Manual (Definition Source) (802.16 OFDMA)

 Default: Selected (See OFDMA Standard Presets Table.)

Manual sets the VSA to Manual Zone Definition mode.  Manual Zone Definition mode allows manual definition and configuration of the zone definition for the current measurement analysis zones.

To make a complete and correct measurement in Manual mode, the permutation zone definitions must be setup for the current measurement. For Downlink subframe analysis, the default manual zone definition includes the FCH burst.  For Uplink subframe analysis, the default manual zone definition is a 12 symbol UL Up Link (reverse link: from cell phone to base station)-PUSC partial usage of subchannels: Some of the subchannels are allocated to the transmitter. zone with PermBase = 1 and with a single active 35 slot data burst.

Manual Zone Definition mode supports two analysis modes:

Go to the following topics to learn about each of the following Manual Zone Definition mode tasks:

Creating the zone definitions

The Manual Zone Definition mode quickly creates a zone definition for the current measurement. Maually creating a zone definition allows analysis to be performed for the current measurement without the overhead of creating a map file, see Data Burst Analysis Measurement. You can view the current measurement zone definition in the Zone Definition Editor. To create or modify the zone definition, use the Zone Definition Panel.

Saving the Zone Definition to a Map File

After manually creating the zone definitions for the measurement, the zone definitions can be saved to a Map File. Follow these steps to save the current measurement zone definitions to a Map File.

  1. After the zone definitons have been created, select Map fileand then the Edit Map Files button which opens the OFDMA Map Files dialog box.
  2. Select New, which opens the Map File Editordialog box.
  3. Copy the measurement downlink and uplink zone definitions to a Map File:

    For Downlink subframe zones, select Downlink Zones - Copy From.. button.

    For Uplink subframe zones, select Uplink Zones - Copy From.. button.

  4. Select Manual Analysis Zone.
  5. OK.
  6. Close.  (OFDMA Map Files dialog box).

To use the Map File to further analyze the current measurement, change the VSA to Map file mode, click the Edit Map Files,button and select the name from the drop-down list.

The VSA also supports two other zone definition modes, Auto-detect and Map file.  

See Also

Zone Definition Tab (802.16 OFDMA)

Using Map Files (802.16 OFDMA)