Embedded LO Measurements

The Embedded LO feature allows you to make VMC, SMC, IMDx, GCX, and NFX measurements of mixers that have a FIXED LO inside the DUT.  Learn how to make IMX Spectrum measurements on converters with an Embedded LO.

Note: This feature is available as Opt 084, and must be enabled.

In this topic:

Overview - How the PNA measures the embedded LO

Measurements of these devices are challenging for a couple of reasons:

  1. The VMC measurement process requires the use of a reference mixer that has the same LO frequency as the DUT. A separate internal or external source must be used for the reference mixer LO. A PNA with an internal second source is much faster. This source (Internal or External) MUST be controlled by the PNA! Learn how.

  2. All Embedded LO measurements require the PNA receivers to be tuned to the correct frequency to measure the mixer output, which is highly dependent on the exact LO frequency.

The nominal frequency of the embedded LO is input into the Mixer Setup dialog. This is used as a starting point for the measurement.

Before each DUT measurement sweep, background sweeps are made to determine the frequency of the embedded LO to a configurable degree of accuracy.

Background sweeps...

To measure a DUT with an Embedded LO:

  1. Create a VMC, SMC, IMDx, IMx Spectrum, GCX, or NFX measurement.

  2. In the mixer setup dialog, enter the nominal frequency of the embedded LO as the LO frequency.

  3. Perform a calibration as usual.

  4. Launch and complete the Embedded LO Mode dialog box (below)

For VMC with Embedded LO:

(The other mixer applications do NOT require a reference mixer.)

The LO source for the Reference Mixer can be either:

This source (Internal or External) MUST be controlled by the PNA. To control the source, set the LO1 source in the Mixer Setup tab to whichever source (external, port 3, or port 4) that is driving the reference mixer.

During Calibration - The LO source is shared between the Reference Mixer and the Calibration Mixer/Filter. This requires a splitter when using an external source, as shown in the following image.

During the Measurement - Only the Reference Mixer uses the LO source.  Terminate the LO source port that is no longer used by the Calibration Mixer/Filter to ensure that the match seen by the Reference Mixer LO port does not change after the calibration, as shown in the following image.  This precaution is not necessary when using the internal second source (ports 3 and 4) of the PNA-X.


For SMC, IMDx, IMxSpectrum, and NFX measurements:

No unique setup is required for embedded LO measurements.


How to Launch the Embedded LO Mode dialog box

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using a mouse with PNA Menus

  1. Not Available

  1. Click Response

  2. then Measure

  3. then Embedded LO


Embedded LO dialog box help

The Tuning Settings balance LO measurement speed versus accuracy. You can see that accuracy is becoming compromised when noise starts to appear on the measurement trace.

Scroll up to learn more about the Embedded LO measurement process.

Embedded LO Mode On  Check to enable measurement of the Embedded LO.

Tuning Point  Select, or specify, the data point in the mixer sweep that will be used to find the embedded LO frequency. If a marker is enabled, that data point can be used. For broadband and Precise sweeps, choose a point in the mixer sweep where noise is least likely to be found, such as the point of highest gain. This is generally the center of a sweep or the center of a filter if used.

LO Frequency Delta  The absolute difference between the measured embedded LO frequency and the LO setting that is entered in the Mixer Setup dialog. This value is updated each time the embedded LO frequency is measured.  Entering a value is a way to change the LO frequency on the mixer setup without invalidating the calibration.

Reset  Set the LO Frequency Delta back to 0 Hz.

Find Now  The PNA finds and measures the actual LO frequency using the current dialog settings. This data is displayed in the Status box.

Tuning Settings  These settings determine the amount of time spent versus the degree of accuracy to which the LO Frequency is measured.  You can see that accuracy is becoming compromised when noise starts to appear on the measurement trace.

Reset  Set all Tuning Settings back to the defaults.

Broadband and Precise Does the entire tuning process for each background sweep. See the Overview for more information.

Precise only  Does NOT perform broadband tuning on each sweep. Use this setting when the embedded LO is stable. The signal (after broadband) must be within ½ the tuning IFBW.  If the signal will always be within ½ the IFBW, broadband tuning is not needed. Most satellite components are within 3 kHz absolute so might not need broadband tuning.

Disable tuning  Only the previously measured LO Frequency Delta is applied to the reference mixer LO and PNA receivers.

Sweep Span  Narrowing the sweep span limits the number of data points that are measured in the broadband sweep and makes the measurement faster.  Sweep span should be less than 14 MHz.  The resolution of the broadband mode is the tuning IFBW.

Max Iterations  The maximum number of Precise sweeps to make. When this number is reached, the final measurement is used.

Tolerance  When two consecutive Precise measurements are made within this value, the final measurement is used. If this is not achieved within the Max Iterations value, then the last measurement is used. This is the best of the 'Tunings settings' to change to improve accuracy.

Tuning IFBW  IF Bandwidth used for Broadband and Precise tuning sweeps. This sets the resolution in the Broadband sweeps and sets the max error (1/2 IFBW) for precise tuning. The larger the IFBW, the faster the sweep, but the signal may not be found.

Tune every  Set the interval at which tuning is performed before a measurement sweep. 'Tune every 3 sweeps' means that every third measurement sweep is preceded by tuning sweeps. If the embedded LO drifts, or if regularly changing DUTs, use 'Tune every 1 sweep'.

Status  Allows textual and graphical representation of the Embedded LO measurement sweeps.

Clear  Removes the text information currently being displayed.

Graph  Launches the following graphical (spectrum analyzer type) display sweeps of the latest embedded LO measurement.



Embedded LO Diagnostic dialog box help

This dialog appears when Graph is clicked on the Embedded LO dialog.

Presents a graphical (spectrum analyzer type) display of the latest embedded LO measurement.

Click Previous and Next to view available Broadband and Precise sweeps. The LO Frequency is displayed in the Marker annotation.

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