
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CALibrate:CHANnel{1:8}{A|B|C|D}:ENABled {ENABled | DISabled}

Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|B|C|D} identifies a channel by its module slot number and channel letter. For example, channel 3C (CHANnel3C).

The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.

Query Syntax



Enables or disables a vertical calibration for the indicated module's input channel.

Selects all calibrations for the indicated slot to be performed.
Prevents all calibrations for the indicated slot from being performed.

Use the child queries listed in the following table to return details about the current calibration.

Status String Child Queries
Status String Child Query to Send
Time of last calibration,
Time change since last calibration, and
Temperature change since last calibration
Change in temperature :DTEMperature?
Change in Time :TIME?

Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.

Query Response

Indicates that all calibrations for the indicated slot are selected.
Indicates that all calibrations for the indicated slot are disabled.

Example Command

:CALibrate:CHANnel2A:ENABled ENABled