2.92 mm Connector Handling
For 2.92 mm connectors the maximum torque setting is 8 in-lb (0.9 Nm).
The following drawings illustrate proper connection handling techniques for the following front-panel connectors:
- N1000A's 2.92 mm Trigger and Precision Timebase Inputs.
- N1060A’s Precision Timebase and Recovered Clock 2.92 mm connectors.
For these connections, the 8 lb-in (0.9 Nm) torque wrench is used (accessory kit item 2). The following drawing shows the wrench positions for connecting a 2.92 mm-to-2.92 mm adapter to the N1000A's front-panel Recovered Clock output or Precision Timebase input.

Once the wrenches are properly positioned, the following drawing shows how to use the wrenches to torque the connection. Although the drawing shows an N1060A's front panel, the technique used is identical when making connections to the N1000A's 2.92 mm connectors.