You can achieve the fastest measurement sweep by adjusting the following:
Other topics about Optimizing Measurements
Consider changing each of the following settings as suggested.
Frequency Span - Measure only the frequencies that are necessary for your device.
Segment Sweep - Use segments to focus test data only where you need it.
Switch Off Stepped Sweep - Use linear swept mode to minimize sweep time when possible.
Auto Sweep Time - Use this default to sweep as quickly as possible for the current settings.
Number of Points - Use the minimum number of points required for the measurement.
Note: Sweep time may be longer in the following situations.
* Sweep Time Entry is displayed.
* Sweep Timing or Trigger SoftTab is displayed.
For more information on how number of points and other settings affect sweep cycle time, see Technical Specifications.
Using a combination of these settings, you can decrease the sweep time while still achieving an acceptable measurement.
IF Bandwidth. Use the widest IF bandwidth that will produce acceptable trace noise and dynamic range.
Average. Reduce the average factor, or switch Average off.
Choose the appropriate type of calibration for the required level of accuracy.
When full 2-port error correction is applied, the VNA takes both forward and reverse sweeps to gather all 12 error correction terms. This occurs even with a single S11 measurement displayed. All displayed measurements are updated as the second sweep is performed. Both sweeps are performed using the specified sweep time.
When calibrating greater than 2 ports, the following formula is used to determine the number of sweeps required:
N * (N-1) where N = the number of ports.
When full 3-port calibration is applied, 6 sweeps are required; forward and reverse for each port pair. With full 4-port correction, 12 sweeps are required, and so forth.
To limit the measurement time, perform ONLY the level of calibration that your measurements require. For example, if making only an S11 measurement, perform a 1-port calibration on that port.
Sweep speed is about the same for uncorrected measurements and measurements done using a response calibration, or one-port calibration. For more information see Select a Calibration.
The analyzer must update information for all active functions. To achieve an additional increase in sweep speed, switch off all of the analyzer functions that are not necessary for your measurement application.
Analyzer sweep speed is dependent on various measurement settings. Experiment with the settings to get the fastest sweep and the measurement results that you need.
Last modified:
13-Aug-2014 |
First Release |