
Removed command for revision A.03.00 and above. This command is no longer available. Use :LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit:STATe insead.

Command Syntax

:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation{1:64}:STATe {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Turns on and off measurement limit testing for a specific Mask Test measurement in Eye/Mask Mode. The measurement is identified by a index, from 1 to 64, that is appended to the :LOCation portion of the command. The index identifies the measurement in the displayed Mask Test results table. An example of the Mask Test results table is shown in the following figure. You can query the location index using the :MEASure subsytem's :LOCation queries listed in the following table. For more information, refer to the introduction to the limit test subsystem.

Queries for Location Index
Mask Limit Measurements :MEASure Subsystem Query
for Location Index
Mask Region (1 to 16) :MEASure:MTESt:HREGion{1:16}:LOCation?
Mask + Margin Region (1 to 16) :MEASure:MTESt:MHRegion{1:16}:LOCation?
Total Mask Hits :MEASure:MTESt:HITS:LOCation?
Total Margin Hits :MEASure:MTESt:MHITs:LOCation?
Waveform Count :MEASure:MTESt:NWAVforms:LOCation?
Samples/UI :MEASure:MTESt:NSAMples:LOCation?
Margin :MEASure:MTESt:MARGin:LOCation?

Use the following sibling commands to configure the limit test:

  • :FAILures defines the number of failures for stopping a limit test
  • :FREGion selects when to fail a measurement
  • :LLIMit defines the lower limit for failing a limit test
  • :ULIMit defines the upper limit for failing a limit test
  • :UPACtion selects an action if the measurement cannot be performed

FlexDCA must be in Eye/Mask mode with mask testing turned on before you can configure or enable mask measurement limit tests.

Example Command Sequence

The first line in the following example returns the location index of the violation count for mask region 2 in the Mask Test table. In this example, the returned index is "3". The last line uses the returned location index to select and enable limit testing on region 2 counts.

Insert code here to return the LOCation index!
:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation3:UPACtion FAIL     //  configure limit test
:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation3:FREGion OUTSide
:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation3:LLIMit 0
:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation3:ULIMit 225E-3
:LTESt:MEASure:MTESt:LOCation3:FAILures 1000