Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
Trace Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly > Agilent.SA.Vsa Namespace : Trace Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Trace.

Public Properties

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public PropertyApertureGets or sets the group delay aperture.  
Public PropertyCanExportGets a value indicating whether the ExportFile method can be called.  20.00
Public PropertyCouplingGets or sets the trace coupling status of this trace.  20.0
Public PropertyDataNameGets or sets which trace data result is computed for this Trace.  
Public PropertyDataTitleGets the trace title that is displayed in window title of each trace window.  
Public PropertyDemodChipRateGets the demod chip rate for this trace.  
Public PropertyDemodCodeOrderGets or sets which order is used for code bits for this trace.  
Public PropertyDemodFreqUnitGets or sets the type of X-axis unit associated with demod frequency (OFDM) data.  
Public PropertyDemodStateShapeGets or sets the shape of the digital demodulation ideal state positions.  
Public PropertyDemodStateSizeGets or sets the size of the digital demodulation ideal state positions.  
Public PropertyDemodSymbolShapeGets or sets the shape of the marks at the digital demodulation symbol positions.  
Public PropertyDemodTableBitOrderGets or sets the bit ordering for a digital demodulation symbol table.  
Public PropertyDemodTableFormatGets or sets the format of a digital demodulation symbol table.  
Public PropertyDemodTimeUnitGets or sets the type of X-axis unit associated with demodulation time data.  
Public PropertyFormatGets or sets the trace format.  
Public PropertyGraphGets the graph object for this trace.  17.00
Public PropertyIsDataValidGets a value indicating whether the data for this trace is valid.  
Public PropertyIsDemod2DAverageLineVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether a 2D demodulation trace should have an overlaid average line.  
Public PropertyIsDisposedGets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed. If an object has been disposed any attempt to use it will lead to an ObjectDisposedException being thrown. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public PropertyIsOverlayGets or sets a value indicating whether this trace may be visually overlaid with another trace.  
Public PropertyIsTraceFormatCoupledGets or sets a value indicating whether this trace's Format is coupled with other overlaid traces.  18.5
Public PropertyIsTriggerRefLineVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether a trigger reference line is drawn on time traces for the current trigger channel (level and magnitude triggers only).  
Public PropertyIsUpdatePauseGets or sets a value indicating whether the measurement is paused when the trace reaches the update count.  18.50
Public PropertyIsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether this trace is visible.  
Public PropertyIsXAxisCoupledGets or sets a value indicating whether this trace's x-axis is coupled with other overlaid traces.  18.5
Public PropertyIsXLogGets or sets a value indicating whether the x-axis is shown in a linear or log scale.  
Public PropertyIsXScaleAutoGets or sets a value indicating whether the x-axis is auto-scaled to show all the data in the trace.  
Public PropertyIsYAxisCoupledGets or sets a value indicating whether this trace's y-axis is coupled with other overlaid traces.  18.5
Public PropertyIsYRefTrackRangeGets or sets a value indicating whether the reference level tracks changes in the input range.  
Public PropertyIsYRefVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the y-axis reference line is visible.  
Public PropertyLabelGets the label (i.e. "A", "B") for this trace.  
Public PropertyMarkersGets the collection of markers for this trace.  
Public PropertyMeasurementDataGets the measurement data object (contains the unformatted measurement data) for this trace.  
Public PropertyMeasurementIndexGets the index of the measurement (MeasurementCollection) that generated this trace's data.  
Public PropertyPhaseOffsetGets or sets the phase offset (degrees) for the unwrapped phase format.  
Public PropertyPointDrawModeGets or sets whether traces are drawn with lines, points, or both.  20.00
Public PropertySpectrogramGets the spectrogram/map object for this trace.  
Public PropertyTimeSegmentDrawModeGets or sets the drawing mode for time-segmented data.  19.00
Public PropertyUnwrapRefGets or sets the unwrapped phase reference (degrees).  
Public PropertyUpdateGets or sets the trace update.  18.50
Public PropertyUpdateCountGets or sets the trace update count.  18.50
Public PropertyVectorXCenterGets or sets the X center scaling value for the vector trace formats.  
Public PropertyXAxisFormatGets or sets the x-axis trace format when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisLeftGets or sets the left side of the x-axis scale when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisPerDivGets or sets the spacing between x-axis divisions when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisPerDivUnitGets the y-axis per division unit string.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisRefLevelGets or sets the value of the x-axis reference line when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisRefPositionGets or sets the position of the x-axis reference line when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisRightGets or sets the right side of the x-axis scale when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyXAxisUnitGets the x-axis unit string.  
Public PropertyXDataUnitGets the x unit string.  
Public PropertyXEyeLengthGets or sets the digital demodulation x-axis eye length for eye diagram formats.  
Public PropertyXLeftGets or sets the left side of the x-axis scale.  
Public PropertyXRightGets or sets the right side of the x-axis scale.  
Public PropertyXUnitGets or sets the x unit type (Power, Peak, RMS) when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyYAxisFormatGets or sets the y-axis trace format when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public PropertyYAxisUnitGets the y-axis unit string.  
Public PropertyYBottomGets or sets the bottom side of the y-axis scale.  
Public PropertyYLogRatioGets or sets the ratio between the top and bottom when in TraceFormatType.LogMagnitudeLinear format.  
Public PropertyYPerDivGets or sets the spacing between y-axis divisions.  
Public PropertyYPerDivUnitGets the y-axis per division unit string.  
Public PropertyYRefLevelGets or sets the y-axis value of the reference line.  
Public PropertyYRefPositionGets or sets the position of the reference line.  
Public PropertyYTopGets or sets the top side of the y-axis scale.  
Public PropertyYUnitGets or sets the y unit type (Power, Peak, RMS).  
Public PropertyZAxisUnitGets the z-axis unit string.  
Public PropertyZFirstGets the z-axis value associated with the first data point.  
Public PropertyZLastGets the z-axis value associated with the last data point.  
Public PropertyZPointsGets the number of points in the z-axis.  
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Methods

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public MethodApplyDrawFilteringApplies filtering when rendering the trace data, based on the filter type and values provided.  23.20
Public MethodCopyDataToClipboardCopy the trace data (numbers) to the clipboard.  
Public MethodCopyToDataRegisterOverloaded. Copy this trace to the specified data register by index.  
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDoubleDataGets the data (numbers) in the current trace format as an array of double.  
Public MethodExportFileExport data in a format that can be used by external programs  20.00
Public MethodFloatDataGets the data (numbers) in the current trace format as an array of floats.  
Public MethodForceRebuildKeyMapThis method is used to force a refresh of the key map. This is necessary in cases where the key mappings to the API objects change. This can happen when the index of an item within a collection is reflected in the key name, and an item is removed from the middle of a collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodGetFilteredSubsegmentContextIdsGets the collection of context IDs to filter out when rendering the trace data.  23.20
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodGetSubsegmentContextIdsGets the collection of subsegment context IDs that each point can possibly be associated with.  23.20
Public MethodGetSubsegmentLabelsGets the collection of subsegment labels that each point can possibly be associated with.  23.20
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodSaveFileSave the trace in the specified format to a file.  
Public MethodUpdateResetAverageResets the averaging for the trace.  18.50
Public MethodWaitForDataValidOverloaded. Wait 10 seconds for the data for this trace to be valid.  
Public MethodXAxisLeftRightSet the left and right sides of the x-axis scale when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public MethodXAxisScaleAutoAutoScale the x-axis when Format is TraceFormatType.RealVsImaginary.  17.00
Public MethodXLeftRightSet the left and right side of the x-axis scale.  
Public MethodYScaleAutoAutoScale the y-axis.  
Public MethodYTopBottomSet the top and bottom sides of the y-axis scale.  
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Events

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventPropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)14.00
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

See Also