Command Syntax
Query Syntax
This command allows you to select an eye on PAM4 signals on which to perform the RJ measurement. For NRZ signals, the argument EYE0
is automatically selected and cannot be changed. If you experience difficulties measuring a PAM4 signal, confirm that the signal-type setting is set to PAM4 with the :CHANnel:SIGNal:TYPE

Measurement Identification
Avoid subtle programming errors! To ensure that the correct measurement is installed or queried, always explicitly identify a measurement when installing a measurement or querying a measured value, status, or detail. To identify a measurement, specify the measurement's source waveform (:SOURce
child command). With some measurements, you may also need to specify other identifying values. Generally, when selecting a measurement using FlexDCA's GUI, if a dialog appears prompting you to select values, you should explicitly specify these values when remotely identifying the measurement. More information.
For example, to return the status of the measurement, :MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE
flex.write(':MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE:SOURce CHAN1A') if flex.query(':MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE:STATus?') == 'CORR'; measurement = flex.query(':MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE?') else: details = flex.query(':MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE:STATus:DETails?') reason = flex.query(':MEASure:EYE:RJ:EYE:STATus:REASon?')
Requires Option 401, Advanced Eye Analysis Software license.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.30 and above.