
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:TRANsducer:GAIN <gain>

<gain> is a double.

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Query Syntax



Enters or queries the gain setting for an external transducer. The measurement units of the offset are the same as the measurement units specified with the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:UNITs command. A query of :CHANnel:TRANsducer:GAIN? always returns a positive value even if negative transducer gain is indicated with the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:INVert command,

To apply the transducer compensation, use the :CHANnel:TRANsducer:STATe command.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.80 and above.