Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax

:WAVeform:XML:READ? <source waveform>
<source waveform> Parameter
Source Waveform Parameter
Channel CHAN{1:8}{A|B|C|D}
Differential channel DIFF{1:8}{A|C}
Common mode channel CMOD{1:8}{A|C}
Function output FUNCtion{1:16}
Waveform memory WMEMory{1:8}
(In TDR/TDT Mode, used for displaying T-domain parameters
and S-parameters.)


Directly returns the waveform data from waveform memory or from channels, differentials, common modes, functions, or traces. The returned data is in the internal waveform format. This is the same data format used when saving waveform data to FlexDCA's file system (.wfmx) using the :DISK:WAVeform:SAVE and :DISK:WAVeform:SAVE:FTYPe WINTernal commands. The returned data is comprised of an ASCII XML header followed by binary waveform data. The waveform's vertical and horizontal scaling parameters are included. The advantage of using this query is that the returned waveform data is read directly by your program without first having to command FlexDCA to save the data to a file.

Once the data is returned, your program can save the data to a file or write the data into one of FlexDCA's eight waveform memories using the :WAVeform:XML:WRITe command.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.80 and above.

Python Example

This script demonstrates FlexDCA's :WAVeform:XML:READ? and :WAVeform:XML:WRITe? queries. Waveform data is:

  1. Returned from FlexDCA's Channel 1A.
  2. Written into FlexDCA's waveform memory 2.
  3. Saved to a waveform file (.wfmx) in the script folder.