Query Syntax
:CALibrate:MODule:STATus? "<DCA-M-name>", "<DCA-M-channel>"
Where <DCA-M-name> is the N109x-series DCA module's name that is shown on the DCA-M block on the Hardware Diagram. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".
Where <DCA-M-channel> DCA module's optical input channel. For example, "B".
Queries the status of a N109x-series DCA-M module's calibration. The targeted optical channel is identified by a single channel letter (for example, A, B, C, or D
) and does not include a module slot number. One of the following response strings is returned:
- The module does not require a calibration.
- The module requires a calibration.
To return the name's of all DCA-M modules recognized by FlexOTO, send the :CONFigure:MODule:ALL?
query. User the :CONFigure:MODule:ACTive
command to determine which of the modules are placed on the Hardware Diagram.
Use the child queries listed in the following table to return details about the current calibration.
Status Sring | Child Query to Send |
Time of last calibration, Time change since last calibration, and Temperature change since last calibration |
Change in temperature | :TEMPerature?
Change in Time | :TIME?
Example Command
:CALibrate:MODule:STATus? "N1092A-US12341678"