Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above. Use :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:WINDow instead.

Command Syntax

:LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:GONLy {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Selects to save only the waveform and graticule in screen captures when reporting a screen capture for a mask limit test. The menu bar, toolbars, tables, and status bar are not included in the image file. Any dialog boxes open and positioned over the viewing area are not saved in the file. When printing a hard copy of the waveform, combined this command with the :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:INVert command (graticule only) to save ink or toner. Use the :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:STATe command to enable and disable screen-capture reporting. To enable or disable mask limit tests, use the :LTESt:MTESt:STATe command.