Pulse Train Search Table (Pulse)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Result Tables

The Pulse Train Search Table shows pulse train search and scoring results when Pulse Train Scoring is selected and enabled in the Analysis > Scoring panel.

Each pulse will have a score that matches how well that pulse fits the characteristics of the starting pulse of the reference train, as well as how well the following pulses match the subsequent pulses in the reference train.

Pulse - the pulse's index relative to the start of the current measurement acquisition. See Pulse Metric for more information.

Modulation - the pulse's detected modulation type. See Modulation Decode Metrics for more information.

Top Level (dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer) - the pulse's detected most positive state. See Top Level (dBm) for more information.

Width (sec) - the pulse's detected width. See Width (sec) for more information.

PRI (sec) - the pulse's detected Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI). See PRI (sec) for more information.

Freq Mean (Hz) - the pulse's calculated frequency mean. See Freq Mean (Hz) for more information.

Best-Fit FM Frequency Modulation Slope (Hz/µs) - the pulse's frequency slope rate. See Best-Fit FM Slope (Hz/µs) for more information.

Scoring - the calculated index of overall pulse quality by comparing pulse parameters/metrics (Top Level, Width, PRI, Freq Mean and FM Slope) with the reference pulse(s) relative to base error values (Top Level, Width, PRI, Freq Mean and FM Slope) set in the Scoring tab. Scoring Enable must be selected in the Scoring tab to see results. See Scoring Metric for more information.

Train ID - indicates the pulse train that is best associated with this pulse. If a train has a score greater than or equal to the train's Identification Threshold reference value, it is considered a valid train and given a Train ID.

Train1 Score - the calculated score for Train 1 based on the characteristics of the reference train defined in the Pulse Train Scoring panel. The score value shown for the first pulse in the train represents the overall score for the entire train. All other pulses in the train will show a 0.000 score value.

Train2 Score - the calculated score for Train 2 based on the characteristics of the reference train defined in the Pulse Train Scoring panel. The score value shown for the first pulse in the train represents the overall score for the entire train. All other pulses in the train will show a 0.000 score value.

Train3 Score - the calculated score for Train 3 based on the characteristics of the reference train defined in the Pulse Train Scoring panel. The score value shown for the first pulse in the train represents the overall score for the entire train. All other pulses in the train will show a 0.000 score value.

Train4 Score - the calculated score for Train 4 based on the characteristics of the reference train defined in the Pulse Train Scoring panel. The score value shown for the first pulse in the train represents the overall score for the entire train. All other pulses in the train will show a 0.000 score value.

Train1 Search Skip Index - the index of a skipped pulse when Skip unwanted intermediate pulse is selected for Train 1. The pulse train search algorithm skips an extraneous pulse that is detected and lists such pulses in this column.

Train2 Search Skip Index - the index of a skipped pulse when Skip unwanted intermediate pulse is selected for Train 2. The pulse train search algorithm skips an extraneous pulse that is detected and lists such pulses in this column.

Train3 Search Skip Index - the index of a skipped pulse when Skip unwanted intermediate pulse is selected for Train 3. The pulse train search algorithm skips an extraneous pulse that is detected and lists such pulses in this column.

Train4 Search Skip Index - the index of a skipped pulse when Skip unwanted intermediate pulse is selected for Train 4. The pulse train search algorithm skips an extraneous pulse that is detected and lists such pulses in this column.

See Also

About Result Tables

Scoring Properties Panel

Pulse Table

Scoring Metric