Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above, use the :WAVeform:PATTern:SRATe?
Query Syntax
For pattern waveforms, queries the bit rate of the source waveform. This is the same value as queried or set using the :TRIGger:BRATe
command. Pattern waveform data must be returned using the XYFormat queries.
In Eye/Mask Mode (:SYSTem:MODE
), requires pattern lock turned on (:TRIGger:PLOCk
In Oscilloscope Mode (:SYSTem:MODE
), requires pattern lock turned on (:TRIGger:PLOCk
) and acquire entire pattern selected (:ACQuire:EPATtern
). The waveform must be single valued. Single-valued waveforms represent a signal in which every horizontal acquisition point has associated with it one and only one amplitude value. In contrast, an eye diagram is displayed by measuring and displaying multiple amplitude values for each horizontal acquisition point.