
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax


This command supports the STATus? and STATus:REASon? common child commands.


This command queries the amplitude of a Y-axis manual-line marker or tracking marker pair. In TDR/TDT mode, with S-parameter magnitude, phase, and group delay waveforms displayed, you can create one tracking marker at an X value that has three different Y values, one from each waveform at the same X value. In other words, this single tracking marker has three Y values at the same X position. All three Y values are shown in additional Magnitude columns in the marker results table. The following table shows how to identify the Y values in the query. Each waveform is identified using a letter from A to C.

Example of Querying S-Parameter Y Marker Values
Y Value Example Marker 2 Query
Magnitude Y Value :MEASure:MARKer:Y2A?
Phase Y Value :MEASure:MARKer:Y2B?
Group Delay Y Value :MEASure:MARKer:Y2C?

To turn on a marker, use the commands in the :MARKer subsystem.

Example Command Sequence


Measurement Ready?

To confirm that the measurement is ready to read, you can query the measurement's status:

if ('CORR' in Flex.query(':STATus?')):
	measurement = Flex.query('?')

If averaging is turned on (:ACQuire:AVERaging), you can also confirm if the measurement result is ready by comparing the number of specified averages (:ACQuire:ECOunt?) versus the number of measurement sweeps that have occurred (:COUNt?). The technique uses the :COUNt? common measurement query. For example,

if (Flex.query(':COUNt?') >= Flex.query(':ACQuire:ECOUNt?')):
	measurement = Flex.query('?')

You can also use an acquisition limit lest to test that a number of waveform samples, or pattern acquisitions have completed before returning a measurement. Refer to the :LTESt:ACQuire:CTYPe command.

Common Measurement Child Queries

This command supports the use of the following common measurement queries: :LOCation?, :COUNt?, :MAXimum?, :MINimum?, :MEAN?, and :SDEViation?.