:SYSTem Subsystem

Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Use :SYSTem subsystem commands to set the FlexOTO's overall state. For example, use these commands for tasks such as:

  • Perform a default setup.
  • Query any programming error codes.
  • Specifies the byte order (endiannes) of returned binary data.
  • Manage licenses.

:SYSTem commands can be sent to both FlexOTO Hardware Diagram and to FlexOTO Stations.

Managing Licenses

Use the command links listed in this topic's Package and Licenses Commands panel to manage your licenses. To check if a license is installed or borrowed, send the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:INSTalled? query. To borrow a license, send the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow? query. You must precede each of these queries with the :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:REFResh command to ensure that the licensing state is up to date.

Why are some license queries not implemented as commands?

The :SYSTem:SOFTware SCPI node does not have :STATus queries. But your script must have a response in order to confirm if the request has been implemented. For example, to borrow a license, you might expect the commands to be as shown below. But, these commands will result in an error as there is no :STATus? child command:

FlexDCA.write(:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow "L-RND", 5')
status = FlexDCA.query('SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow:STATus?

Instead, this request must be sent as the query shown here. The success or failure of the request to borrow a license is returned to the status variable and will be either 1 (success) or 0 (failure).

status = FlexDCA.write(':SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow? "L-RND", 5')