Controls the marker settings used to remotely output specific data to the computer.
CALCulate:MARKer: COMPression | LEVel | PIN? | POUT? COUPling | METHod | [STATe] FUNCtion | APEak | DOMain | USER | STARt | STOP | EXECute | [SELect] | TRACking REFerence | [STATe] | X | Y?
Click on a keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Critical Note: CALCulate commands act on the selected measurement. You can select one measurement for each channel using Calc:Par:MNUM or Calc:Par:Select. Learn more.
Important: Learn about programming the reference marker.
(Write-only) Turns all markers off for selected measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the data point (bucket) number of the trace on which the marker resides. When the markers are interpolated (non-discrete), the returned value is the nearest marker bucket position. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<n> |
Marker number to move or query. The marker must already exist. If unspecified, <n> is set to 1. |
<num> |
Data point (bucket) number. Choose any data point between: 0 and the number of data points minus 1. |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:BUCK 5 calculate2:marker2:bucket 200 |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<n>:BUCKet? |
Return Type |
Integer |
The first marker is set to the middle of the span. Subsequent markers are set to the bucket number of the previously active marker. |
(Read-Write) Turns on and sets markers 1 through 4 to calculate filter bandwidth. The <num> parameter sets the value below the maximum bandwidth peak that establishes the bandwidth of a filter. For example, if you want to determine the filter bandwidth 3 db below the bandpass peak value, set <num> to -3. To turn off the Bandwidth markers, either turn them off individually or turn them All Off. The analyzer screen will show either Bandwidth statistics OR Trace statistics; not both. To search a User Range with the bandwidth search, first activate marker 1 and set the desired User Range. Then send the CALC:MARK:BWID command. The user range used with bandwidth search only applies to marker 1 searching for the max value. The other markers may fall outside the user range. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<num> |
Target value below filter peak. Choose any number between :-500 and 500 |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer:BWIDth? |
Return Type |
Numeric - Four Character values separated by commas: bandwidth, center Frequency, Q, loss. |
-3 |
(Read-Write) Set and read the marker compression level. A compression marker must already exist. Use CALC:MARK ON and CALC:MARK:FUNC COMP to create compression markers. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Compression level. Choose any number between: -500 dB to 500 dB Standard gain compression values are positive. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer:COMPression:LEVel? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
+1 |
(Read-only) Reads the input power at the marker compression level. First send CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXEC COMP or CALC:MARK:FUNC:TRAC ON |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not applicable |
(Read-only) Reads the output power at the marker compression level. First send CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXEC COMP or CALC:MARK:FUNC:TRAC ON |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not applicable |
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the scope of Coupled Markers. This is a global setting that affects all markers. Learn more. Note: This command will not take effect until Coupled Markers is turned on using CALC:MARK:COUP:STATe ON. Note: The preset behavior of Coupled Markers depends on the setting of SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCControl, SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCMethod, and SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCPRest. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<char> |
CHANnel - Coupling is limited to traces in the same channel. ALL - Coupling occurs across all channels. |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:COUP:METH CHAN calculate:marker:coupling all |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MARKer:COUPling:METHod? |
Return Type |
Character |
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the state of Coupled Markers (ON and OFF). The scope of coupled markers can be changed with CALC:MARK:COUP:METH. |
Parameters |
<ON|OFF> |
OFF (0) - Turns Coupled Markers OFF ON (1) - Turns Coupled Markers ON |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MARKer:COUPling:[STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
(Read-Write) Specifies whether marker is relative to the Reference marker or absolute. Note: The reference marker must already be turned ON with CALC:MARK:REF:STATE. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<ON|OFF> |
ON (or 1) - Specified marker is a Delta marker OFF (or 0) - Specified marker is an ABSOLUTE marker |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:DELT ON calculate2:marker8:delta off |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:DELTa? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
(Read-Write) Makes the specified marker display either a calculated value between data points (interpolated data) or the actual data points (discrete data). |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<ON|OFF> |
ON (or 1) - Specified marker displays the actual data points |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:DISCrete? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
(Read-Write) Set or query marker distance on a time domain trace. The Write command moves the marker to the specified distance value. Once moved, you can read the Y axis value or read the X-axis time value. (Distance is calculated from the X-axis time value.) The Read command reads the distance of the marker. If the marker is set as delta, the WRITE and READ data is relative to the reference marker. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Marker distance in the unit of measure specified with CALC:TRAN:TIME:MARK:UNIT |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:DISTance? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
(Read-Write) Sets the format of the data that will be returned in a marker data query CALC:MARK:Y? and the displayed value of the marker readout. The selection does not have to be the same as the measurement's display format. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from: MLINear - Linear magnitude MLOGarithmic - Logarithmic magnitude IMPedance - (R+jX) ADMittance - (G+jB) PHASe - Phase IMAGinary - Imaginary part (Im) REAL - Real part (Re) POLar - (Re, Im) GDELay - Group Delay LINPhase - Linear Magnitude and Phase LOGPhase - Log Magnitude and Phase KELVin - temperature FAHRenheit - temperature CELSius - - temperature NOISe - Noise (available ONLY in IM Spectrum and SA measurement classes). |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FORMat? |
Return Type |
Character |
DEFault |
(Read-Write) Sets amplitude peak excursion for the specified marker. The Excursion value determines what is considered a "peak". This command applies to marker peak searches (Next peak, Peak Right, Peak Left). |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any existing marker number from 1 to 10; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Excursion value. Choose any number between -500 and 500. Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:APEak:EXCursion? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
3 |
(Read-Write) Sets peak threshold for the specified marker. If a peak (using the criteria set with :EXCursion) is below this reference value, it will not be considered when searching for peaks. This command applies to marker peak searches (Next peak, Peak Right, Peak Left). |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Threshold value.Choose any number between -500 and 500. Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:APEak:THReshold? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
-100 |
(Read-Write) Assigns the specified marker to a range number. The x-axis travel of the marker is constrained to the range's span. The span is specified with the CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER:START and STOP commands, unless range 0 is specified which is the full span of the analyzer. Each channel has 16 user ranges. (Trace statistics use the same ranges.) More than one marker can use a domain range. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<span> |
User span. Choose any Integer from 0 to 16 0 is Full Span of the analyzer 1 to 16 are available for user-defined x-axis span |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER[:RANGe]? Returns the user span number that the specified marker is assigned to. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 - Full Span |
(Read-Write) Sets the start of the span that the specified marker's x-axis span will be constrained to. Use CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER<range> to set range number Use CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER:STOP to set the stop value. Note: If the marker is assigned to range 0 (full span), the USER:STARt and STOP commands generate an error. You cannot set the STARt and STOP values for "Full Span". Note: This command does the same as CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER:STAR |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<start> |
The analyzer's Minimum x-axis value |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER:STARt? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
The analyzer's Minimum x-axis value |
(Read-Write) Sets the stop of the span that the marker's x-axis travel will be constrained to. Use CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER<range> to set range number Use CALC:MARK:FUNC:DOM:USER:STARt to set the stop value. Note: If the marker is assigned to range 0 (full span), the USER:STARt and STOP commands generate an error. You cannot set the STARt and STOP values for "Full Span". Note: This command does the same as CALC:FUNC:DOM:USER:STOP |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<stop> |
Stop value of x-axis span; Choose any number between the analyzer's MINimum and MAXimum x-axis value. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:DOMain:USER:STOP? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
The analyzer's MAXimum x-axis value. |
(Write-only) Immediately executes (performs) the specified search function. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<func> |
The function to be performed. Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
(Read-Write) Sets the search function that the specified marker will perform when executed. Use CALC:MARK:FUNC:TRAC ON to automatically execute the search every sweep. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Marker function. Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion[:SELect]? |
Return Type |
Character |
(Read-Write) Sets the target value for the specified marker when doing Target Searches with CALC:MARK:FUNC:SEL <TARGet | RTARget | LTARget> |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Target value to search for; Units are NOT allowed. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:TARGet[:VALue]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
(Read-Write) Sets the tracking capability for the specified marker. The tracking function finds the selected search function every sweep. In effect, turning Tracking ON is the same as doing a CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXECute command every sweep. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<ON | OFF> |
ON (or 1) - The specified marker will "Track" (find) the selected function every sweep. OFF (or 0) - The specified marker will find the selected function only when the CALC:MARK:FUNC:EXECute command is sent. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:FUNCtion:TRACking? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
(Read-Write) Turns the reference marker ON or OFF. When turned OFF, existing Delta markers revert to general-purpose markers. Important: Learn about programming the reference marker. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<ON | OFF> |
ON (or 1) - turns reference marker ON OFF (or 0) - turns reference marker ON |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer:REFerence[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
(Read-Write) Sets and returns the absolute x-axis value of the reference marker. Important: Learn about programming the reference marker. |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<num> |
X-axis value. Choose any number within the operating domain of the reference marker. |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:REF:X 1e9 calculate2:marker:reference:x 1e6 |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer:REFerence:X? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
If the first Marker, turns ON in the middle of the X-axis span. If not, turns ON at the position of the active marker. |
(Read-only) Returns the absolute Y-axis value of the reference marker. Important: Learn about programming the reference marker. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:REF:Y? calculate2:marker:reference:y? |
Return Type |
Character |
Not applicable |
(Write-only) Sets the selected instrument setting to assume the value of the specified marker. Marker Functions CENT, SPAN, STARt, and STOP do not work with channels that are in CW or Segment Sweep mode. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
(Read-Write) Turns the specified marker ON or OFF. To turn all markers off, use CALC:MARK:AOFF. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<ON|OFF> |
ON (or 1) - turns marker ON. OFF (or 0) - turns marker OFF. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:STATe? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
Off |
(Read-Write) Sets the type of the specified marker. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
NORMal |
(Read-Write) Sets the marker's X-axis value (frequency, power, or time). If the marker is set as delta, the SET and QUERY data is relative to the reference marker. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Any X-axis position within the measurement span of the marker. Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
CALC:MARK:X 100Mhz |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:X? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
First Marker turns ON in the middle of the X-axis span. Subsequent markers turn ON at the position of the active marker. |
(Read-only) Reads the marker's Y-axis value. The format of the value depends on the current CALC:MARKER:FORMAT setting. If the marker is set as delta, the data is relative to the reference marker. The query always returns two numbers:
Note: To accurately read the marker Y-axis value with trace smoothing applied, the requested format must match the displayed format. Otherwise, the returned value is un-smoothed data. For example, to read the smoothed marker value when measuring group delay, both the display format and the marker format must be set to (Group) Delay. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<mkr> |
Any marker number from 1 to 15; if unspecified, value is set to 1. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MARKer<mkr>:Y? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not applicable |