
Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above, use the :TDR:SPMemory:LOAD:SOURce command instead.

Command Syntax

:TDR:SPMemoryN:SOURce {DUT{1:16} | SPMemoryN}

Where N identifies one of four possible S-parameter memories. For example, :SPMemory3.

Query Syntax



Selects to load S-parameters into S-parameter memory from a TDR/TDT mode DUT-based setup (TDR mode only) or another S-parameter memroy (Eye/Mask, Oscilloscope, or TDR/TDT modes). To actually load use S-parameters into memory, use the :TDR:SPMemory:LOAD command.

The query form of the command returns the current selected source.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.00 and above.

Example Command Sequence

  //  Loads S-parameters from DUT2 into memory 3.
:TDR:SPMemory3:SOURce DUT2

  //  Loads S-parameters from memory 2 into memory 4.
:TDR:SPMemory4:SOURce SPMemory2