
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax

:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:VERSion? "<package license>"

Where <package license> is the identification string representing a package license.

Query Response

Boolean, 1 or 0


Returns the version date of an installed package license in the form of "1.000". Before sending this command, always confirm that the package license is installed using the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? command. The following table lists the valid package license parameters for this query. These are the same strings returned by the *OPT? common command. Notice that valid parameters start with the "L-" characters. Be sure to enclose the parameter with quote characters. Entering an other parameter (or no parameter) results in an –224, Illegal parameter value message.

Package License Arguments
Package Query Argument
Research and Development Package L-RND
Manufacturing Package L-MFG
Signal Integrity Package L-SNT
N1002014A 14 Port Switch License Package L-SW17
N1002048A 48 Port Switch License Package L-SW48
N1002128A 128 Port Switch License Package L-128

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.00 and above.

Example Query

:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? "L-RND"