:ITERations |
None |
Sets and reads the receiver for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for an upper ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Create/Edit Modulation File |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
None |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous modulation file. |
None |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
None |
Sets and reads the Carrier offset value. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of compact modulation files to create. |
None |
Sets and reads the compact modulation file selection. |
None |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous modulation file from which to create a compact signal. |
None |
Sets and reads the Peak-to-Avg priority for Compact signals. |
None |
Sets and reads where to start the compact signal within the original signal. |
None |
Sets and reads the start time priority for Compact signals. |
None |
Sets and reads the DAC scale as a percentage of full scale. |
None |
Sets the NPR notch location type for the selected NPR Notch modulation type. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of NPR notches for NPR Notch modulation type. |
None |
Sets and reads the NPR notch offset frequency of the selected notch. |
None |
Sets and reads the span of the selected notch. |
None |
Enables or disables signal optimization settings. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of decimal digits limit for calculated frequencies. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:OPTimize:FREQuency:LIMit:DDIGits |
None |
Enables or disables the number of decimal digits limit for calculated frequencies. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:OPTimize:FREQuency:LIMit:ENABle |
None |
Sets and reads the frequency tolerance value (in percent). |
None |
Sets and reads the number of test signal harmonics you want to be protected against. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum distance between each tone. |
None |
Sets and reads the minimum number of tones. |
None |
Sets and reads theminimum waveform period. |
None |
Enables or disables the rejection of Nyquist frequencies. |
None |
Sets the optimize signal type. |
None |
Sets and reads the phase when Fixed phase is the Phase Type. |
None |
Sets and reads the phase seed when Random phase is the Phase Type. |
None |
Sets the phase type. |
None |
Sets and reads the signal span. |
None |
Sets and reads the signal span priority. |
None |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
None |
Set and read the auto sample rate. |
None |
Sets and reads the number of tones. |
None |
Sets and reads the tone number priority. |
None |
Sets and reads the tone spacing. |
None |
Sets and reads the tone spacing priority. |
None |
Sets the modulation type. |
None |
Distortion Table Commands |
Returns the currently displayed Distortion Table parameters. |
None |
Deletes the specified parameter from the Distortion Table. |
None |
Adds the specified parameter to the Distortion Table. |
None |
Returns a list of existing band names from the Measurement Band Table. |
None |
Returns a list of data parameter names corresponding to the currently specified Measurement Type. |
None |
Returns a list of data values from the Distortion Table for the specified band and parameter name. |
None |
Modulation Distortion Marker Commands |
Set and read the SA marker function type. |
None |
Sets and reads the integration bandwidth marker. |
None |
Sets and reads the ACPR density marker. |
Sets and reads the NPR density marker. |
Executes the search ACPR density marker. |
None |
Executes the search NPR density marker. |
None |
Measurement Data |
Retrieves trace data (Y data) from the modulation distortion measurement. |
Retrieves frequency tone data from the modulation distortion measurement. |
Pulse Generator Commands |
Sets and reads the device being controlled by the pulse generator output. |
SA Commands |
Set and read the phase display minimum level. |
None |
Enables/disables phase computing. |
Misc. Commands |
Set and read the name of the external DC device. |
Set and read the maximum limit of the external DC device. |
Set and read the state of the thru adapter de-embedding. |
None |
Sets or returns the noise figure bandwidth. |
Turns ON or OFF the noise figure bandwidth setting. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.50.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Spectrum Analyzer Commands |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band density marker. |
Returns the band density level in dBm/Hz from the band density marker. |
Set and read the phase display minimum level. |
Sets and reads the state of the band density noise marker. |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band power density marker. |
Sets and reads the state of the band power density marker. |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band tone density marker. |
Sets and reads the state of the band tone density marker. |
Sets and reads the frequency span used by Power Density to normalize the power. |
Sets and reads the spacing of the band tone density marker. |
Segment Sweep Commands |
Sets or returns the SA data threshold. |
Specifies whether SA Data Threshold can be set independently for each segment. |
Sets or returns the SA multitone reference. |
Specifies whether SA Reference Tone can be set independently for each segment. |
Queries the maximum value of the SA Reference Tone, which is the maximum frequency. |
None |
Queries the minimum value of the SA Reference Tone. |
None |
Sets or returns the SA vector average points. |
Specifies whether SA Vector Averaging can be set independently for each segment. |
Sets or returns the SA video bandwidth. |
Specifies whether SA Video Bandwidth can be set independently for each segment. |
Source Modulation Commands |
Sets and reads the frequency of the arbitrary waveform generator. |
None |
Sets and reads the I data for I/Q modulation. |
None |
Sets and reads the Q data for I/Q modulation. |
None |
Set and read the modulation state. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for an ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for an ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets the Notch location. |
None |
Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for a flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the flatness modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired flatness calibration tolerance for the flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations to provide the deepest notch. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for an notch modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the notch modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired notch calibration tolerance for the notch modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the power modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired power calibration tolerance for the power modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the modulation correction state. |
None |
Returns a list of modulation files (*.mdx). |
None |
Loads the specified modulation file. |
None |
Saves the specified modulation file. |
None |
Checks if pulse source exists. |
None |
Turns pulse modulation on and off with an external source. |
None |
Enable fast calibration. |
None |
None |
Power Meter Uncertainty Commands |
Returns a list of available power meters that have power uncertainty. |
Sets and returns a custom model uncertainty file containing all of the power meter uncertainty properties. |
Sets and returns the name assigned to a specific power meter model among those available for uncertainty. |
Returns the power level associated with the best accuracy for a specific power meter. |
Returns the power uncertainty associated with the specific power meter at the specified frequency and power. |
Pulse Generator Commands |
Returns the ADC delay. |
Sets the time lag between the pulse drive signal and the actual RF output. |
Enables / Disables offset delays. |
Enables / Disables pulse4 to use an oscilloscope connected to pin 13 of the PULSE I/O connector on the rear panel of the VNA to display when the ADC is making measurements. |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and returns the wave correction method. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.25.xx See What's New.
Spectrum Analyzer Commands |
Enables/disables adding marker data to the text file (*.txt) output. |
Enables/disables data level threshold mode. |
Sets and returns the threshold value (dBm). |
Returns the windowing factor for band power computation. |
Millimeter Wave Commands |
Return the calibration date of the active configuration's test set. |
None |
Return the calibration time of the active configuration's test set. |
None |
Return the calibration date of the active configuration's port. |
None |
Return the calibration time of the active configuration's port. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Sets and returns the power level knob resolution. |
Returns the word size (32 or 64). |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.13.20.xx See What's New.
Setup and execution of TDR measurement Commands |
Sets the type of parameter and format allocation for each trace. |
None |
Sets the DUT topology. |
None |
Sets the emphasis post1 level. |
None |
Sets the emphasis post2 level. |
None |
Sets the emphasis pre1 level. |
None |
Turns the emphasis function state ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the equalization CTLE DC gain parameter. |
None |
Sets the equalization CTLE Pole1 parameter. |
None |
Sets the equalization CTLE Pole2 parameter. |
None |
Sets the equalization CTLE zero parameter. |
None |
Sets the filename of the equalization equation user file. |
None |
Turns the equalization function state ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the equalization type. |
None |
Executes the calculation for the simulated eye diagram for the active trace. |
None |
Sets the bits' power of 2 for a PRBS pattern. |
None |
Sets the bit pattern type for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Sets the bit rate in bits/sec for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Sets the display limit value. |
None |
Sets the periodic jitter frequency. |
None |
Sets the periodic jitter magnitude in rms. |
None |
Sets the random jitter magnitude in rms |
None |
Turns the jitter function state with simulated eye ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the jitter function type for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Sets the voltage level for bit "1" for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Sets the rise time value for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Sets the rise time threshold for the simulated eye. |
None |
Sets the voltage level for bit "0" for the simulated eye function. |
None |
Returns the mask test result. |
None |
Turns the mask test function state with simulated eye ON or OFF. |
None |
Returns the results of the eye measurement. |
None |
Turns the overlay ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the rise time threshold level for the results of eye measurement. |
None |
Turns the Eye/Mask window ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets active marker number. |
None |
Returns the delta time result value. |
None |
Sets delta time reference position. |
None |
Turns the delta time marker in the marker search ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the target trace number for the delta time function. |
None |
Sets the trace format. |
None |
Sets the measurement parameter. |
None |
Sets state for the peeling function. |
None |
Sets state for the smoothing function. |
None |
Sets the impulse width value for the transform function. |
None |
Sets rise time value for the transform function. |
None |
Sets the rise time threshold level for the results of eye measurement. |
None |
Sets the stimulus type for the transform function. |
None |
Returns the rise time result value for marker search. |
None |
Displays the rise time marker. |
None |
Sets the rise time threshold for the rise time in the marker search function. |
None |
Display TDR Commands |
Turns the continuous auto-scale mode for the eye y-axis ON or OFF. |
None |
Sets the value of the y-axis scale per division for eye diagram. |
None |
Sets the value of the eye diagram y-axis reference line. |
None |
Sets the value of the eye diagram y-axis reference position. |
None |
Changes the background color of the screen. |
None |
Sets the display to off, data type, memory type, or data and memory type. |
None |
Executes x-axis auto scaling. |
None |
Sets the value of the x-axis scale per division. |
None |
Sets the value of the x-axis reference line. |
None |
Executes y-axis auto scaling. |
None |
Sets the x-axis reference position for the time domain measurement. |
None |
Selects the view point for waveform analysis either before or after the DUT. |
None |
Sets or gets the minimize state. |
None |
Memory TDR Commands |
Loads the specified user bit pattern file. |
None |
Loads eye-mask file. |
None |
Stores the user bit pattern file. |
None |
Stores the eye-mask file. |
None |
Correction TDR Commands |
Executes load measurement. |
None |
Executes open measurement. |
None |
Saves the result of the Loss Compensation sequence. |
None |
Executes a thru measurement. |
None |
Executes fixture compensation after ECAL. |
None |
Executes full calibration using the ECal module. |
None |
Sets the dielectric constant value. |
None |
Executes deskew (auto port extension). |
None |
Sets the standard for auto port extension. |
None |
Sets the reference impedance value. |
None |
Bandwidth, DUT information, avoid spurious function, and sweep TDR Commands |
Sets the IF bandwidth value. |
None |
Executes auto DUT length setting. |
None |
Sets the DUT length value. |
None |
Executes avoid spurious. |
None |
Queries the avoid spurious state. |
None |
Sets the value of input bit rate for avoid spurious. |
None |
Queries the Hot TDR mode status. |
None |
Sets the TDR averaging trigger state on/off. |
None |
Sets trigger mode. |
None |
Executes single trigger. |
None |
Enables/disables the Reduce IF BW at Low Frequencies feature in segments with IFBW arbitrary. |
None |
Source Power Level TDR Command |
Sets the source power level. |
None |
Preset TDR Command |
Executes a TDR preset. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.12.90.xx See What's New.
Multi-Dimensional Sweep |
Set and read the order for the specified DC source in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:DC:DIMension:ORDer |
Set and read the specified DC source’s ON/OFF state in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:DC:DIMension[:STATe] |
Read the names of source domains in the multi-dimensional sweep whose state is ON and whose dimension order is the specified dimension order. |
SOURce:DIMension:CATalog? |
Read the highest dimension order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:DIMension:COUNt? |
Set and read the point count for the specified dimension order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:DIMension:POINts |
Set and read the repeat count for the specified dimension order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:DIMension:REPeat:COUNt |
Set and read the source frequency domain’s order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:FREQuency:DIMension:ORDer |
Set and read the source frequency domain’s ON/OFF state in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:FREQuency:DIMension[:STATe] |
Set and read the fixed frequency value for a specific port. |
SOURce:FREQuency:FIXed |
Set and read the start frequency value for a specific port. |
SOURce:FREQuency:STARt |
Set and read the stop frequency value for a specific port. |
Set and read the source phase domain’s order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:PHASe:DIMension:ORDer |
Set and read the source phase domain’s ON/OFF state in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:PHASe:DIMension[:STATe] |
Set and read the source power domain’s order in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:POWer:DIMension:ORDer |
Set and read the source power domain’s ON/OFF state in the multi-dimensional sweep. |
SOURce:POWer:DIMension[:STATe] |
Active Hot Parameters |
Sets whether or not interpolation is on for display. |
Set and read a fixed input power level. |
Set and read the number of phase points. |
Set and read the start power level for a 3D sweep. |
Set and read the number of power steps for a 3D sweep. |
Set and read the stop power level for a 3D sweep. |
Set and read the sweep type. |
Set and read the tuning tone mode. |
Set and read the absolute tone power level. |
Set and read the tone power relative to the input power (dBc). |
Set and read the X-axis domain type. |
Millimeter Wave Commands |
Return the model number of the active test set. |
None |
Return the option number of the active test set. |
None |
Return the model number of the frequency extender module connected to the specified port number. |
None |
Return the option number of the frequency extender module connected to the specified port number. |
None |
Spectrum Analyzer |
Set and read the Nyquist protection level. |
Read the current multitone settings and determine if they are valid or not. |
Misc. Commands |
Perform multiple CalAll instances. |
CalibrateAllChannelsEx |
Create a new S4P file. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.12.85.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Selects whether the fixture is band limited or not. |
None |
Selects whether to use DUT correction or not when the characterization fixture is not equal to the DUT measurement fixture. |
None |
Selects Fixture Length A not equal to B correction. |
None |
Selects Fixture Match A not equal to B correction. |
None |
Describes the fixture inputs (single ended or differential). |
None |
Selects the number of fixtures to be characterized. |
None |
Refreshes preview data. |
None |
Reads the impedance profile of the calculated fixture model. |
None |
Reads the impedance profile of the calculated fixture model at a specified position. |
None |
Chooses the calibration reference Z0 after fixture removal. |
None |
Restores the default AFR settings. |
None |
Specifies the file paths of saved fixture data. |
None |
Assigns the ports for saved fixture data in several formats. |
None |
Sets the file type to save fixture data. |
None |
Selects all OPEN standards. |
None |
Selects all SHORT standards. |
None |
Reads the impedance profile of the measured standard. |
None |
Reads the impedance of the measured standard at a specified position. |
None |
Sets the fixture length for the selected fixture (for 1X AFR only). |
None |
Sets the gate position for the selected fixture. |
None |
Sets the impedance for the selected term. |
None |
Sets the impedance method. |
None |
Loads the calibration standards data from a file. |
None |
Specifies fixture thru settings. |
None |
Chooses the calibration standards. |
None |
Independent Power Calibration Commands |
Returns available ports for independent power calibration. |
Adds a power cal range for a specific port <n>. |
Resets all ranges for the given source port <n>. |
SYSTem:CALibrate:ALL:INDependent:SOURce:CALibrate:RANGe:CLEar |
Queries how many ranges are included in the calibration for source port <n>. |
SYSTem:CALibrate:ALL:INDependent:SOURce:CALibrate:RANGe:COUNt? |
Sets and gets the number of points for range <m> for source port<n>. |
SYSTem:CALibrate:ALL:INDependent:SOURce:CALibrate:RANGe:POINts |
Sets and gets the start frequency for range <m> for source port<n>. |
SYSTem:CALibrate:ALL:INDependent:SOURce:CALibrate:RANGe:STARt |
Sets and gets the stop frequency for range <m> for source port<n>. |
SYSTem:CALibrate:ALL:INDependent:SOURce:CALibrate:RANGe:STOP |
ISegment3 and ISegments6 Interface Commands |
Sets and gets sweep delay. |
Sets and gets port IF bandwidth. |
Sets and gets the Shift LO state. |
Sets and gets the sweep mode. |
Export CSV file. |
Import CSV file. |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.12.80.xx See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
External DC Source/Meter |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Abort Sweep command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source After Sweep command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Before Sweep command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Error Query command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Disable I/O command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source ID Query command |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Enable I/O command |
Set and return the DC Source maximum output |
Set and return the DC Source maximum output state |
Set and return the DC Source minimum output |
Set and return the DC Source minimum output state |
Set and return the Point Read commands and Point Set commands |
Set and return the Max DC limit value for a DC source |
Set and return the Min DC limit value for a DC source |
Spectrum Analyzer Commands |
Read current maximum available ADC record size |
Read current minimum available ADC record size |
Set and read stacking size |
Enables/disable multitone image rejection |
Set and return the data display mode |
Set and return the tone spacing of the multitone signal (in Hz) |
Set and return the test signal repetition rate (in seconds) |
Set and return the multitone image rejection offset frequency |
Sets and returns the number of test signal harmonics you want to be protected against |
Zooms in on signal within a SA sweep |
Sets and returns the data format. |
Returns the frequency of the first RF bin. |
Returns the currently exported receiver list. |
Sets and returns the list of exported receivers. |
Returns the number of currently exported receivers. |
Returns the number of DFT points processed across the total RF span. |
Returns the byte size. |
Returns byte size of one data bin in binary mode. |
Returns the least significant bytes. |
Returns the most significant bytes. |
Enables binary file output. |
Enables text file output. |
Enables output of data and frequency. |
Enables output data files to be erased after each sweep. |
Sets and returns the file name prefix for the data file. |
Enables exporting data to the FIFO (First-IN, First-OUT) data buffer. |
Enables data to be output to shared memory. |
Assigns a specified name to the shared data. |
Read the occupied bandwidth center frequency. |
OccupiedBandCenter | |
Sets and reads the percentage of the band span to measure. |
OccupiedBandPercent | |
Read the occupied bandwidth power. |
OccupiedBandPowerdBm | |
Read the span of the occupied bandwidth. |
OccupiedBandSpan | |
Sets and reads the occupied bandwidth on/off state. |
OccupiedBandState | |
Sets and reads the minimum search frequency to use during an Occupied BW search measurement. |
SearchOccupiedBWMinFreq | |
Returns the Y-axis data from the bandpower marker. |
BandPowerdBm | |
Set and read the ON/OFF state of the vector averaging. |
Set and read the vector averaging value. |
Low Frequency Extension Commands |
Enables/disables low frequency extension |
Returns if the low frequency extension is installed |
Millimeter Wave Commands |
Reads the port count of the test set |
None |
Reads the serial number of the frequency extender module connected to the specified port number. |
None |
Reads the serial number of the test set. |
None |
Misc. Commands |
Checks if the PNA is ready for a hardware trigger | ||
Sets and returns ALC mode that the Pulse Setup will use when the pulse is turned off |
PulseOffAlcMode |
Reads the FIFO data byte count. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of bytes. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 32-bit floating point (Float32) numbers. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 16-bit integers. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 32-bit integers. |
Returns all cal all guided calibration channels. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for VNA release A.12.70.xx See What's New.
Error Correction |
Turn error correction ON or OFF |
Returns the error correction state for the measurement |
Set the Cal Type |
Execute the Ecal calibration |
None |
Specifies the Ecal Kit for Ecal Calibration |
None |
Compute Error Terms |
None |
Return Number of Steps in a Cal |
None |
Return number of standards for step[n] |
None |
Return step description |
None |
Return label for complete standard |
None |
Return number of ports on standard used in the step |
None |
Return label for one of the standards in the step |
None |
Return number of ports on one of the standards used in the step |
None |
Return the enumeration for the type of standard |
None |
Return list of VNA test ports to which one of the standards is attached |
None |
Return enumeration for the type of standard device used in the step |
None |
Return list of VNA test ports to which the standard(s) in this step is attached |
None |
Get list of name-value pairs from cal set |
Add or change a name-value pair in the Cal Set |
None |
Quickly test a prototype of automation software |
None |
Return measurement parameters measured in the specified step number of a guided calibration |
None |
Set and return measurement data for a specified measurement parameter of a particular step of a guided cal |
None |
Return list of ports being calibrated by an active calibration session |
None |
Sets and returns the selected ports to include in a full NPort correction. |
Resets the full and response list to their default values. |
Sets and returns the selected ports to be corrected with enhanced response calibration. |
Set and return the ON/OFF subset correction state. |
Enable/disable use of error messages during a source calibration if calibration fails to achieve desired power level at the power sensor |
None |
Read Measurement Data |
Get formatted data array of multiple traces |
None |
Get corrected data array of multiple traces |
None |
Get receiver data |
Topology |
Maps the physical VNA ports to a device of balanced and single-ended logical ports for multi-port systems with greater than 4 ports |
For a Balanced device type, maps the VNA ports to the DUT ports |
Specifies the VNA port connections for VNAs having greater than 4 ports |
Balanced Measurements and Fixturing |
Select measurement parameter for the specified trace for a balanced device type |
Returns the list of parameters available for the currently selected topology |
Defines a balanced measurement parameter corresponding to a custom topology for systems where the port count is expandable beyond 4 ports. |
De-embedding |
Sets and returns the Capacitance value |
None |
Sets and returns the Inductance value |
None |
Sets and returns the Resistance value |
None |
Turns ON or OFF De-embedding |
None |
Specifies the circuit model type |
None |
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load |
None |
Embedding |
Sets and returns the Capacitance value |
None |
Sets and returns the Inductance value |
None |
Sets and returns the Resistance value |
None |
Turns ON or OFF Embedding |
None |
Specifies the circuit model type |
None |
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load |
None |
Limits |
Read the bandwidth test results for the active trace of selected channel |
None |
Read stimulus values at all the measurement points that failed the limit test |
None |
Read number of measurement points that failed the limit test |
None |
Set / Read entire Limit Line |
None |
Delete all limit line data |
None |
Display Lines ON|OFF |
Limit Test Failed |
Begin Response |
End Response |
Begin Stimulus |
End Stimulus |
Limit Line Type (Max|Min) |
Fail Sound ON|OFF |
Testing ON|OFF |
Bandwidth Tests |
Set bandwidth threshold value of bandwidth test |
None |
Turn ON/OFF the bandwidth value display of the bandwidth test |
None |
Get the bandwidth limit test results |
None |
Set/get the upper limit value of the bandwidth test |
None |
Set/get the lower limit value of the bandwidth test |
None |
Get the bandwidth value of the bandwidth test |
None |
Turn ON/OFF the bandwidth test function |
None |
Conversions |
Set/get parameter conversion function |
None |
Electrical Delay |
Delay in distance |
Media |
Electrical Delay |
Set units for distance |
Wavegd Cutoff |
Save/Recall |
Set/get formatted measurement data |
Set/get formatted memory data |
Set/get complex measurement data |
Set/get complex memory data |
Reads SnP data from the selected measurement |
Reads SNP data for the specified ports |
Saves SNP data for the specified ports |
Recall Files |
Save Instrument States (*.csa, *.cst, *.sta, *.cal) and type of file |
Measurements |
Create Measurement |
Delete a measurement |
Delete ALL measurements |
None |
Deletes the trace associated with the specified measurement number |
None |
Create a new trace in the specified window |
None |
Turn the memory trace ON or OFF for the specified measurement |
None |
Move a trace associated with measurement number to the specified window |
None |
Activate the specified measurement to be selected |
None |
Turn trace display associated with the specified measurement ON or OFF |
None |
Set or return the title for the specified measurement |
None |
Turn the measurement title ON or OFF |
None |
Autoscale the specified trace in the specified measurement |
None |
Set the Y axis Scale Per Division value of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
None |
Set the Y axis Reference Level of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
None |
Set the Reference Position of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
None |
Return active sheet number |
None |
Read Active Measurement Number |
Equation Editor |
Turn ON / OFF equation |
Set equation |
Return validity of equation |
Gating |
Set gate coupling parameters |
Center |
Shape |
Span |
Start |
Stop |
Type (BandPass, Notch) |
Format |
Set or return the measurement format |
Set or return the units for the specified data format |
Group Delay Aperture Frequency |
Group Delay Aperture Percent of Span |
Group Delay Aperture Points |
Statistics |
Get trace statistic data |
Statistics Range |
Domain Range Start |
Domain Range Stop |
Executes the statistical analysis |
None |
Statistics ON|OFF |
Set Type (Pk-Pk|StdDev|Mean) |
Set individually |
Gain Compression |
Read all GCA data |
Read imaginary GCA data |
Read number of iterations |
Read real GCA data |
Set CW frequency |
Set to discrete or interpolated CW frequencies |
Enable a compression analysis trace |
Sets X-axis display |
Interpolation |
Set and read the DC readings at the compression point in the last iteration of a smart sweep |
Trace |
Reset currently-stored data points to the live data trace |
Set type of trace hold to perform |
Measure |
Set/get the number of traces of selected channel |
None |
Marker Functions |
Delete All Markers |
Read/Set Data Point number |
Read bandwidth data |
Set bandwidth marker function reference to either MARKer or PEAK |
None |
Search Filter Bandwidth |
Bandwidth (Target) |
Coupled Markers Method |
Coupled Markers |
Delta Marker |
Interpolate Individ. Marker (Discrete) |
Set and return marker distance value |
Format All Markers |
Compression Marker level found |
Read Compression Marker Input power |
Read Compression Marker Output power |
Turn ON|OFF the compression state |
None |
Assign Marker to Domain |
Domain Range Start |
Domain Range Stop |
Execute Search |
Multi Peak Search |
None |
Peak Excursion |
None |
Peak Polarity |
None |
Peak Threshold |
None |
Set or return search type of the multi search |
None |
Transition |
None |
Target Value |
None |
Turn ON|OFF search tracking |
None |
Excursion Value |
Set or return polarity of the peak search |
None |
Threshold Value |
Select Search Function |
None |
Select transition type |
None |
Target (Value) |
Tracking |
Read notch search result |
None |
Set bandwidth marker function reference to either MARKer or PEAK |
None |
Notch Search |
None |
Notch Level |
None |
PNOP backoff |
Read PBO Gain |
Read PBO In |
Read PBO Out |
Read Pnop Comp |
Read Comp Max |
Read Pnop Gain |
Read Gain Max |
Read Pnop in |
Read PMax In |
PNOP Power Offset |
Read Pnop Out |
Read PMax Out |
Turn ON|OFF PNOP marker search |
None |
Set and read PSAT backoff |
Read Comp Max |
Read Comp Sat |
CALCulate:MEASure:MARKer:PSATuration:COMPression:SATuration? |
Read Gain Sat |
Read Gain Linear |
Read Gain Max |
Read PSat In |
Read PMax In |
Read PSat Out |
Read PMax Out |
Turn ON|OFF PSAT marker search |
None |
Reference Marker On | Off |
Set and read X-axis location |
Set and read Y-axis location |
Marker=> SA |
Marker=> Span |
None |
Marker=> Center (Freq) |
Marker=> CW Freq and change sweep type |
Marker=> Start (Freq) |
Marker=> Stop (Freq) |
Marker=> Elect. Delay |
Marker=> Ref. Level |
Marker=> CW Freq - No sweep type change |
Type (Normal | Fixed) |
Read/Set X-axis value |
Read/Set Y-axis value |
Read Band Power |
Read/Set Band Power Span |
Read/Set Band Power State |
Math |
Data Math (Add|Sub|Mult|Div) |
Data =>Memory |
Mixer |
X-axis display |
Constants |
Mag Offset |
Mag Slope |
Phase Offset |
Ripple Tests |
Set or return the ripple limit table |
None |
Turn ON/OFF the ripple limit line display |
None |
Set/get the ripple limit band |
None |
Set/get the display type of ripple value |
None |
Read the ripple test result |
None |
Read the ripple value |
None |
Turn ON/OFF the ripple test function |
None |
Smoothing |
Smoothing Percent |
Smoothing Points |
None |
Smoothing ON|OFF |
Transform |
Set transform coupling parameters |
Sets the alignment of the time domain measurement. |
Center |
Set/get the impulse width |
Kaiser Beta |
Set Low Pass Frequency |
Specify measurement type for distance markers |
Specify units for distance markers |
Span |
Start Time |
Transform ON|OFF |
Step Rise Time |
Stop Time |
Mode (LowPass, BandPass) |
Uncertainty |
Trace |
Trace Type |
Repeatability |
Calibration |
Noise |
Save uncertainty data |
X-Axis |
Set/get X-axis for trace |
None |
Set/get the X-Axis domain |
None |
Get X-Axis values (variant) |
Display Setup |
Sheet Layout |
None |
Get list of window numbers which the sheet contains |
None |
Add/Delete Sheet |
None |
Sheet Title |
None |
Creates N windows |
None |
Toolbar Cal Set Viewer |
None |
Display Update |
None |
Enable/disable display updates |
None |
Sets the marker readouts to coupled (one combination annotation) or not coupled (one annotation per trace). |
None |
Shows the marker readouts only for active trace or for all traces. |
None |
Y-axis Labels |
None |
Feed specified window to a sheet |
None |
Feed specified measurement to specified window |
None |
Returns the next unused trace number |
None |
Set graph divisions |
None |
Pulse |
Set pulse start time |
Set pulse stop time |
Enable pulse4 to monitor ADC activity |
None |
Sweep |
IF Bandwidth resolution |
None |
IF Bandwidth Per Port |
None |
Sweep Delay Time |
None |
Sweep delay ON|OFF |
None |
Sweep Dwell |
None |
Sweep dwell ON|OFF |
None |
Sweep Mode |
None |
Sweep mode ON|OFF |
None |
Total Sweep Points |
None |
Total Sweep Time |
None |
Set shift LO maximum frequency |
None |
Turn shift LO on or off |
None |
Power |
Receiver Reference Attenuation |
None |
Receiver Test Attenuation |
None |
System Settings |
Set sound after operation completion |
None |
Enable Sound |
None |
Set limit test warning sound |
None |
Return the maximum trigger delay |
None |
Return the minimum trigger delay |
None |
Return the maximum IF frequency |
None |
Return the minimum IF frequency |
None |
Set or return list of discrete frequencies |
Return a single max leveled power value |
Return an array of max leveled power values |
Return a single minimum leveled power value |
Return an array of minimum leveled power values |
Returns an array with the names of all RF path elements that may be configured |
SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:POWer:PATH:CONFig:ELEMent:CATalog? |
Return the name of the value for the given path element name or sets the value of a path element |
SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:POWer:PATH:CONFig:ELEMent[:STATe] |
Return all valid values for the given path configuration element |
SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:POWer:PATH:CONFig:ELEMent:VALue:CATalog? |
None |
Set or return the port number for power data |
Set or return the lower bound of the frequency range |
Set or return the upper bound of the frequency range |
Return the minimum of all max leveled power values |
Return the maximum of all min power values |
Reset all Power Range properties to default values |
Set and return the type of power range data to be returned |
Return the maximum IFBW for the standard IF filter |
None |
Return the minimum IFBW for the standard IF filter |
None |
Returns the list of licenses |
None |
Set and return the group of channels |
None |
Set and return the Multi DUT parallel measurement state |
None |
Get the information if the parallel measurement is executed in the last sweep |
None |
Set up multiple channels for manual trigger |
None |
Return the ID string of ECals |
None |
Return a list of characterizations |
None |
Return the number of installed cal kits |
None |
Delete user characterizations from VNA disk memory |
None |
Import file into VNA disk memory |
None |
Save existing ECal characterization to a file |
None |
Read identification and characterization information for ECal module |
None |
Read identification and characterization information from ECal module or VNA disk memory |
None |
Return list of index numbers for ECal modules |
None |
Return number of unique states for specified path name on selected ECal module |
None |
Set and return the maximum output current value of the external DC Source |
Set and return the maximum output voltage value of the external DC Source |
Set Modulation Control |
None |
Disk Drive Version |
None |
Set and return the coupler state |
None |
Set and return Source Port Control |
None |
Modify the manufacturer name |
None |
Reset to original manufacturer identification |
None |
Modify the product model |
None |
Reset to original product model name |
None |
Shutdown or Restart System |
None |
Use only ramp sweeps for Auto Sweep Mode |
None |
On Power-on show Keys toolbar |
Sets the bandwidth search preference |
Use single marker for marker search |
Confirm preset |
Controls the on/off state of the preference, "Use keyboard to navigate softkeys" |
None |
Return list of visible sheets |
None |
Specifies if the source power cal in the calset linked to a measurement cal should be enabled or disabled with that cal |
None |
Spectrum Analysis |
Set and read the FIR filter for 25 MHz decimation |
Set and read the default values for DFT bandwidth |
Set and read the maximum value for narrow DFT bandwidth |
Set and read the minimum value for narrow DFT bandwidth |
Set and read the maximum value for wide DFT bandwidth |
Set and read the minimum value for wide DFT bandwidth |
Read the current DFT record size |
Read the current DFT resolution |
Set and read the DFT record size type |
Set and read the image rejection strength |
Read the current span DFT bin count |
The following are new programming commands for release A.12.50.01.
Memory Interpolation |
Generate a new ENR file by embedding an adapter to an existing ENR file. | ENREmbedAdapter | |
Read S parameter of ECal Thru from the ECal memory and save it as s2p file | OutputSNPFromECal Method |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.49.05.xx See What's New.
Memory Interpolation |
Sets and reads the state of the memory data interpolation | ||
Sets and reads the state of the memory data interpolation default preference |
External DC Device |
Sets and returns the current limit value | SYST:CONF:EDEV:DC:LIMit:CURRent | CurrentLimit |
Sets and returns the voltage limit value | SYST:CONF:EDEV:DC:LIMit:VOLTage | VoltageLimit |
Error Correction Terms |
Computes the error correction terms, turns Correction ON, and saves the calibration to an existing, specified Cal Set | SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ETER:COMPute | None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.49 See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Source Setup tab |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.45 See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
SA Advanced Settings tab |
Millimeter-Wave Commands |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.40 See What's New.
Dark shaded commands existed before this release. They are provided here for convenience.
Marker to SA |
Read Band Power |
Read Band Power Span |
Set Band Power State |
Setup Options |
Noise Characterization |
Clear noise data on specified port |
Clear noise data on all ports |
Copy noise from a port to all ports |
Start Noise char |
List cables |
Assign Cable to all ports |
Assign Cable to specified port |
Reset repeatability |
Start Cable char |
Load workspace |
Save workspace |
Enabling a Guided Calibration to include Uncertainties |
Checkbox on Guided Cal Select Ports page |
Apply to all traces |
None |
None |
Add Trace |
None |
None |
Save uncertainty data |
Preferences |
Reference marker preference |
Draw red limits preference |
Coupled Marker controls marker state |
Coupled Marker state at Preset |
Coupled Marker Method at Preset |
Capabilities commands |
Returns the maximum leveled source power. |
Returns the minimum leveled source power. |
Returns the maximum possible number of channels. |
Returns whether or not the analyzer has FOM. |
Returns the maximum frequency of the analyzer, including any over-sweep |
Returns the minimum frequency of the analyzer, including any under-sweep |
Returns whether or not there is a receiver attenuator on the specified port. |
Returns the maximum amount of receiver attenuation on the specified port. |
Returns the step size of the receiver attenuator on the specified port |
Returns the maximum amount of source attenuation on the specified port. |
Returns the step size of the source attenuator on the specified port |
Returns a list of test port names including external testset ports. |
Returns the number of test ports including external testset ports. |
Returns a list of internal test port names. |
Returns the number of internal test ports. |
Returns the port number associated with the specified port name. |
Returns a catalog (comma-separated string list) of internal source port names. |
Returns the number of internal source ports. |
Returns whether or not the specified port number has a reference bypass switch. |
Returns the number of receivers in the analyzer. |
Returns whether or not the analyzer has direct receiver access (front-panel jumpers). |
Returns the number of sources in the analyzer. |
Returns the list of supported IFBW values. |
Returns the list of supported Noise BW when using a noise receiver (option 029). |
Returns the list of supported Noise BW values when using the NA receiver for noise measurements (option 028). |
Returns the maximum number of points. |
Returns the minimum number of points. |
Returns the maximum specified frequency of the analyzer, not including any over-sweep. |
Returns the minimum specified frequency of the analyzer, not including any under-sweep. |
Returns the list of supported Resolution BW values for the IMS channel. |
Returns the list of supported Resolution BW values for the SA channel. |
Returns the maximum number of windows possible. |
Returns the maximum number of traces per window. |
Miscellaneous |
Frequency Step Size |
Marker noise format |
Display marker symbols above the trace |
Limit Pass/Fail X-axis Position |
Limit Pass/Fail Y-axis Position |
Scope of marker coupling |
DIQ Load |
DIQ Save |
Trace Hold |
Trace Hold Clear |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.25 See What's New.
Frequency |
Coupling |
Power |
Phase |
Match Correction |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.20.03 See What's New.
Narrowband Compensation |
Enable |
Cal Plane Manager |
Characterize a fixture |
Creates a single S2P file from two existing files. |
Note: There are currently NO programming commands for Automatic Fixture Removal.
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.15 See What's New.
Cal Sets |
Returns the Cal Types from the calset. |
None |
Returns the properties of the calset. |
None |
Returns the numbers of the channels using the calset. |
None |
Unselect Cal Set |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.10.00 See What's New.
Toolbars ON|OFF |
Show virtual hardkeys |
app.ShowToolbar |
Show port extensions |
app.ShowToolbar |
Shown Time Domain Transform |
app.ShowToolbar |
Miscellaneous |
Set and read marker bucket. |
Read the directory path |
Read supported parameters for a Meas Class |
None |
System clock state |
None |
IOConfiguration |
None |
Read model number |
None |
Read serial number |
None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.90 See What's New.
SMC Phase Reference Cal |
Unknown Mixer calibration state |
Unknown mixer LO frequency |
Unknown mixer LO power |
Input power level to the unknown mixer |
Connector type and gender of your Cal Kit. |
ConnectorType PhaseRef |
Cal Kit to be used to perform the S-parameter Cal |
Set the ports to be calibrated. |
Reverse Port2 Coupler |
CalPod as ECal |
Returns whether the specified device is a CalPod module |
Sets or returns whether the specified device will be characterized as an in situ device. |
Read Date and Time |
Read the last modified date of a Cal Set |
None |
Read the last modified time of a Cal Set |
None |
Read the last modified date of a file |
None |
Read the last modified time of a file |
None |
MIscellaneous |
Returns whether the specified external device responds. |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.85 See What's New.
Get/Save Noise Parameters SNP Data |
Read noise parameter SNP data |
Write noise parameters to SNP file |
Modify TRL Cal Kit |
Set reference plane |
None |
Set impedance standard |
None |
Set LRL auto-characterization |
None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.80 See What's New.
Select the channels to be calibrated. |
Set the IFBW |
Set the power level |
Set the power offset |
Set the receiver atten |
Set the source atten |
Set the User Calset Prefix |
Set Path Configuration |
Read unique Cal properties |
Read unique property values |
Set property name/value |
Read Cal channel |
N/A |
Get GuidedCal handle |
N/A |
For each channel, sets the ports to be calibrated. |
Returns a final list of ports to be calibrated. |
Read generated Cal Sets |
SMC Phase Reference Cal |
Reset |
Start Freq |
Stop Freq |
Read channel number |
N/A |
Read all Phase Reference IDs |
Set Phase Reference |
Set Source Attenuator |
Set Cal Set name |
N/A |
Perform Cal |
Noise Cal using Power Meter |
Select Receiver Cal method |
PMAR Cal and Zero |
Set Zero method |
None |
Perform Cal |
None |
Bal - Single-ended topology |
Set Bal-SE measurement |
Set Bal-SE topology (modified) |
Set port mapping |
Read se port |
Read Neg Bal port |
Read Pos Bal port |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.50 See What's New
External DC Analyzer Control |
Correction ON/OFF |
Offset correction value. |
Scale correction value. |
DC Type (Units). |
Dwell Before/After Point |
Dwell Before Sweep value |
DC Source Sweep |
Source names catalog |
Enable source outputs |
Source state |
Start DC |
Stop DC |
Data |
External Pulse Generator Control |
PG Names catalog |
Read the integer of the name |
Not applicable |
Set output channel |
Set output Hi amplitude (volts) |
Set output Low amplitude (volts) |
Set load impedance |
Set source impedance |
Master Mode |
Optional Name/ID argument added to some Pulse gen commands. |
Miscellaneous |
Read configured device names |
None |
Is a device name present? |
None |
Move a trace to another window |
Recall softkey list sort preference |
Default to "honor the channel <ch> argument in guided calibration SCPI commands." Note: This MAY impact your legacy programs. |
Receiver Leveling frequency range |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.42 See What's New
Misc Commands |
Read CalSet stimulus values |
None |
Write CalSet stimulus values |
None |
Copy mechanical settings from specified channel |
Return a measurement handle of the trace object |
None |
Read the PNA port which is connected to the DUT input. |
None |
Read the PNA port which is connected to the DUT output. |
None |
Read the window number of the selected trace. |
Read the trace number of the selected trace. |
N/A |
Source / Role Commands (for apps) |
Returns the roles for which sources can be used for the channel. |
Set and returns the source to be used in the specified role. |
IMD and IM Spectrum Tone Power settings |
Swept IMD Equal tone power |
IM Spectrum Equal tone power |
Swept IMD Set power at DUT input or output |
IM Spectrum set power at DUT input or output |
Pulse Commands |
Set master pulse frequency |
Set master pulse period |
Set master pulse width |
Autoselect CW Sweep Time |
Capabilities Commands |
Return parameters supported by the specified Measurement Class |
None |
Return list of supported IFBWs |
None |
Return list of ResBWs supported by IMSpectrum Apps |
None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.33 See What's New
FCA Commands |
Not Applicable |
Multiple Power Sensors |
Enable multiple sensors |
Add sensors |
Assign power sensor name |
Remove sensors |
Read the number of configured sensors |
Set start freq |
Set stop freq |
Set connector type |
Set Cal Kit |
Phase Control |
Phase Sweep type |
Set fixed phase value |
Phase sweep start value |
Phase sweep stop value |
Phase parameter |
Set Phase control mode |
Set reference port |
Read available phase control modes for the port |
Couple sweep settings |
Set number of sweep iterations |
Set sweep tolerance |
Set and read an array of phase offsets. |
Use phase offset array. |
Set and read an array of ratioed power offsets. |
Use power offset array. |
Set the fixed power ratioed value |
Set the start power ratioed value. |
Set the stop power ratioed value. |
2 and 4-port Fixture De-embed |
2-port Reverse |
4-port remap |
Extrapolate |
Extrapolate added to Cal Set De-embedding |
Extrapolate added to Cal Set Embedding |
Mixer Segment Sweep |
Recalculate |
Segment Calculate |
Query Count |
Add Segments |
Delete Segments |
Remove All Segments |
State |
Number Of Points |
Input Fixed Freq |
Input Start Freq |
Input Stop Freq |
Input Fixed/Swept |
Input Power |
Output Fixed Freq |
Output Start Freq |
Output Stop Freq |
Output Fixed/Swept |
Output (+/-) |
Output Power |
LO Fixed Freq |
LO Start Freq |
LO Stop Freq |
LO Fixed/Swept |
Input >LO |
LO Power |
IF (+/-) |
Miscellaneous |
Read available Meas Classes |
Set receiver ratio to be used with receiver leveling. |
Removes adapters |
None |
Perform Linear Interpolation |
None |
Return if a CalSet exists |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.30 See What's New
Marker Display |
Readouts Per Trace |
Stimulus decimal places |
Response decimal places |
Readout position: X-axis |
Readout position: Y-axis |
Marker symbol |
GCX - No new commands. Learn more. |
Overload Preferences |
Display receiver overload warnings? |
Turn source power OFF when a receiver is overloaded? |
Miscellaneous |
Use Last Result for Source Power Cal |
Selectively delete a channel |
Guided Power Cal |
Perform Power Cal |
Match-correction ON|OFF |
Cal Set Items |
Set or get name-value pair from calset |
None |
Remove name-value pair from calset |
None |
Enumerate name-value pair items in the calset. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.22 See What's New
Returns the error correction state for the measurement. |
Calibrating specific channels |
N/A |
Port Mapping - Noise Figure Opt 028 |
Write port mapping |
Read input port mapping |
Read output port mapping |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release A.09.20 See What's New
Configure Pulse Measurements |
Pulse Meas Mode |
Autodetect Pulse mode |
Set Pulse Mode (Narrow | Wide) |
Autoselect IFBW |
Autoselect IF Gain |
AutoIFGain |
Autoselect Pulse clock period |
Autoselect Width and Delay |
Autoselect Pulse Gens |
External Pulse Configuration |
PulseSyncIn Trigger Polarity |
PulseSyncIn Trigger Type |
PSAT Marker Search |
Initiate a PSAT search |
Set and read PSAT backoff |
Read PSat Out |
Read PSat In |
Read PMax Out |
Read PMax In |
Read Gain Sat |
Read Gain Max |
Read Gain Linear |
Read Comp Sat |
Read Comp Max |
PNOP Marker Search |
Initiate a PNOP search |
Set and read PNOP backoff |
Set and read PNOP Power Offset |
Read Pnop Out |
Read Pnop in |
Read Pnop Gain |
Read Pnop Comp |
Read PMax Out |
Read PMax In |
Read Gain Max |
Read Comp Max |
Read PBO Out |
Read PBO In |
Read PBO Gain |
Include Phase in SMC measurements |
Enable Phase |
Set normalize point |
Choose known delay or S2P |
Set known delay |
Set Cal Mixer Char S2P filename |
Group Delay Aperture |
Set aperture using frequency |
Set aperture using percent of span |
Set aperture using fixed number of points |
Set Preference to 2 points |
Calibrations |
Returns the names of the mechanical cal kits for unguided calibrations. |
Set/get by name which cal kit is currently selected for use by unguided cal. |
Read pass fail status of tolerance limits on the target cal power |
Not needed - read from SCPI error queue |
Gets the power correction dB values from the prior iteration of the source power cal. |
Fixturing |
Compensate source power |
Create Cal Set with De-embeded fixture removed. |
None |
Create Cal Set with Matching Network included. |
None |
Noise Receiver (Opt 028) |
Select Noise Receiver |
Miscellaneous |
Include SC12 Sweep |
Active Window Background |
Sweep Delay |
Preference:On PRESET always turn power ON |
Send and return Instrument state file to remote computer |
None |
Read the display image into remote computer |
None |
Set format of display image |
None |
Set and return LXI status |
GCA Safe mode - max power |
Set Line type of the window grid |
Save Data |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 9.10 See What's New
Sets the power sensor connector |
Sets the power sensor calkit |
Sets power level for source power cal |
Sets auto orientation state for noise tuner |
Sets LO power calibration state |
Sets the source pull technique to compute DUT S-parameters |
Sets the state of ENR adapter de-embedding. |
Sets the state of Power Sensor adapter de-embedding. |
Help About commands |
DSP Revision |
CPU Speed |
Hostname |
Miscellaneous |
Perform and apply Response (Normalization) cal |
PulseSyncIn Trigger Polarity |
PulseSyncIn Trigger Type |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 9.0 See What's New
Configure External Devices |
Adds an external device to the system. |
Returns names of all configured devices |
Set driver for the external device. |
Set type of device. |
Configuration path for external device. |
Enable or disable communication with device. |
Activation state of the device. |
Time out value for external device. |
External Source Config |
Set Dwell per Point |
Set Trigger Mode |
Set Trigger Port |
Power Meter As Receiver (PMAR) Config |
Enable min and max freqs |
Set Max freq |
Set Min freq |
Set max number of PM readings |
Set tolerance level |
Select sensor |
Set Cal Factor data |
Set Cal Factor frequencies |
Set Power loss data |
Set Power loss frequencies |
Enable Power loss data |
Set reference cal factor |
Power Limit |
Set power limit |
Power limit ON/OFF |
Power limit UI lock |
Scale Coupling |
Set method |
Enable window |
Display and Print Colors |
Set background color |
Set labels and grid frame colors |
Set inner lines of all grids in all windows colors |
Set Inactive window label colors |
Set limit line colors |
Set trace data and Limit Line colors |
Set data trace marker colors |
Set memory trace colors |
Set memory trace marker colors |
Load a color theme |
Saves the current color theme. |
Resets to the default PNA colors. |
IMD and IMS Limited Port Mapping |
Set port map |
Read Input |
Read Output |
ECal User Char to Disk (new and modified commands) |
Returns the factory defined and user-defined connectors. |
None |
Initiate a User Char - optionally check module memory. |
Saves a new characterization to disk memory |
Delete disk memory characterizations. |
None |
Saves a disk memory characterization to an archive file. |
None |
Imports the ECal characterization from the specified archive file. |
None |
Reads the user-characterization info from ECal module or PNA disk memory. |
None |
Gain Compression Analysis |
Enable a compression analysis trace |
Set CW frequency |
Set to discrete or interpolated CW frequencies |
Sets X-axis display |
Miscellaneous |
Red Segment on Limit Line failures. |
Returns the X-axis values for the selected trace. |
Saves a Cal Kit to a file. |
Returns the list of cal kits that use the specified connector. |
Gain Compression Saturation level |
Set Cal FOM Range Preference |
Return the Calset X-axis FOM frequency range |
SMC - perform separate power cals |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.60 See What's New
Miscellaneous |
Reads or writes the segment sweep table. |
Optional arguments for... |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.55 See What's New
Miscellaneous |
Enable subpoint triggering |
Sens:pulse:SUBPointTrig |
SubPointTrigger |
Description |
IMD-X for Converters |
Create or Change a Custom (Application) Measurement |
Create a custom measurement |
Change a custom measurement |
Return handle to a converter object |
None |
Configure a Mixer |
Calculate Input and Output frequencies |
X-axis display |
Discard Changes |
Load a mixer setup |
Save a mixer setup |
Apply mixer settings |
Assign a source to mixer input or LO. |
Read all assigned roles |
Read the source assigned to a role. |
Set Input |
Input start frequency |
Input stop frequency |
Input power level |
Numerator - Input Frac.Mult |
Denominator - Input Frac.Mult |
Input to Swept or fixed |
Input fixed frequency |
Set LO |
Recall a previously-configured external source. This is the only external LO configuration command. |
LO freq sweep mode (fixed or swept) |
LO fixed frequency |
LO start frequency |
LO stop frequency |
LO power |
LO power start |
LO power stop |
Numerator - LO Frac.Mult |
Denominator - LO Frac.Mult |
Input Greater / Less that LO |
Set IF |
Sideband (high or low) |
Set Output |
Sideband (high or low) |
Output start frequency |
Output stop frequency |
Output to swept or fixed |
Output fixed frequency |
IMDx Cal |
Enable LO Power cal |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.50 See What's New
Compression Marker |
Compression Marker level found. |
Read Compression Marker Input power |
Read Compression Marker Output power |
New Search function |
New Execute function |
Port Extensions |
Port Ext in distance |
Set distance units |
Set Media per port |
Set waveguide cutoff freq per port |
Set Velocity Factor per port |
Couple to system Velocity Factor |
Couple to system Media type |
Electrical Delay |
Delay in distance |
Set units for distance |
Phase Sweep |
Enable Phase sweep |
Start Phase port 1 |
Start Phase port 2 |
Stop Phase port 1 |
Stop Phase port 2 |
Enable as fixture offset |
Other |
ASYN argument added to Cal ACQuire commands |
Not Applicable |
Returns ECal orientation. |
None |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.35 See What's New
FIFO Data Buffer |
Read number of data points |
Read data |
Read data compact form |
None |
Clear data |
Other N5264B Commands |
FastCW |
Enable Point Averaging |
Enable Point Sweep |
Set Trace Sweep |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.33 See What's New
Miscellaneous |
Set display format units |
Perform trace max |
Fast sweep mode |
Launch Cal Wizard for apps (new behaivor) |
Queries the TCP/IP port number for a TCP/IP socket connection. |
None |
Set CWFreq to Marker location |
Returns a list of channel numbers |
Not new |
Returns measurement numbers |
Not new |
Returns trace number |
Not new |
Returns Meas name |
Not new |
Return window number |
Not new |
Returns window numbers |
Not new |
Same as calc:par:sel except takes a meas number |
Not new |
Returns Limit line pass/fail status |
Not new |
Deletes the current limit line? |
Not new |
Create a measurement |
Set sweep type |
Set DeltaF |
Set center freq |
Start for center freq sweep |
Stop for center freq sweep |
Center for center freq sweep |
Span for center freq sweep |
Start for DeltaF sweep |
Stop for DeltaF sweep |
Set F1 for CW and Power sweep |
Set F2 for CW and Power sweep |
Set main tone IFBW |
Set product tones IFBW |
Enables power coupling for F1 and F2 |
Set power level for F1 tone |
Set power level for F2 tone |
F1 start for power sweep |
F1 stop for power sweep |
F2 start for power sweep |
F2 stop for power sweep |
Read highest product allowed |
None |
For CTB, CSO, and XMod parameters |
Normalization Mode |
Normalized CSO power |
CSO Offset |
CSO Number of Distortion products |
Normalized CTB power |
CTB and XMod Number of carriers |
CTB Offset |
Set Cal frequencies |
Max Products |
Set power |
Sensor Cal Kit |
Sensor connector |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.2 See What's New
Set Stimulus Mode |
Set Phase Offset |
Set Phase Offset as fixture |
Set Power Offset |
BalPort1PowerOffset |
Set Power Offset as fixture |
Set Source power for balanced ports |
Returns the number of source ports. |
N/A |
chan.SourcePortCount |
Returns the string names of source ports. |
N/A |
chan.SourcePortNames |
Returns the port number for the specified string port name. |
N/A |
chan.GetPortNumber |
Uncoupled Power Sweep |
Set Start power for uncoupled power sweep |
Set Start power for uncoupled power sweep |
Choose FCA ports |
Map PNA to DUT ports |
Read Input port number |
Read Output port number |
Returns Structured status of the PNA networking configuration. |
None |
Returns string status of the PNA networking configuration. |
None |
Resets the PNA LAN configuration. |
None |
Modifies settings of the PNA computer networking configuration. |
None |
Displays the LAN Status dialog with LAN Status Indicator showing IDENTIFY. |
None |
Miscellaneous |
Reset Preference Defaults |
Returns the Measurement Class name |
GCA - Returns number of iterations required in a SMART Sweep |
The following are new programming commands for PNA release 8.0 See What's New
Gain Compression Setup |
Number of frequency points |
Number of power points |
Maximum number of points |
None |
Total number of points |
None |
Acquisition mode |
Smart tolerance |
Smart Iterations |
Smart settling time |
Smart show iterations |
Read compression failures |
Write port map |
Read Port Map (Input) |
Read Port Map (Output) |
End of Sweep |
Linear input power |
Reverse Power |
Start power |
chan.Start Power |
Stop power |
chan.Stop Power |
Compression algorithm |
Compression Level |
Backoff Level |
X Delta |
Y Delta |
Interpolation |
Safe Sweep enable |
Safe Sweep coarse |
Safe Sweep fine |
Safe Sweep threshold |
Read all GCA data |
Read real GCA data |
Read imaginary GCA data |
Noise Figure Setup |
Create Noise figure meas |
Sets the number of impedance states to use |
Noise averaging ON and OFF |
Set averaging of noise receiver. |
Set bandwidth of noise receiver. |
Set gain state of noise receiver. |
Sets noise tuner identifier |
Sets the port identifier of the ECal noise tuner that is connected to the PNA Source. |
Sets the port identifier of the ECal noise tuner that is connected to the DUT. |
Set the excess noise source ON or OFF. |
Set mechanical switches |
Sets the default setting for the Noise Tuner switch. |
Noise Figure Cal |
Create Noise Cal object |
N/A |
Set Noise Calibration method |
Noise source ENR filename |
Set noise source Cal Kit type |
Set ambient temperature |
Sets noise source connector type |
Set Noise source temperature |
Noise Figure ENR File Data Management |
Set ENR calibration data. |
Read ENR calibration data. |
Get/set ID of ENR table. |
Get/set serial number of noise source. |
Load ENR table from file. |
Save ENR table to file. |
Custom Cal Window |
Turn ON | OFF Custom Cal window. |
Show NO Custom Cal windows. |
Specify channel to sweep before Cal acquisition. |
Sweep NO channel before Cal acquisition. |
Preview sweep before remote Cal acquisition. |
Miscellaneous |
Set Trigger sweep mode |
Copy a Cal Set |