
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax

:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:VERSion? "<package license>"

Where <package license> is the identification string representing a package license.

Query Response

Boolean, 1 or 0


Returns the version date of an installed package license in the form of "1.000". Before sending this command, always confirm that the package license is installed using the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? command. The following table lists the valid package license parameters for this query. These are the same strings returned by the *OPT? common command. Notice that valid parameters start with the "L-" characters. Be sure to enclose the parameter with quote characters. Entering an other parameter (or no parameter) results in an –224, Illegal parameter value message.

Query Argument Returned Description Name Description
L-MFG N1010200A Manufacturing Package
L-RND N1010100A Research and Development Package
L-SNT N1010300A Signal Integrity Package

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.00 and above.

Example Query

:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? "L-RND"