Message 96


{0} requires an optical signal.


One example of this message is "RIN requires an optical signal". In this case, you may be attempting to use a photoreceiver connected to an electrical channel without configuring the external transducer setup. The RIN measurement will then be available and, if desired, you can also perform a dark calibration on the electrical channel.

To configure an external transducer

  1. Click the External HW button in the electrical channel's Channel setup dialog.
  2. In the Channel External Hardware Setup dialog, select An External Transducer is Connected.
  3. Click Setup.
  4. In the Transducer Conversion Factors dialog, select WATT for the units. Enter the transduce's gain and offset.

To configure an external transducer with SCPI commands

  1. Use the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:STATe command to specify that an external transducer is connected.
  2. Use the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:UNITs command to select WATT as the measurement units.
  3. Use the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:GAIN and :CHANnel:TRANsducer:OFFSet commands to specify the transduce's gain and offset.

This message is displayed in the message area and is reported as a programming error message.