Command Syntax
:CHANnel{1:8}{A|B|C|D}:TRANsducer:STATe {OFF | ON}
Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|B|C|D}
identifies a channel by its module slot number and channel letter. For example, channel 3C (CHANnel3C
The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A
. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.
Query Syntax
Turns on and off compensation for an external transducer in the test setup. This allows FlexDCA to measure values and show vertical scaling as if the measurements were made before the transducer rather than at the input to the oscilloscope channel.
- Use
to specify the transducer's gain. - Use
to specify if the transducer inverts the signal. - Use
to specify the transducer's offset. - Use
to specify the unit-of-measurement at the transducer's input.
The following example shows an E/O transducer with a gain of 2.0 W/V and 0V offset. A 50.0 mV one level at the transducer's input would result in a 100 mW optical signal to the oscilloscope's optical channel input. After entering the transducer conversion factors, the oscilloscope would indicate a 50 mV one level. For an offset signal, you would normally adjust the Offset value in the dialog to center the signal on the display. Transducers may produce a positive or negative offset voltage at their output. Enter an Offset value that corresponds to the offset magnitude but with the opposite polarity of the transducer offset. For example, enter a value of –0.5V to compensate for a transducer with an offset of +0.5V. If the transducer inverts the signal, select Invert.
The following table show the relationship between transducer input, gain, and offset measurement units and the oscilloscope's displayed vertical scale.
Transducer Measurement Units | Oscilloscope Vertical Scale/Division |
Transducer Input Units |
Gain Conversion Factor Units | Offset Units | ||
Electrical Output | Optical Output | |||
VOLTs | V/V | W/V | V | V/div |
AMPere* | V/A | — | A | A/div |
WATT | V/W | W/W | W | W/div |
UNKown | V/U# | V/U | U | U/div |
*. Electrical channel only. #. Unknown units. |
If the ratio of the transducer offset to the signal amplitude is greater than 100,000, the resulting resolution results in measurement inaccuracies.
See also external attenuation compensation.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.80 and above.
Example Command
:CHANnel2A:TRANsducer:STATe ON