Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
Keysight.SA.Vsa Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly : Keysight.SA.Vsa Namespace

Glossary Item Box


ClassAlwaysEventCondition Always runs actions, regardless of any EventRule.DataSources values'.
ClassContext A class providing access to Context properties and methods.
ClassContextCollection This collection contains the set of Context objects currently loaded in the application.
ClassContextExtension A base class providing extensibility for Context properties and methods.
ClassDataHeaderEventDataSourceExtension A EventDataSourceExtension type that can be used to query a result from a summary table.
ClassEventAction An EventAction performs a particular action based on a EventRule.
ClassEventActionCollection A collection of EventActions.
ClassEventActionExtension A class that can be used to perform an action when an EventRule's EventCondition is satisfied.
ClassEventBasedActions Configures what actions to perform based on certain Rules.
ClassEventBasedActionsLog Configures event logging for EventBasedActions and provides access to the log events.
ClassEventBasedActionsLogEntry A class that contains information about an event that occurred.
ClassEventBasedActionsLogEntryCollection A collection of EventBasedActionsLogEntrys.
ClassEventCondition A class that can be used to evaluate whether an EventRule's EventRule.Actions should be performed.
ClassEventDataSource An EventDataSource supplies data for the EventCondition of an EventRule.
ClassEventDataSourceCollection A collection of EventDataSources.
ClassEventDataSourceExtension A class that can be used to extract data from the VSA for use with EventConditions.
ClassEventRule A EventRule defines which Actions to perform, based on a particular EventCondition, based on the data from the DataSources
ClassEventRuleCollection A collection of EventRules.
ClassMacroEventActionExtension Pause measurement and run the specified macro.
ClassMeasurementControlEventActionExtension Pause or Restart a measurement.
ClassStatusMessage A class that contains information about the validation of an object's current setup.
ClassSummaryTableEventDataSourceExtension A EventDataSourceExtension type that can be used to query a result from a summary table.
ClassThresholdEventCondition An EventCondition that checks an EventDataSource value to see if it meets certain thresholds.
ClassTraceEventDataSourceExtension A EventDataSourceExtension type that can be used to query a result from a Trace.
ClassTraceMarkerEventDataSourceExtension A EventDataSourceExtension type that can be used to query a marker value from a Trace.
ClassTrendEventActionExtension Provide trend lines and statistics for values from EventDataSources.


EnumerationEventBasedActionsLogEntryStatus Status of EventBasedActionsLogEntry.
EnumerationEventBasedMarkerResultType Type of result from a Agilent.SA.Vsa.Marker.
EnumerationMeasurementControlAffectedMeasurementsSelection Indicates which measurement(s) should be affected.
EnumerationMeasurementControlOperation Indicates how the measurement(s) should be controlled.
EnumerationOverallStatus Indicates overall validation status.
EnumerationStatusMessageErrorLevel Indicates the status of an individual StatusMessage.
EnumerationThresholdOperator Indicates the operator used to compare the value with the threshold(s).
EnumerationTrendlineXAxisUnit Indicates what the X-Axis unit should be for event-based action trend lines.

See Also