:WAVeform Subsystem

Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Use the Waveform subsystem commands to transfer waveform data from FlexDCA on a DCA-X directly to the computer. Otherwise you could use the :DISC subsystem commands to save the data as a file on the DCA-X and then use your programming language to transfer the file from the DCA-X to the computer.

Waveform data includes single-valued waveform data (Oscilloscope Mode) and color grade/gray scale data (Eye/Mask Mode) from FlexDCA to the computer. To transfer histogram data, use the commands in the :HISTogram subsystem. Channel, function, waveform, and color grade/gray scale memory can all be selected for return using the :WAVeform:SOURce command. All other subsystem commands are queries that return either data or parameters that are needed to interpret the data.

Returning waveform data from FlexDCA requires that you perform the following tasks:

  1. Place FlexDCA in stop or single data acquisition mode using the :ACQuire:STOP and :ACQuire:SINGle commands. If FlexDCA is in the run mode, multiple data acquisition cycles may occur between queries resulting in waveform parameters that do not match the data. For example, it is likely that the first point in the data will have a different time than that of the returned X origin.
  2. Select the data source using the :WAVeform:SOURce command.
  3. Use the :WAVeform:STATus? and :WAVeform:STATus:REASons? queries to determine if the waveform has valid data before you transfer the data.
  4. Return the data using one of the formats listed in the navigation tabs that are at the top of this topic.
  5. Return the waveform parameters needed to interpret the data. This includes, for example, the number of points in the waveform (record length), the time at the x-axis origin, and the time increment between data points.

XY-Format Waveform Data

XY-format waveform data returns a single-valued waveform's amplitude and time data in ASCII or binary (64-bit double or 32-bit float values) format. XY-format is designed for returning a pattern waveform or waveforms created when a precision timebase is used, as these waveforms are sampled using unequal time separations between adjacent data points. Returning 64-bit floating point values provides greater measurement resolution but at the sacrifice of longer times required to transfer the data.

If you query pattern waveform or waveforms created when using a precision timebase using the Y-format instead of XY-format, the waveform data must be converted to equal time separations. This requires interpolating amplitude values, and, in some time instances, a data point will be void (NaN) and the total point in the waveform may change.

Y-Format Waveform Data

Y-format waveform data returns a single-valued waveform's amplitude values with equal time separations. Single-valued waveforms represent a signal in which every horizontal acquisition point has associated with it one and only one amplitude value. In contrast, an eye diagram is displayed by measuring and displaying multiple amplitude values for each horizontal acquisition point. Single-valued waveforms are captured and viewed in Oscilloscope Mode or in Eye Mode when Pattern Lock is on. (If Acquire Entire Pattern is selected, wrap waveform must be turned off.)

Y-format waveform data can be returned in ASCII or binary (64-bit or 32-bit floating-point values or as 16-bit integers) format using the commands shown in the following table. Y-format is designed for waveforms in which the data points are separated by equal time increments. Because the time values are not transfered with each data point, Y-format results in faster data transfers than the XY-format. If you transfer a Y-format waveform using XY-format, the waveform data will not be altered and the time increments will remain equal, but the data transfer will take much longer.

The time at any data point:
Xtime = (Xdata)(Xincrement) + (Xorigin)
To convert raw analog-to-digital converter data:
Yamplitude = (Ydata)(conversion factor) + Yorigin

For pattern waveforms or waveforms captured when using a precision timebase, you must return the data in XY-format instead of Y-format. This is because unequal time separations exist between the samples.

Eye Format Waveform Data (CGS)

Returns color grade/gray scale database values in ASCII or binary (16-bit integer) format. Color grade/gray scale data is transferred as a two dimensional array consisting of 521 rows by 751 columns for a total number of 391,271 points. This array corresponds to the graticule display, where each point contains a sample hit count. The array is transferred column by column, starting with the lower left corner of the graticule.

The time for any column of data points:
Xtime = (Xcolumn)(Xincrement) + (Xorigin)
To amplitude for any data point at a given row:
Yamplitude = (Yrow)(Yincrement) + Yorigin