Query Syntax
:DISK:FILE:WRITe? "filename", <binary_data>
Where "filename" is the file to create on FlexDCA's user data folder.
Where <binary_data> is the binary data for place in the file.
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Sends binary data to FlexDCA's file system. The data is sent in the definite-length block data format, which allows any type of device-dependent data to be transmitted over the system interface as a series of 8-bit binary data bytes. The :DISK:FILE:WRITe?
query returns a boolean value. A '1' is returned if the file write operation succeeds and a '0' is returned if the operation fails for any reason.
Be aware that in some programming libraries, the method used to send the :DISK:FILE:WRITe?
command may return the number of bytes sent rather than a boolean indicating success or failure.
To return binary data from a file on the DCA-X's file system, use the :DISK:FILE:READ?
command. To return the size of a file that is on the DCA-X, use the :DISK:FILE:SIZE?
query. To return a text file, use the :DISK:FILE:ASCii:READ?
Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.30 and above.