Query Syntax
Query Response
Returns <frequency> which is a double.
From the JSA memory database, returns the clock recovery emulation's frequency of the approximate loop bandwidth of the PLL for a third-order PLL loop. To return the frequency at which the Jitter Transfer Function (JTF) starts to roll-off at 40 dB/decade, use the :JSAMemory:PLLoop:FPOLe?
query. To return the frequency at which the Observed Jitter Transfer Function (OJTF) starts to roll-off at 40 dB/decade, use the :JSAMemory:PLLoop:FZERo?
query. To determine which type of transfer function (JTF or OJTF) is defined in the JSA memory database, use the :JSAMemory:PLLoop:MODE?
with Zero, Pole, and Gain Frequencies

JSA requires an 86108A/B module with Option JSA. To use JSA in Jitter Mode, L-RND package license (includes feature F-JIT Enhanced Jitter Analysis) is required.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.50 and above.