<Dependent> Element

Meas. mode:
Package License:

Use the optional <Dependent> element to select a compatible FlexDCA scalar measurement that automatically run before the script performs its measurement. If the dependent measurement cannot be run by FlexDCA, an error is reported and the User Measurement stops. Up to four <Dependent> elements and therefore four dependent measurements can be selected for any single user measurement. The resulting dependent measurement data is passed from FlexDCA to:

  • MATLAB script as a MeasData container.
  • Python script as a MeasData list of measurement dictionaries.

Before running your measurement, if you have already manually started a dependent measurement or have started any other measurements, FlexDCA includes these measurements in the variables dictionary that is passed to your script.

A dependent measurement that FlexDCA automatically starts, will not be listed in FlexDCA's Results table.

If FlexDCA reports that a measurement is not a valid dependent measurement, start the measurement manually before you run the script.

The dependent measurement data is organized in the same order that the measurements are listed in the XML file.

A separate <Dependent> statement is required for each measurement. Dependent measurements are not shown in FlexDCA's Results panel, unless the measurement is already listed. You do not need to manually turn on the selected measurement. Not all FlexDCA measurements can be selected as a dependent as listed in the tables in this topic. The dependent measurements are shown on the associated tab in the User Measurement Setup dialog.

  • <Dependent Name = "One Level">
  • </Dependent>
  • <Dependent Name = "Zero Level">
  • <SourceIndex>1</SourceIndex>
  • </Dependent>
  • <Dependent Name = "Crossing Time">
  • <SourceIndex>2</SourceIndex>
  • </Dependent>
  • <Dependent Name = "Bit Rate">
  • <SourceIndex>2</SourceIndex>
  • </Dependent>

For each dependent measurement that you define, a dictionary of key:value pairs named MeasData is made available to MATLAB scripts and passed to Python scripts via the algorithm function's variables argument. For example, if two dependent measurements Amplitude and Peak-Peak are defined, the following key:value pairs could be available:

			{'Name': 'Amplitude', 'Status': 'Correct', 'Source1': 'Channel 1A', 'Result': 0.496241, 'Units':'Volt'},
			{'Name': 'Peak-Peak', 'Status': 'Correct', 'Source2': 'Channel 1B', 'Result': 0.514348, 'Units':'Volt'},

The maximum number of dependent measurements allowed is four.

If you have specified any dependent FlexDCA measurements, you do not need to run these measurements before starting your user measurement. Dependent FlexDCA measurements are automatically run.

Parent Elements

Child Elements


Identifies a compatible FlexDCA measurement. The following tables list the supported measurements in each FlexDCA mode (Eye, Scope, or TDR) and correct name strings to use in the <Dependent> element. For example, for a Peak-Peak Amplitude measurement you would enter:


Measurements that are not listed in the following table cannot be selected as a dependent measurement. You must start the measurement with the results showing in the FlexDCA's Results panel before you run your User Measurement.

Scope Mode <Dependent> Compatible Measurements
Time Toolbar Measurements Amplitude Toolbar Measurements PAM Toolbar Measurements
On Toolbar Name in XML On Toolbar Name in XML On Toolbar Name in XML
Rise Time Rise Time Overshoot Overshoot
Fall Time Fall Time OMA OMA
Period Period Amplitude Amplitude
Frequency Frequency Peak-Peak Amplitude Peak-Peak
+ Pulse Width + Pulse Waveform Top Top
- Pulse Width - Pulse Waveform Base Base
Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Maximum Maximum
Time at Max Time at Max Minimum Minimum
Time at Min Time at Min Preshoot Preshoot
Amplitude at Upper Ampl at Upper
Amplitude at Middle Ampl at Middle
Amplitude at Lower Ampl at Lower
Eye Mode <Dependent> Compatible Measurements
Time Toolbar Measurements Amplitude Toolbar Measurements PAM Toolbar Measurements
On Toolbar Name in XML On Toolbar Name in XML On Toolbar Name in XML
Rise Time Rise Time OMA OMA
Fall Time Fall Time
One Level One Level
Zero Level Zero Level
Crossing % Crossing %
Signal to Noise Ratio SNR
Bit Rate Bit Rate
Eye Amplitude Eye Ampl
Crossing Time Crossing Time
Database Peak Hits Database Peak Hits
TDR Mode <Dependent> Compatible Measurements
Time Toolbar Measurements Amplitude Toolbar Measurements
On Toolbar Name in XML On Toolbar Name in XML
Rise Time Rise Time Maximum Maximum
Fall Time Fall Time Minimum Minimum
Time at Max Time at Max
Time at Min Time at Min


  • <Measurement>
  • <Dependent Name = "+ Pulse"> <!-- Oscilloscope mode's + pulse width measurement. -->
  • <SourceIndex>1</SourceIndex> <!-- Measure source waveform 1. -->
  • </Dependent>
  • <Dependent Name = "− Pulse"> <!-- Oscilloscope mode's &minus; pulse width measurement. -->
  • <SourceIndex>2</SourceIndex> <!-- Measure source waveform 2. -->
  • </Dependent>
  • <!-- As <SourceIndex> is missing, default source waveform 1 is selected. -->
  • <Dependent Name = "Top"> <!-- Oscilloscope mode's waveform top measurement. -->
  • </Dependent>
  • </Measurement>