Python Requirements

Meas. mode:
Package License:
  • Requires Python version 2.7. Python version 3.x is not supported.
  • All Python scripts must begin with the algorithm function with is described in the lessons.
  • The Python NumPy library must be installed.

NumPy is a Python library for creating multidimensional arrays and must be installed. In Oscilloscope and TDR modes, the source waveform is a one-dimensional NumPy array. In Eye mode, the source database is a two-dimensional NumPy array.

NumPy is used by FlexDCA to pass input variables to your scripts in Scope, Eye, and TDR modes. In Scope and TDR modes, you don't need to import NumPy into your scripts but you must still have NumPy installed with Python.

If you are running your script in FlexDCA's Eye mode, you must import NumPy into your script.