Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above, use the :SLOT:TRIGger:SRATe command.

Command Syntax

:SLOTN:TRIGger:BRATe  <rate>

Where N identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}.

<rate> is a double.

Query Syntax



When using pattern lock, enters the symbol-rate of the trigger source. Automatic detection must be turned off before the entered symbol rate setting is applied (:SLOT{1:8}:TRIGger:BRATe:AUTodetect).

This command applies to an N1092A/B/D Option-PLK DCA-M.

Example Command Sequence

:SLOT5:TRIGger:BRATe 2.0E+10

Child Commands