Installing Python

Meas. mode:
Package License:

Use the following steps to install Python 2.7 on your PC or DCA-X and to confirm that Python is correctly installed.

The version of Python supported for user measurements is Python 2.7. Python 3.x is not supported.

  1. Install Python 2.7 on the DCA-X or FlexDCA N1010A. You can download from or from some other distribution.
  2. Add the Windows path to the Python executable, python.exe, to the Windows PATH environment variable. For example, C:\Python27.
  3. If you have installed Python from
    1. Go to and download the script to the Python folder (C:\Python27). The pip script is a Python package installer. It is used to install the numpy package which is required for FlexDCA user measurements.
    2. In the Windows Search bar, type CMD and open the Command Prompt application.
    3. In Command Prompt, enter cd c:\Python27 and run the script:
    4. python
    5. After the script has completed, run:
      python -m pip install numpy
    6. When installs have completed, enter exit() to close Command Prompt.
  4. Start your Python editor. In the editor, enter the following two lines of code. If the script runs without warnings or errors, your environment should be properly configured.
  5. import numpy
    print "This is a test!"

    NumPy is used by FlexDCA to pass input variables to your scripts in Scope, Eye, and TDR modes.

  6. Now that your Python editor works correctly, try "Exercise 1. Hello, World!" to quickly run and test your first user measurement.