
Instrument mode:
Package License:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:OSCilloscope:LIST:ITEM{1:64}:REGion {REGion{1:8} | DISPlay}

Where {1:64} identifies a measurement cell in the Results table. For example, ITEM4.

Query Syntax


Query Response



Changes, applies, or removes a measurement region on an existing Oscilloscope Mode measurement that is listed in the Results table. The command's :ITEM{1:64}: SCPI node identifies the measurement in the table. The measurement's identifying item number starts at 1 at the top of table and increment down the table. If more that one measurement is displayed per row, the measurements are numbered starting at the tables top-left corner and is incremented row-column ending in the tables bottom right corner.

You can select to perform the measurement over any of eight possible measurement regions with the REGion{1:8} argument. Or, you can remove any applied region with the DISPlayargument to perform the measurement over the entire display.

The query form of this command is always available. Sending the command form requires a Manufacturing, Signal Integrity, or Research and Development package license with the Enhancements 2020 (F-ENH1) feature. Sending the command without this feature results in the message -300, Device-specific error; The feature Enhancements 2020 is unlicensed.

The :MEASure:OSCilloscope:LIST:SELect command is not related to this task.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.55 and above.

Example Command Sequence

To change the measurement region for an existing rise time measurement in the first row of the Results table. The measurement is made over region 1 and region 2.

:MEASure:REGions:STATe ON;  # create on 2 regions
:MEASure:REGions:COUNt 2;
:MEASure:REGions1:X1 6.739E-11;  # define regions 
:MEASure:REGions1:X2 1.4142E-10; 
:MEASure:REGions2:X1 7.5142E-10; 
:MEASure:REGions2:X2 8.5142E-10; 
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:SOURce CHAN1A; # select source
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:REGion REGion1; # select region 1
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:TEDGe:DIRection:RISing;  # select rising edge
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:LIST:ITEM1:REGion REGion2;  # change measurement to region 2
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:REGion REGion2;  # match results table region selection