Command Syntax
:CALibrate:MODule:VERTical {ENABled | DISabled | PARTial} "<DCA-M-module-name>" [<input-channel>]
Where <DCA-M-module-name> is the name that identifies the DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram. The name is the combination of the <model number>-<serial number>. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".
Optional parameter <input-channel> is a single DCA-M input channel (A, B, C, or D depending on N1092 model). If this parameter is missing, the calibration setting will apply to all input channels.
Query Syntax
Query Response
Enables or disables vertical calibrations for input channels on the identified DCA-M module. If the optional <input-channel> is missing, the state of all input channels are set. If an optional channel is specified, only that channel's state is set. Only one channel can be specified per instance of this command.
- ENABled
Selects all vertical calibrations for the module to be performed.
- DISabled
Prevents all vertical calibrations for the module from being performed.
- PARTial
Indicates that some vertical calibrations are enabled and some are disabled.
To start the calibration, use the :CALibrate:MODule:STARt
Example Command Sequence
This command sequence disables all N1092D channels and then enables channels A and B. It then returns the state of all channels, which are partially enabled, and then queries the state of channel C which is enabled. The calibration is then started.
FlexOTO.write(':CAL:MOD:VERT DISabled "N1092D-US92012345"')
FlexOTO.write(':CAL:MOD:VERT ENABled "N1092D-US92012345" "A"')
FlexOTO.write(':CAL:MOD:VERT ENABled "N1092D-US92012345" "C"') s1 = FlexOTO.query(':CAL:MOD:VERT? "N1092D-US92012345"') # returns "PART" s2 = FlexOTO.query(':CAL:MOD:VERT? "N1092D-US92012345" "C"') # returns "ENAB" FlexOTO.write(':CAL:MOD:STARt "N1092D-US92012345"')