Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


Where N identifies one of sixteen {1:16} limit tests. For example, :MLIMit8.

Query Syntax



Turns the specified measurement limit test, 1 through 16, on or off. Source waveforms include channels, differential channels, and functions. Use the following sibling commands to configure the limit test:

  • :SOURce:TYPE selects the type of measurement.
  • :SOURce:LOCationselects the actual measurement.
  • :FAILures defines the number of failures for stopping a limit test.
  • :FREGion selects when to fail a measurement.
  • :LLIMit defines the lower limit for failing a measurement.
  • :ULIMit defines the upper limit for failing a measurement.
  • :UPACtion selects an action if the measurement cannot be performed.

As seen in the example in this topic, the following commands configure the reports of a completed limit test:

Requires FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above.

Example Command Sequence

The following example creates three Eye Mode measurement limit tests for the Crossing %, Fall Time, and Rise Time measurements shown in this picture. Notice that the reporting action commands for saving waveform, summary, and a screen capture apply to all active measurement limit tests. The first limit test to complete stops all tests and report actions are taken.

:ACQuire:SINGle  //  Stop waveform acquisition.//  CREATE MEASUREMENT LIMIT TEST 4.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:SOURce:LOCation 1  //  Create test 4 for Crossing % measurement.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:LLIMit 23E-12  //  23 ps lower limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:ULIMit 24E-12  //  24 ps upper limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:FREGion OUTSide  //  Fail counted if outside of limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:FAILures 10  //  Fail test after 10 failures.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:UPACtion FAIL  //  If unable to perform test, fail.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit4:STATe ON  //  Turn Crossing % test on.//  CREATE MEASUREMENT LIMIT TEST 5.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:SOURce:LOCation 2  //  Create test 5 for Fall Time measurement.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:LLIMit 23E-12  //  23 ps lower limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:ULIMit 24E-12  //  24 ps upper limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:FREGion OUTSide  //  Fail counted if outside of limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:FAILures 10  //  Fail test after 10 failures.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:UPACtion FAIL  //  If unable to perform test, fail.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit5:STATe ON  //  Turn Fall Time test on.//  CREATE MEASUREMENT LIMIT TEST 6.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:SOURce:LOCation 3  //  Create test 6 for Rise Time measurement.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:LLIMit 23E-12  //  23 ps lower limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:ULIMit 24E-12  //  24 ps upper limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:FREGion OUTSide  //  Fail counted if outside of limit.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:FAILures 10  //  Fail test after 10 failures.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:UPACtion FAIL  //  If unable to perform test, fail.
:LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit6:STATe ON  //  Turn Rise Time test on.//  CONFIGURE REPORTING FOR ALL 3 TESTS.
:LTESt:MEASure:SWAVeform:CHAN2A:STATe DISK  //  Save channel 2A data to file.
:LTESt:MEASure:SWAVeform:CHAN2A:WMEMory WMEMory3  //  Select memory 3.
:LTESt:MEASure:SSUMmary:STATe ON  //  Save summary file.
:LTESt:MEASure:SIMage:STATe ON  //  Save screen image file.//  START TESTING.
:ACQuire:RUN  //  Start waveform acquisition.
*OPC?  //  Wait for completion of tests.