*OPT? (Option)

Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax



Returns a comma-separated list of all packages, features, and options active (not expired) on the N1000A, N1002A, DCA-M, N1010A FlexDCA, N1000100A FlexPLL, or N1000300A FlexOTO. For example, "L-RND,F-JIT" indicates an R&D package license and associated enhanced jitter analysis feature. The order of the comma-delimited fields within the string is random.

Starting with firmware revision A.07.50, the query on FlexOTO returns options for both FlexOTO and FlexDCA.

This same string can be returned by the :SYSTem:OPTions? FRAMe command.

Example Query Response


License String Fields

Returned Package/Feature/Option String Fields
Field Description
200 Enhanced Jitter Analysis
201 Advanced Waveform Analysis
202 Enhanced Impedance and S-Parameters
300 Advanced Amplitude Analysis/RIN/Q-Factor
401 Advanced Eye Analysis
500 Productivity Package
AFR Automatic Fixture Removal in TDR Mode
CA4 IEEE 802.3bm-2015 CAUI-4 Measurements
CEI OIF CEI Compliance Application
CES OIF CEI Compliance Switch Control
DCA Support for all DCA-X mainframe SW options, hosted mode
EYE FlexEye Independent Eye Acquisition and Analysis
F-AEYE Advanced Eye Analysis
F-AFR Automatic Fixture Removal in TDR Mode
F-ATDREnhanced Impedance and S-Parameters
F-AWG Keysight Arbitrary Waveform Generator Control
F-EQ Equalizers (CTLE, DFE, LFE)
F-FEYE FlexEye Independent Eye Acquisition and Analysis
F-FLEX FlexDCA Remote Access Software
F-JIT Enhanced Jitter Analysis
F-OTO Optical Test Optimizer
F-PAM PAM-N Analysis Software
F-PTDQ Partial TDECQ, Noise Margin, and SER Measurements
F-SIM InfiniiSim-DCA Waveform Transformation Toolset
F-TDEC NRZ TDEC Measurement
F-TDQ TDECQ Measurement and Equalizer
F-UDI Unrestricted Data File Import
F-UDMO User Defined Measurements and Operators
FLEX FlexDCA Remote Access Software
HST SFF-8431 Host Measurement Suite
IE1 IEEE 802.3ap/ba, Clauses 72,84
IE2 IEEE 802.3ba, Clauses 83A,83B,86A
IE3 IEEE 802.3ba, Clause 85
IE4 IEEE 802.3bj, Clauses 92,93
IES IEEE 802.3 Compliance Switch Control
IRC System Impulse Response Correction
JSA Jitter Spectrum Analysis and SW Clock Recovery Emulation
L-MFG Manufacturing Package
L-MFGT Trial Manufacturing Package
L-MFGU Manufacturing Package Upgrade
L-RND Research and Development Package
L-RNDT Trial Research and Development Package
L-RNDU Research and Development Package Upgrade
L-SNT Signal Integrity Package
L-SNTT Trial Signal Integrity Package
L-SNTU Signal Integrity Package Upgrade
MOD SFF-8431 Module Measurement Suite
MYC User Defined Application
MYS User Defined Application Switch Control
PAM PAM-N Analysis Software
PM1 IEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM4 Measurements
PM4 OIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM4 Measurements
PM2 IEEE 802.3bs/cd Measurement Application
PM2U IEEE 802.3bs/cd Measurement Application, N1085A Upgrade
PM5 OIF-CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR Measurement Application
PM5U OIF-CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR Measurement Application, N1085A Upgrade
PMS IEEE 802.3 Compliance Switch Control
SFS SFF-8431 Measurement Suite Switch Control
SIM InfiniiSim-DCA Waveform Transformation Toolset
TDQ TDECQ Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure for PAM4