86100D-STR Triggering

When using TDR mode with an 86100D-STR (standard-trigger) mainframe, you must connect external cables to trigger the instrument. This is not an issue when using 86100D-ETR or N1000A instruments, as these instruments provide internal cabling for module synchronization.

86100D-STR with two N1055A TDR Modules

This section applies to performing measurements under the following conditions:

  • TDT measurement
  • 86100D-STR mainframe
  • Two N1055A TDR/TDT modules with one module sending the TDR step and the other module receiving the TDR step.

You must connect an 11667B Power Splitter or 11636B Power Divider as shown in the following drawing. Use one cable to connect the mainframe's Trigger Input connector to the power splitter. Use two cables connect the power splitter to the Clock In connectors on each N1055A module.

86100D-STR with 54754A TDR Modules

This section applies to performing measurements using 54754A modules. You must connect connect a cable between the module's Trigger output port to the mainframe's Trigger input connector as shown in these pictures.

Triggering with One TDR Module

If two 54754A TDR modules are used, add an 11667B Power Splitter or 11636B Power Divider and combine the triggers as shown in the picture.

Triggering with Two TDR Modules