Creating the XML File

UXR Scope
Flex Apps:
Meas. mode:
Package License:

To create an XML file for defining a user operators, use an ASCII editor, such as Notepad++. The following "clickable" list shows all valid XML elements. Be aware that XML is case sensitive. All content in the XML file must be enclosed by an element. Each element must begin with an opening tag and end with a closing tag. Opening tags are enclosed in < > characters, for example, <Name>. Closing tags are enclosed in </ > characters, for example </Name>. The root element is <Function>, and it is a required element. The file ends with the </Function> closing tag. The <Script> element identifies your script. Some of these elements are the same as those used in defining user measurements. Line indentation indicates element hierarchy, but is not required in your file. The indentation shows that the <Control> element is the child of the <Function> element and the parent of the <Integer> element. In the following list, click on the elements to learn about their use. The only elements that are required to create a valid file are <Function> and <Script>. All other elements are optional.

Click on these elements!

XML Example File

  • <Function>
  • <Name>Eye Meas Filt</Name> <-- Labels measurement button. -->
  • <Abbreviation>EyeFilt</Abbreviation> <-- Labels result in measurement table. -->
  • <Comments>Filter with derating.</Comments> <-- Shown in user measurement setup dialog. -->
  • <Script>Eye Meas Filt.m</Script> <-- File name of Matlab script without extension. -->
  • <Icon>EyeMeasBtn.png</Icon>
  • <FunctionType>2</FunctionType>
  • <Variable Name="Frequency" Value="10.125e9" />
  • <Control Name = "Selections">
  • <Enumeration>
  • <Default>Medium</Default>
  • <Selection>High</Selection>
  • <Selection>Medium</Selection>
  • <Selection>Low</Selection>
  • </Enumeration>
  • </Control>
  • </Function>


You can add comments to your XML files using the <!-- and --> delimiters as shown here. Comments can be on their own line, at the end of a line, or extend over several lines.

<!-- This is my comment! -->