Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:DCONvolve:FNAMe "<path substitution string>\subfolder\filename"
- N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
- "<path substitution string> is a string that expands into a specific file path. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%.
- "subfolder" is an optional path folder. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%\S-Parameter Data.
- "filename" is a string without the filename extension.
Query Syntax
Opens an S-parameter file that define a basic one-block model for an Apply S4P operator. These files use a filename extension of .s4p. Any time delay added by the S-parameter file will be automatically removed in order to align the input and output waveforms. Use the
command to flip the file's S-parameter data, if needed. Use the :SPRocess:DCONvolve:PORDer
command to reverse the port order used in the file's S-parameter data, if needed. This command supports the DEFault
common child command.
Default User Folder

The default folder for storing S-Parameter files is in %USER_DATA_DIR%\S-Parameter Data
as shown in this picture. It is good practice to include a path substitution string with the filename. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%\S-Parameter Data\filename
File names must include a path when using the child :FNAMe
command. The :FNAMe
command is not affected by a Default Setup or Factory Preset.
Specifying a path using a path substitution string in the filename ensures that the file will be saved in (or loaded from) the standard user-data folder. Failure to use a path substitution string may result either in a file created in an parent folder or a file error.
Example Command Sequence
:FUNCtion2:FOPerator DCONvolve :SPRocess2:DCONvolve:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\S-Parameter Data\DUT_4.s4p" :SPRocess2:DCONvolve:FMODel ON // Flips S-parameters ports :FUNCtion2:COLor TCOLor4 :FUNCtion2:DISPlay ON *OPC? … // Your code to synchronize execution timing.