Specifies the settings to remotely control the rear panel connectors, an external test set, Calpod modules, and ECal Module state.
CONTrol CHANnel:INTerface:CONTrol | [STATe] ECAL:MODule | PATH | COUNt? | STATe | PORT | CATalog | STATe | CATalog | STATe EXTernal:TESTset - More Commands PHASe | COUNt? | MODule | DATA | STORe | MODel? | SERial? | SETup | TRIGger | ATBA | | AIO | PIN | COUNt? | FUNCtion | CATalog? | CHANnel | KDMI | MAIN | COUNt? | FUNCtion | CATalog? | LOGic | SUB | COUNt? | FUNCtion | CATalog? | LOGic | PXI | RTRigger | TRIGger | OUTPut | STReamline | RTRigger | TRIGger | OUTPut |
Click on a keyword to view the command details.
Blue command is superseded.
See Also
Material Handler IO connector
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, E5080A/B, E5081A, P937xA, P50xxA/B, M980xA, M983xA (Write-Read) Sends commands that control a Calpod module. Reads query versions Calpod commands. See ALL Calpod commands. |
Parameters |
<string> |
Calpod command. See ALL Calpod commands that can be used in this string. |
Write Example |
CONT:CALP:COMM 'CALP:INIT:ACT' 'Enclose all strings in SINGLE quotes (NOT double quotes) |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:CALPod:COMMand? <string> Relevant only for query strings. |
Read Example |
CONT:CALP:COMM? '*OPC?' 'returns 0 if the calpod software is currently processing an operation 'returns 1 if operations are complete |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A (Write-only) Recalls an Interface Control configuration file. Learn more about Interface Control. |
Parameters |
<string> |
File name and extension (.xml) of the configuration file to recall. Files are typically stored in the default folder "D:\". To recall from a different folder, specify the full path name. |
Examples |
CONT:CHAN:INT:CONT:CONF:REC 'MyConfigFile.xml' control:channel:interface:control:config:recall:state 'D:\MyFile.xml' |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A/B, E5081A (Read-Write) Enables and disables ALL Interface Control settings. To send data, the individual interfaces must also be enabled. Learn more about Interface Control. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Boolean OFF (0) - Interface Control is disabled;NO control data is sent. ON (1) - Interface Control is enabled. |
Examples |
CONT:CHAN:INT:CONT 1 control:channel:interface:control:state 0 |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:CHANnel:INTerface:CONTrol[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
OFF (0) |
Applicable Models: All This command is replaced with CONTrol:ECAL:MODule:PORT:CATalog? (Read-only) Returns the number of unique states that exist for the specified path name on the selected ECal module. This command performs exactly the same function as SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:PATH:COUNt? Use the CONT:ECAL:MOD:PATH:STAT command to set the module into one of those states. Use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:PATH:DATA? to read the data for a state. |
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:LIST? to determine how many, and SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:INF? to verify their identities. |
<name> |
Name of the path for which to read number of states. Choose from: Reflection paths
Transmission paths
Note: For each transmission path, the first of the available states is the through state, the second is the confidence (attenuator) state. |
Examples |
CONT:ECAL:MOD:PATH:COUNt? A control:ecal:module2:path:count? cd |
Return Type |
Integer |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All This command is replaced with CONTrol:ECAL:MODule:PORT:STATe[:SELect] (Write-only) Sets the internal state of the selected ECAL module. This command supersedes CONT:ECAL:MOD:STAT.
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:LIST? to determine how many, and SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:INF? to verify their identities. |
<path> |
Path name for which to set a state. Note: The impedance paths are not independent. For example, changing the impedance presented on path A will cause a change to the impedance on path B. Choose from: Reflection paths
Transmission paths
<stateNum> |
Number of the state to set. Refer to the following table to associate the <stateNum> with a state in your ECal module. In addition, CONT:ECAL:MOD:PATH:COUNt? returns the number of states in the specified ECal module.
** The following modules have only FOUR Impedance states (1, 2, 3, 4): N4690B ,N4691B ,N4692A ,N4696B, N7550A - N7556A. |
Examples |
CONT:ECAL:MOD:PATH:STATe A,5 control:ecal:module2:state BC,1 |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-only) Returns the list of port labels on the selected ECal module. |
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:LIST? to determine how many, and SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:INF? to verify their identities. |
Examples |
CONT:ECAL:MOD2:PORT:CAT? > “A,B,C,D” // 4-port ECal > “1-A,1-B,1-C,1-D,1-E,1-F,2-A,2-B,…,6-E,6-F” // 6-module of N756xA (36-port ECal) |
Return Type |
Character |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-only) Returns a list of state or port labels for ECal. The returned values is used for CONTrol:ECAL:MODule:PORT:STATe[:SELect] |
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:LIST? to determine how many, and SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:INF? to verify their identities. |
<type> |
Choose from:
<port> |
Port label. Candidates are response of the CONT:ECAL:MOD:PORT:CAT? command. Response: Depends on the <type> value.
Examples |
CONT:ECAL:MOD2:PORT:STAT:CAT? REFL,’A’ > “1,2,3,4” // 4-state ECal module > “1,2,3,4,5,6,7” // 7-state ECal module CONT:ECAL:MOD2:PORT:STAT:CAT? TRAN,’A’ > “B,C,D” // Port ‘A’ can be connected to B, C or D CONT:ECAL:MOD128:PORT:STAT:CAT? TRAN,’2-A’ > “1-F,2-B,2-F” // N756xA example |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Sets the internal state of the ECal module. |
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:LIST? to determine how many, and SENS:CORR:CKIT:ECAL:INF? to verify their identities. |
<type> |
Choose from:
<port> |
Port label. Candidates are response of the CONT:ECAL:MOD:PORT:CAT? command. Response: Depends on the <type> value.
<stateOrPort> |
State or port label. The CONT:ECAL:MOD:PORT:STAT:CAT? command returns possible parameter. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA This command is replaced with CONT:ECAL:MOD:PATH:STATe. (Write-only) Sets the internal state of the selected ECAL module. |
Parameters |
[num] |
Optional argument. USB number of the ECal module. If unspecified (only one ECal module is connected to the USB), <num> is set to 1. If two or more modules are connected, use SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:INF? to verify their identity. |
<value> |
Integer code for switching the module. The following are codes for Keysight ECal modules.
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A/B, E5081A
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the output port data for specified group with id of the E5092A multiport test set. Notes: This command is available only for E5092A multiport test set. |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the multiport test set either 1 or 2. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. |
<grp> |
A | B | C | D |
<num> |
An integer specifying the decimal value of the control line. Values are obtained by adding weights from the following table that correspond to individual lines. The output port data range is between 0 to 255 (0=All line are turns OFF and 255 all lines are turn ON).
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:MULTiplexer<id>:OUTPut:<grp>[:DATa]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: E5080A/B, E5081A
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the output voltage for specified group with id of the E5092A multiport test set. Notes: This command is available only for E5092A multiport test set. |
Parameters |
<id> |
Id of the multiport test set either 1 or 2. If unspecified, Id is assumed to be 1. |
<grp> |
A | B | C | D |
<volt> |
Output voltage range for <grp> is between 0 to 5.2V and resolution is 10mV. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:MULTiplexer<id>:OUTPut:<grp>:VOLtage[:DATa]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 V |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Set and read the noise source (28V) ON and OFF. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Boolean OFF (0) - Noise Source OFF ON (1) - Noise Source ON |
Examples |
CONT:NOIS:SOUR 1 control:noise:source:state 0 |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
For VNA models with a Noise Figure option (028/029/H29), the 28V line is ON at application start and after a preset. The ON/OFF state is also available from a VNA softkey menu. For VNA models WITHOUT a Noise Figure option (028/029/H29), the 28V line is OFF at application start and its state is not affected by a preset. The ON/OFF state is NOT available from a VNA softkey menu. |
Applicable Models: All (Read only) Reads the number of phase reference modules connected. |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
CONT:PHAS:COUN? control:phase:count? |
Return Type |
Numeric value |
N/A |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Reads the calibration data from the phase reference of the specified module (x), and writes the data to the Path |
Parameters |
<path> |
(String) Directory path to stored data. |
Examples |
CONT:PHAS:MOD1:DATA:STOR "D:MyPhaseRefCalData.csv" control:phase:module1:data:store "D:MyPhaseRefCalData.csv" |
Return Type |
N/A |
N/A |
Applicable Models: All (Read only) Reads the model number of the specified module (x). |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
CONT:PHAS:MOD1:MOD? control:phase:module1:model? |
Return Type |
String |
N/A |
Applicable Models: All (Read only) Reads the serial number of the specified module (x). |
Parameters |
Examples |
CONT:PHAS:MOD1:SER? control:phase:module1:serial? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
N/A |
Applicable Models: All
(Write-only) Turns on the phase reference, and sets the divide number. |
Parameters |
<divideNumber> |
Divide number can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. |
Examples |
CONT:PHAS:MOD1:SET 2 control:phase:module1:setup 2 |
Return Type |
Numeric |
N/A |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Configures external triggering in the VNA. Note: To configure external triggering in the current VNA models, use the Trigger commands.
Parameters |
<conn> |
Rear Panel connector to send or receive trigger signals. Choose from: BNC1 Trigger IN from rear-panel Trigger IN BNC connector Note: Only one of the input connectors is active at a time. When a command is sent to one, the VNA automatically makes the other INACTIVE. BNC2 Trigger OUT to rear-panel Trigger OUT BNC connector. MATHtrigger - Trigger IN from rear-panel Material Handler connector Pin 18 RDY - Ready for trigger OUT.
<char> |
INACTIVE - Disables the specified connector <conn>. Choose from ONLY the following when <conn> is set to BNC1 or AUXT or MATHtrigger:
Choose from ONLY the following when <conn> is set to BNC2: Use CONTrol:SIGNal:TRIGger:OUTP to enable the BNC2 output. The following selections send a positive or negative pulse before or after each trigger acquisition. This normally occurs each sweep unless a channel is in point trigger mode.
Choose from ONLY the following when <conn> is set to RDY:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal? <conn> In addition to the arguments listed above, the following is also a possible returned value: NAVAILABLE - This feature is not available on this VNA |
Return Type |
Character |
At Preset: BNC1 = INACTIVE When Output is enabled: BNC1 = INACTIVE |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB. M980xA, P50xxA/B, P93xxB, E5080B, E5081A (Read-Write) Accept Trigger Before Armed Determines what happens to an EDGE trigger signal if it occurs before the VNA is ready to be triggered. (LEVEL trigger signals are always ignored.) For more information, see External triggering. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Boolean OFF (0) - A trigger signal is ignored if it occurs before the VNA is ready to be triggered. ON (1) - A trigger signal is remembered and then used when the VNA becomes armed (ready to be triggered). The VNA remembers only one trigger signal. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Output Enabled The VNA can be enabled to send trigger signals out the rear-panel TRIGGER OUT BNC connector. Use CONTrol:SIGNal to configure for output triggers. Note: To configure external triggering in the current VNA models, use the Trigger commands. For more information, see External triggering. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Boolean OFF (0) - VNA does NOT output trigger signals. ON (1) - VNA DOES output trigger signals. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:TRIG:OUTP 1 control:signal:trigger:outp OFF |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Read only) Read the total number of pin on the application I/O. In case for the E5080B, always 15. For more information, see application I/O. |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:AIO:PIN:COUN? control:signal:aio:pin:count? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Numeric value |
15 |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Write-Read) Set and Read the function for the specified port in the application I/O interface. The assigned settings are not saved in a state file, but the setting is stored when changing function and recall them at the next firmware start up. |
Parameters |
<pin> |
Pin Number. |
<func> |
function name
*1) For Noise Figure switch control, the signal is asserted no matter which pins are used in the NF channel if the port index(x) is not specified. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:AIO:PIN:FUNC "LOW" control:signal:aio5:pin:function "NF_SOURCE15" |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting> |
See the table in <func> |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Read Only) Read the list of the available function for the specified pin in the application I/O. Example, "RF_PULSE_MOD_IN" is returned for the pin 8. |
Parameters |
<pin> |
Pin Number. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:AIO:PIN3:FUNC:CAT? control:signal:aio:pin3:function:catalog? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting>, available function list with Comma separated chars |
See the table in <func> of CONTrol:SIGNal:APPLication:FUNC? |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Write-Read) Set and read the function for the selected pin on the Application I/O connector. It is set on channel basis and reflected only when “CHANNEL_CTRL” is selected in :CONTrol:SIGNal:AIO:PIN<pin>:FUNCtion <func> for the specified pin. The setting is saved in the state file and subject to preset. Function can be selected from Output signals |
Parameters |
<pin> |
Pin Number 1-5, 10-13 |
<ch> |
Channel number |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<char> |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Read Only) Read the catalog of the functions assignable to the pin on the Application I/O connector. |
Parameters |
<pin> |
Pin Number 1-5, 10-13 |
Examples |
:CONT:SIGN:AIO:PIN5:CHAN1:FUNC:CAT? control:signal:aio:pin5:channel:function:catalog? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Comma separated chars |
NA |
Applicable Models: E5080B, E5081A (Read only) Read the level of the specified INPUT pin of the application I/O. This command reads the level immediately after its execution. It is not necessary to assign the pin as INPUT by command. When the specified pin number is 6 to 9 or 14, "Specified Application IO port is not input port." error is returned. |
Parameters |
<pin> |
Pin Number. (E5080B: 1 to 5, 10 to 13) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:AIO:PIN:INP2:LEV? control:signal:aio:pin:input1:level? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Char ("HIGH" or "LOW") |
N/A |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read only) Read the number of ports in the main control port of the I/O connector interface. In case for the M980xA/P50xxA, always 6. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface (M980xA/P50xxA) |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:MAIN:COUN? control:signal:kdmi:main:count? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Numeric value |
6. |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Set and Read the function for the specified port and channel in the main of the I/O adapter interface. To use this, set CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:FUNCion at CHANNEL_CTRL. The setting is saved in the state file and subject to preset. Function can be selected from Output signal. |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:COUNt?. |
<func> |
function name
*1) For Noise Figure switch control, the signal is asserted no matter which ports are used in the NF channel if the port/module index(x) is not specified. |
Examples |
CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN1:FUNCion "CHANNEL_CTRL" CONT:SIGN:KDMI:MAIN1:CHAN1:FUNC "LOW" CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:main2:FUNCion "CHANNEL_CTRL" control:signal:kdmi:main2:channel2:function "NF_LO1" |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting> |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Set and Read the function for the specified port in the main c of the I/O adapter interface. The assigned settings are preserved for each system configuration even after preset, firmware restart and power on/off. The CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:CHANnel:FUNCion allows you to set the function independently for each channel. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:COUNt?. |
<func> |
function name
*1) For Noise Figure switch control, the signal is asserted no matter which ports are used in the NF channel if the port/module index(x) is not specified. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:MAIN1:FUNC "LOW" control:signal:kdmi:main2:function "NF_LO1" |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting> |
See the table in <func> |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read Only) Read the list of the available function for the specified port in the main control of the I/O adapter interface. Example, "RF_PULSE_MOD_IN, INPUT1" is returned for the port 5. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:COUNt?. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:MAIN:FUNC:CAT? control:signal:kdmi:main:function:catalog? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting>, available function list with Comma separated chars |
See the table in <func> of CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:FUNC? |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA, P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read only) Read the level of the specified INPUT port of the I/O adapter main side. This command reads the level immediately after its execution. It is not necessary to assign the port as INPUT by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:MAIN:FUNCion command. When the specified port is not input port, "Specified KDMI port is not input port" error is returned. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number (3 to 6) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:MAIN3:INP:LEV? control:signal:kdmi:main3:input:level? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Char ("HIGH" or "LOW") |
N/A |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read only) Read the number of ports in the sub control of the I/O adapter interface. In case for the M980xA/P50xxA, always 6. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:SUB:COUN? control:signal:kdmi:sub:count? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Numeric value |
6 |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Set and Read the function for the specified port and specified channel in the sub control port of the I/O adapter interface. To use this, set CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:FUNCion at CHANNEL_CTRL. The setting is saved in th state file and subject to preset. Function can be selected from Output signal. |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:COUNt?. |
<ch> |
Channel Number. |
<func> |
function name
*1) For Noise Figure switch control, the signal is asserted no matter which ports are used in the NF channel if the port/module index(x) is not specified. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting> |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Set and Read the function for the specified port in the sub control port of the I/O adapter interface. The assigned settings are preserved for each system configuration even after preset, firmware restart and power on/off. The CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:CHANnel:FUNCion allows you to set the function independently for each channel. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:COUNt?. |
<func> |
function name
*1) For Noise Figure switch control, the signal is asserted no matter which ports are used in the NF channel if the port/module index(x) is not specified. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:SUB3:FUNC "LOW" control:signal:kdmi:sub2:function "INPUT4" |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting> |
See the table in <func> |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA,P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read Only) Read the list of the available function for the specified port in the sub control port of the I/O adapter interface. Example, "TRIGGER_IN, INPUT3" is returned for the port 1. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port Number. The number of total ports is returned by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:COUNt?. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:SUB:FUNC:CAT? control:signal:kdmi:sub:function:catalog? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
<sting>, available function list with Comma separated chars |
See the table in <func> of CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:FUNC? |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA, P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Read only) Read the level of the specified INPUT port of the I/O adapter sub side. This command reads the level immediately after its execution. It is not necessary to assign the port as INPUT by CONTrol:SIGNal:KDMI:SUB:FUNCtion command. The When the specified port is not input port, "Specified KDMI port is not input port" error is returned. For more information, see I/O Connector Interface |
Parameters |
<num> |
Port Number (1 to 4) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:KDMI:SUB3:INP:LEV? control:signal:kdmi:sub3:input:level? |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Char ("HIGH" or "LOW") |
N/A |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA (Write-Read) Turns ON / OFF Ready for Trigger output from Backplane Trigger Lines. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Choose from:
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:PXI:RTR 1 control:signal:pxi:rtrigger:stat off |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:PXI:RTRigger[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 (Preset will not reset the setting.) |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA (Write-Read) Specifies the Backplane Trigger Line to use for the trigger OUT ready line. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: TRIG0 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG0) TRIG1 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG1) TRIG2 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG2) TRIG3 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG3) TRIG4 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG4) TRIG5 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG5) TRIG6 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG6) TRIG7 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG7) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:PXI:RTR:ROUT TRIG0 control:signal:pxi:rtrigger:route trig0 |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:PXI:RTRigger:ROUTe? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA (Write-Read) Turns ON / OFF the trigger output from PXI Backplane line when “CONTrol:SIGNal:TRIGger:OUTP[:STATe]” is “ON”. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - VNA DOES output trigger signals from PXI Backplane when “CONTrol:SIGNal:TRIGger:OUTP[:STATe]” is “ON”. OFF (or 0) – VNA does NOT output trigger signals from PXI Backplane. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:PXI:TRIG:OUTP 1 control:signal:pxi:trigger:output:stat off |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: M980xA, M983xA (Write-Read) Specifies the Backplane Trigger Line to use for the trigger output line. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: TRIG0 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG0) TRIG1 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG1) TRIG2 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG2) TRIG3 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG3) TRIG4 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG4) TRIG5 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG5) TRIG6 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG6) TRIG7 – Backplane Trigger Lines (PXI TRIG7) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:PXI:TRIG:OUTP:ROUT TRIG0 control:signal:pxi:trigger:output:route trig0 |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Turns ON / OFF Ready for Trigger output from Streamline Rear SMB. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Choose from:
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:STR:RTR 1 control:signal:streamline:rtrigger:stat off |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:STReamline:RTRigger[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 (Preset will not reset the setting.) |
Applicable Models: P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Specifies the Backplane Trigger Line to use for the trigger OUT ready line. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: NONE – Streamline Rear SMB Not connected (NONE) REAR1 – Streamline Rear SMB (TRIG1) REAR2 – Streamline Rear SMB (TRIG2) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:STR:RTR:ROUT TRIG1 control:signal:streamline:rtrigger:route trig1 |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:STReamline:RTRigger:ROUTe? |
Return Type |
Character |
N/A |
Applicable Models: P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Turns ON / OFF the trigger output from Streamline Rear SMB when “CONTrol:SIGNal:TRIGger:OUTP[:STATe]” is “ON”. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - VNA DOES output trigger signals from Streamline Rear SMB when “CONTrol:SIGNal:TRIGger:OUTP[:STATe]” is “ON”. OFF (or 0) – VNA does NOT output trigger signals from Streamline Rear SMB. |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:STR:TRIG:OUTP 1 control:signal:streamline:trigger:output:stat off |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:STReamline:TRIGger:OUTPut[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: P50xxA/B, P93xxB (Write-Read) Specifies the Streamline Rear SMB to use for the trigger output line. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: NONE – Streamline Rear SMB Not connected (NONE) REAR1 – Streamline Rear SMB (REAR TRIG1) REAR2 – Streamline Rear SMB (REAR TRIG2) |
Examples |
CONT:SIGN:STR:TRIG:OUTP:ROUT REAR1 control:signal:streamline:trigger:output:route rear1 |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:SIGNal:STReamline:TRIGger:OUTPut:ROUTe? |
Return Type |
Character |