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6. DualARB Marker Utilities

Marker 1–4 Polarity

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the active polarity of the selected marker to either positive or negative. The default value is positive.

Pulse Routing

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select a marker for this function. When the marker signal is high and the marker polarity is positive, the waveform is blanked until an enabled marker is encountered. When the marker polarity is negative, the waveform is blanked when it encounters an enabled marker. Selecting None disconnects all markers from pulse routing. Details...

ACL Hold Routing

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select a marker for this function. When the specified marker signal is low, ALC Hold is enabled. With ALC Hold enabled, the output power leveling does not respond to changes to the signal amplitude. Selecting None disconnects all markers from ALC Hold. Details...

Alt Amplitude Routing

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select a marker for the alternate amplitude function. When the marker signal is low, the alternate amplitude settings configured on the ESG signal generator are active. Selecting None disconnects all markers from the alternate amplitude function.

This parameter is not available with all instrument model numbers and may be grayed out.

1. Configuration

2. Basic

3. I/Q

4. ALC

5. DualARB

6. DualARB Marker Utilities

7. Dual ARB Trigger


Waveform Setup