The following VNA models include an internal second source.
P5020A/B to P5028A/B with option 402
E5080B with option 442, 462, 492, 4D2, 4K2, 4L2, 4M2, 4N2 or 4P2
1st Source (Source 1) and 2nd Source (Source 2) are available at specific ports as follows:
Source 1: Ports 1 and 2
Source 2: Ports 3 and 4
Note: P502xA/B- 400 has no internal second source capability if it is used as standalone.
When PXI/USB VNA is used in multi module/unit configuration, the multi-source capability is available. The source in each module/unit can output the measurement signal independently.
Note: P502xA/B-402 works as two modules for port 1-2 and 3-4 in multi unit configuration.
The setting is not saved in the state file, not changed by preset, and not changed by power cycle.
Sweep mode "AUTO" silently executes "STEPPED" sweep in the second or multi source setup.
The second or multi source setup is ignored if the multi DUT parallel measurement is enabled.
In the DRA configurations, the source port cannot be assigned on the port under the same module.
Example 4 port M980xA and
2 port M980xA
Possible case: 2 port unit as 1st module, 4 port unit as 2nd module
(In this case, the source can be assigned ports 1 and 4
which are on the different module.)
Impossible case: 4 port unit as 1st module, 2 port unit as
2nd module (In this case, the source cannot be assigned
ports 1 and 4 which are on the 1st module.)
Set frequency using the Frequency Offset Opt S9x080A dialog. To use the second and multi source, select uncouple for the required port in order to control the source independently.
Set power using the Advanced Power dialog.
Source power calibration of the second/multi source is performed as usual.
Using FCA, click the LO button to set frequency and power.
The specifications of the second/multi source are the same as source 1.
Last modified:
17-3535-2024 |
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