Last updated: January 16, 2009
This section is only applicable to the lab application.
When a UE changes its TFC, it must change its output power in accordance with any resulting change in data rate. The 3GPP TS 34.121 5.6 Change of TFC test addresses the case of an uplink 12.2k RMC operating in DTX (Discontinuous Transmission) mode, wherein the DPDCH is periodically turned off. The test confirms that the UE's output power level changes properly when its DPDCH is turned off.
The change of TFC measurement requires an RB Test Mode connection between the test set and UE, in either loopback mode 1 or 2. When the measurement is initiated, the test set stops sending a constant stream of data (to be looped back by the UE), and instead sends a block of data, then a block of no data, repeatedly. This causes the UE to turn its DPDCH on and off on a block-by-block basis. The test set monitors the uplink TFCI and the change of TFC measurement is triggered when the TFCI indicates no data is present on the DPDCH (the DPDCH is thus off for that block). The test set then measures the mean power in the timeslot before and after the transition from DPDCH on to DPDCH off, and before and after the transition from DPDCH off to DPDCH on. The power measurements do not include the transient periods of 25 us on either side of the timeslot boundaries. Thus, the measurement interval is 2368 chips, or 617 us. The measurement then reports the step change in power (
P as described in 3GPP TS 34.121 5.6) for both transitions (see
Step Down Relative Power (in dB)
Step Up Relative Power (in dB)
Before performing the change of TFC measurement, you must:
Operating Mode
Active Cell Operating Mode
.The following settings are recommended based on the 3GPP TS 34.121 5.6 requirements:
0 dBm
Alternating bits
. This ensures that
No other measurements can be running when a change of TFC measurement is performed. If any measurements are running when a change of TFC measurement is initiated, they are closed and a message is displayed to indicate that they were closed. Likewise, if any other measurements are initiated while a change of TFC measurement is running, the change of TFC measurement is closed and a message is displayed.
See Statistical Measurement Results . When multi-measurement count is on, the test set measures the mean power in the timeslot before and after the transition from DPDCH on to DPDCH off, and before and after the transition from DPDCH off to DPDCH on, and then repeats for the next available DPDCH on/off/on transition until the requested number of samples has been taken.
See Measurement Timeouts .
The following four parameters can be independently set for the 12.2k RMC, 33k No Coding RMC, 64k RMC, 144k RMC and 384k RMCs:
You can specify the expected step down change in power for each RMC.
Step Down Pass/Fail
is determined using this
Step Down Size
setting and the
Step Error Limit: Upper
Step Error Limit: Lower
You can specify the expected step up change in power for each RMC.
Step Up Pass/Fail
is determined using this
Step Up Size
setting and the
Step Error Limit: Upper
Step Error Limit: Lower
You can specify the upper limit for the difference between the expected
Step Down Size
Step Up Size
and the measured step change in power for each RMC.
Step Down Pass/Fail
Step Up Pass/Fail
are determined using this
Step Error Limit: Upper
setting and the
Step Error Limit: Lower
You can specify the lower limit for the difference between the expected
Step Down Size
Step Up Size
and the measured step change in power for each RMC.
Step Down Pass/Fail
Step Up Pass/Fail
are determined using the
Step Error Limit: Upper
setting and
this Step Error Limit: Lower
Step Down Relative Power
is the mean power while the DPDCH is off minus the mean power while the DPDCH is on, for an on-to-off transition.
Step Down Error
is the difference between the measured
Step Down Relative Power (in dB)
and the
Step Down Size
setting. If
Multi-Measurement Count
is on, the error of the greatest magnitude is reported.
Fail is returned if Step Down Error (in dB) is greater than Step Error Limit: Upper or less than Step Error Limit: Lower .
Pass is returned if Step Down Error (in dB) is less than or equal to Step Error Limit: Upper and greater than or equal to Step Error Limit: Lower .
Step Up Relative Power
is the mean power while the DPDCH is on minus the mean power while the DPDCH is off, for an off-to-on transition.
Step Up Error
is the difference between the measured
Step Up Relative Power (in dB)
and the
Step Up Size
setting. If
Multi-Measurement Count
is on, the error of the greatest magnitude is reported.
Fail is returned if Step Up Error (in dB) is greater than Step Error Limit: Upper or less than Step Error Limit: Lower .
Pass is returned if Step Up Error (in dB) is less than or equal to Step Error Limit: Upper and greater than or equal to Step Error Limit: Lower .
You must calibrate this measurement using the measurement calibration procedure (see Calibrating the Test Set ).