
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax

:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? "<package/legacy license>"

Where <package/legacy license> is the identification string representing a package license or a legacy feature license.

Query Response

Boolean, 1 or 0


Returns 1 (true) if the specified package or legacy license is installed and 0 (false) if the license is not enabled. Always send the :SYST:SOFT:LIC:REFResh command before sending the :SYST:SOFT:LIC:BORRow query.

The following tables list the valid package and legacy license arguments for this query. These parameter strings are identical to those returned by the *OPT? common command. Be sure to enclose the parameter with quote characters. Entering an other parameter (or no parameter) results in an –224, Illegal parameter value message. To return the version of an installed package license, use the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:VERSion? command.

Query Argument Returned Description Name Description
L-MFG N1010200A Manufacturing Package
L-RND N1010100A Research and Development Package
L-SNT N1010300A Signal Integrity Package
Legacy Features
Query Argument Returned Description Name Description
200 EnhancedJitterAnalysis Enhanced Jitter Analysis
201 AdvancedWaveformAnalysis Advanced Waveform Analysis
202 AdvancedTDRAnalysis Enhanced Impedance and S-Parameters
300 AmplitudeAnalysis Advanced Amplitude Analysis/RIN/Q-Factor
401 401AdvancedEye Advanced Eye Analysis
500 ProductivityPackage Productivity Package
AFR DCA_Automatic_Fixture_Removal Automatic Fixture Removal in TDR Mode
CA4 CAUI-4_IEEE_DCA_Application IEEE 802.3bm-2015 CAUI-4 Measurements
CEI OIF_CEI_Compliance_Application OIF CEI Compliance Application
CES OIF_CEI_Compliance_App_Switch OIF CEI Compliance Switch Control
DCA DCA_HostedOperation Support for all DCA-X mainframe SW options, hosted mode
EYE FlexEye FlexEye Independent Eye Acquisition and Analysis
HST SFF-8431_Host_Meas_Suite SFF-8431 Host Measurement Suite
IE1 IEEE_802_3_10G-KR_40G-KR4 IEEE 802.3ap/ba, Clauses 72,84
IE2 IEEE_802_3_XLAUI_CAUI_nPPI IEEE 802.3ba, Clauses 83A,83B,86A
IE3 IEEE_802_3_40G-CR4_100G-CR10 IEEE 802.3ba, Clause 85
IE4 IEEE_802_3_100G-KR4_100G-CR4 IEEE 802.3bj, Clauses 92,93
IES IEEE_802_3_100G-KR4_CR4_Switch IEEE 802.3 Compliance Switch Control
MOD SFF-8431_Module_Meas_Suite SFF-8431 Module Measurement Suite
MYC DCA_UserDefinedApplication User Defined Application
MYS DCA_UserDefinedApp_Switch User Defined Application Switch Control
PAM PAM_N_Analysis PAM-N Analysis Software
PM1 PAM-4_IEEE_DCA_Application IEEE 802.3bs Draft PAM4 Measurements
PM2 N1091BSCA IEEE 802.3bs/cd Measurement Application
PM2U N1091BSUA IEEE 802.3bs/cd Measurement Application, N1085A Upgrade
PM4 PAM-4_OIF-CEI_DCA_Application OIF-CEI 56G Draft PAM4 Measurements
PM5 N109256CA OIF-CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR Measurement Application
PM5U N109256UA OIF-CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR Measurement Application, N1085A Upgrade
PMS PAM-4_DCA_Switch_Option IEEE 802.3 Compliance Switch Control
SFS SFF-8431_Meas_Suite_Switch SFF-8431 Measurement Suite Switch Control
SIM InfiniiSim-DCA InfiniiSim-DCA Waveform Transformation Toolset
TDQ TDECQ TDECQ Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure for PAM4

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.00 and above.

Example Command Sequence

The status variable will contain either a 1 for success or a 0 for failure.

status= FlexDCA.write(':SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow? "L-RND", 5')
status = FlexDCA.write(':SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? "L-RND"')