<Double> Element

UXR Scope
Flex Apps:

The <Double> element adds a User-Defined Control to the User Operator Setup dialog. The control represents a floating-point number. In order for your script to access this setting, the "Name" attribute in the parent <Control> element must be the name of a float script variable. Use the <Min> and <Max> child elements to set limits to the setting. The <Units> child element specifies the units of measurement to show in the control. Although the units are not available or sent to the script, the units serve a reminder of the type of data represented by the control. The <Default> element selects a starting value to populate the setting.

The <Resolution> child element sets a resolution for the setting based on the unit of measurement (without multiplier). For example, in the following picture a "1000" resolution specifies that the value of Fc can be set to a minimum resolution of 1000 Hz. Therefore, using keyboard entry 7.500000 GHz can be changed to 7.500001 GHz. A setting of 1000000 would have limited the resolution to 1 MHz. <Resolution> does not affect the step sizes of the step buttons.

  • <Control Name = "Fc">
  • <Double>
  • <Min>10e6</Min>
  • <Max>1000e9</Max>
  • <Resolution>1000</Resolution>
  • <Units>Hertz</Units>
  • <Default>7.5e9</Default>
  • </Double>
  • </Control>

Parent Elements

Child Elements




  • <Function>
  • <Control Name = "Fc">
  • <Double>
  • <Min>10e6</Min>
  • <Max>1000e9</Max>
  • <Resolution>1000</Resolution>
  • <Units>Hertz</Units>
  • <Default>7.5e9</Default>
  • </Double>
  • </Function>