Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Query Syntax
:JOBS:RESults:MEASure:LINearity? <Job ID>
Where <Job ID> is an integer that represents the Job ID.
For the specified Job ID, queries the measurement result for the Linearity measurement. Linearity measures the linearity based on Eye or RLM (Ratio Level Mismatch) between all four amplitude levels (0, 1, 2, 3) of a PAM4 eye diagram. To select Eye or RLM, use the :TPRogram:SETup:LDEFinition
or :TPRogram:SLINe:LDEFinition
If the specified Job ID does not exist in the current Job Results, the query returns the value 9.91E+37 NaN
(Not-a-Number). Use the following queries to determine the status of the Linearity measurement: